Let me get this off my chest: There is nothing wrong with wanting to become a billionaire like society conditioned us to think! Billionaires aren't evil. Evil people are evil. This topic hits too close to home for me. A majority of my past friendships all either remained broke or got a little bit of bread but then ended up losing it in the end. As a reader of the Posimistic Letter, I consider you a close friend. And I don't want my close friends to lose. So it is in my power to do whatever it takes to help you create long-lasting wealth that will hopefully help you live an epic life.
Most people have tried to build another income stream in the past but ended up with failure. I'm willing to bet you also know some of these people as well. Tell me if this sounds familiar: They buy an expensive online course to learn Amazon FBA, Dropshipping, etc. They execute on all the steps inside but still remain at base one. They've bought into the hype of the infinite possibilities the guru told them all about. They've taken the action but the $10k/months still don't hit. What gives? Well, a lot of things could be off but I'm going to be focusing on the principles for this topic. I'm going to share with you my experiences with all these types of business ventures I've started along with some advice I've learned from other businessmen making money ethically. So you're not only getting my personal opinions but also time-tested & proven principles.
False Truths People Have About Money: Money is evil. The richest people in the world are evil & made their money unethically. It takes money to make money. You'll never become a millionaire because no one in your family tree has ever done so...."
These are all limiting beliefs. Every. Single. One. Where did they pick up these thoughts? Whose to say but I believe most of these come from their surroundings. These people grew up with scarcity-based behavior all around them. You can't blame them. They've asked their parents how to make more money but they didn't know how to (which results in the parents telling their children only what they knew). It also comes from their teachers, relatives, mainstream media, etc. Okay, we know where it comes from, now it's time to show you all the ways to build wealth.
P.s. Reasons Why Most People Die Without Getting Wealthy
- They lack discipline
- They don't provide value
- They were never taught better so they settle
- When life gave them an opportunity, they said "No"
- Their ego is programmed to keep them where they are at.
- (Least Common) They did everything they could but still didn't make it. Either because they suffered some extravagant event or died too soon.
There are 3 levels of building wealth: 1) LOSE/LOSE 2) WIN/LOSE 3) WIN/WIN. Let's go through each level to give you all the pros and cons starting with level 1.
LEVEL 1: LOSE/LOSE - You & the other party are worse off after completing the transaction
This level is simple & straightforward. I think we can all agree that no one wants to participate in this level. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I pray that you never have to create one of these transactions for other people. I'm going to show you the best ways at Level 3 but I just wanted to give you a quick overview of level 1 here below.
- Robbing/theft - Doing quick robbery from banks, convenience stores, shops in general. You lose by either getting caught or by reducing your lifestyle to always be in hiding. The shop loses by getting their money/goods stolen.
- Telemarketing Scams - Calling people in vulnerable positions in life promising a solution but lying behind their backs. You lose by either getting caught or by reducing your lifestyle to always be in hiding. The person on the other line loses by getting their money stolen.
- Selling "Snake-Oil" - Selling products that promise to solve a problem but turns out it does not. You lose by getting caught or by reducing your lifestyle to always be in hiding & having to spend so much energy finding new customers. Your customers lose by losing money & still being in pain.
- You get a short sense of adrenaline - However, there are better ways to get a sense of adrenaline like skydiving, video games, outdoor hobbies, etc that don't get you to end up in jail.
- YOU GET MOLA BABY!!!!!!! 💸💰😎 - Yes, you may be able to get something to fake flex on your Instagram. However, it's short-lived & by a HUGE chance, you go to jail. This means you ain't do anyone any favors & now you're worse off. If you haven't got caught yet, you now live a life of devilry. You have to break laws, always be in hiding, & constantly planning the next score. This is not the way my friend.
- You provide no value to the other party & never hear from them again.
- You get thrown in jail for theft, scamming, & so forth
- Your reputation gets tarnished
- If you haven't been caught yet, you'll have to live a reduced lifestyle to constantly avoid the authorities.
- Your reduced lifestyle causes you to cause harm to everyone you meet (Your family is always stressed & worried. Your friends don't want to hang out with you anymore to avoid getting in trouble. Your security can easily be corrupted with a larger sum of money by your enemies.
LEVEL 2: WIN/LOSE - For you to gain something, the other party HAS TO lose something
This stage is pretty prevalent in today's society. Remember, none of these levels are good or bad, they just are. My hopes in showing you all these stages at once, you can get a birds-eye view of what's going on in the world. By doing this, you can know what type of transaction is taking place when the time comes. My take: Do whatever you can to always end up in a WIN/WIN+ scenario.
I'm not a big fan of these ventures but I do have to admit I've started here. My first few business ventures were all about Amazon FBA & Shopify Dropshipping. Being a 17-year-old broke boy, all I wanted to do was make money. That was all I can think about. I grew up in a lower-middle-class home & we lived in a sketchy neighborhood. My thinking process was "Let me just make enough money, not giving an F about the quality of the product, so I can make millions AND THEN become pure!!!!" Looking back at this way of thinking, it was no wonder why ya boy was always chasing the next shiny opportunity & with 0 sales.
- Investing "To Sell" instead of "To Own" - I'm not a fan of investing in stocks/crypto for a couple of reasons.
- 1) If you have less than $10,000 to invest, it's not worth investing all of it into a stock. The returns aren't great enough to justify that high of a risk IMO. Some anomalies get in at the right time but it was based on luck, not a strategy everyone can follow (Ex: The DogeCoin Millionaire).
- 2) When someone makes money (Sells their position), that money is coming from other people's bank account. (For you to win, the other person loses).
- 3) You never know if the stock/crypto is rigged. The people who cash out big have an inner group chat that lets the other members know when the largest holders are about to sell. If you're in one of these group chats, you have an advantage. Although I'm personally staying away from all these types of investment options until I'm hitting $100k months & fully knowledgeable in the thing I'm investing in. But hey, it's just my opinion.
- 4) "When millions are buying to sell: bubble. When millions are buying to own: revolution." - Sahil Lavingia
- Overpricing low-value products & services - This one is straightforward. When you overcharge for your products or services, you get fewer repeat buyers. The question now becomes "what's the best price to price my service?" It depends. Research your competitors' prices. Browse their websites. Check the reviews. Infiltrate free FB groups & start curiously asking some members how to get started.
- Multi-level marketing (MLM) - The classic MLM! By some chance, I can take a guess & say you've encountered one of these if you grew up in a middle-class home. The biggest reason I stay away from this business is because there will always be a ginormous group of people who lose at the bottom. When you win, the next people you recruit will now have to find others who will then also have to recruit more. This chain never ends. They might think "Who cares if they lose, I still make my money" and I would say "Yo bro, you should. The people are the ones who make or break you. Having this 'You against the world' mindset will only hold you back." A majority of the recruiters don't care about their customers, they only care about their bottom line (Sound familiar to Stage Orange Spiral Dynamics?). Well, I say f all that. I'm NOT going to sell overpriced health supplements. I'm NOT going to shame people for being poor. I'm NOT going to participate in any of that low consciousness environment anymore. And instead, I'm going to do whatever it takes to create WIN-WIN businesses, even if it means I have to suffer at the beginning. This is the way, my friend.
- Reselling without adding value - Think of buying & reselling domains as an example. You buy a domain name at $12 that you think will be valuable in the future. And when the time comes & a buyer contacts you to buy that domain, you sell it for +$1000. The buyer is fully aware that you bought that domain name for a cheap price. Do you think he feels like he got a good deal from you? No value was created. Do you think he will want to do business with you again in the future?
- Most "low barrier to entry" businesses & adding no value - My journey started here. For the most part, think to yourself "If it's easy to get started, it's probably going to have TONS of competition." To give you an example, let's use Shopify Dropshipping. Anyone with a laptop, internet connection, & free time can start dropshipping. Those are all the requirements you need. Just 3. Because of this, almost anyone that hears about this model who doesn't know any other types of businesses starts here. Including me. In my teens, I created a total of 3 online dropshipping stores. They all failed. But really I was the one that failed dropshipping. All I wanted to do was make money so I didn't spend much time or money getting better photos, writing long-form copy, caring about the customer if they got a good product or not. Nope. From that, I've learned my lesson: Be customer-focused first. This is Amazon's number one rule at their company. They do whatever it takes to make the customer satisfied, even if it means they lose money in the short term (Because they know if they have their customer's trust they will come back & buy more). That's what I like to call Big Payday Energy or BPE for short lol.
- You leave with the other party's money
- Low barrier to entry
- Great for beginners (just make sure to add value & you'll be fine)
- Repeat customers are rare
- Constantly having to hunt for more new customers
- The other party loses
LEVEL 3: +WIN/WIN - After the transaction, you & the other party have gained something new!
Finally, the best stage to be at! This is where you will thrive the most IMO!
- Physical Product Creation - Take a look around you. Everything in your home was most likely created & sold for a profit. Each item you see around you all started as an idea first. Your phone, chair, water bottle, phone charging cable, the paper you're reading this letter on. An entrepreneur created it. People no smarter than you. They just did whatever it took to get over the initial barrier we all face when creating a physical product. Hard to start? Yes. Worth It in the end? ABSOLUTELY!
- Providing A Useful Service - Got a great skillset you can sell as a service? If so, market it! If not, start experimenting & building some skill sets you know are in demand. Everyone's situation is different which is why I can't just list the best services to provide. I can however give you some great ideas that I've done in the past. Web Design, Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Content Creation & Management, Ghost Writing, Graphic Design, Programming & Coding, UI/UX, Email Marketing, Video Editing, Animating, & more. Those are some of the most in-demand online skills I can name right off the top of my head.
- Building A Traffic Source - Examples include Amazon with their ginormous catalog of products. They don't create the products, they create the marketplace for other people's products. Social Media apps are another good example of getting a ton of people in the door. Have you noticed all popular social media is free? They make their money by getting as many people as possible on their platform. That way they can show you ads that others companies pay them to run.
- Adds Value To The Marketplace (The world)
- High Barrier Of Entry
- Higher Risk, Higher Reward (Depends)
One Thing Is Clear...
Whatever path you take: Add Value To Everything You Do.
This is the main key I want you to take away. If you do, you will never be poor (like all the self-help books promise). You're also going to need to learn a high-income skill you can use to build wealth faster. I'm not anywhere near where I want to be yet with my finances but I know for a fact adding value won't make you poor. The size of the problems you solve determines the amount of money you make. So there you have it! I've now shown you what economics class never showed us because they thought it was too simple to share. Why bother showing others? Simple answer: ignorance. The people who commit the crimes don't know any better. The height of a man's success is determined by how deep his foundation is set. The deeper your build your knowledge base, the higher you can get. Let's wrap up this issue by giving you a colossal-sized foundation starter...