WELCOME! My July 2021 Message For You
Hello & Happy July 2021! I've packed this month's issue with 3x more content than last time. I did so because I f'ing love writing this up for you! I'm going to give these letters to my future children to show them how to live a successful, happy, abundant life. This incentivizes me to fill these puppies up with the good ish. With all that being said, let me stop talking & let's get into it!
What the icons at the beginning of the title mean:
🌟 = SELF (Category: Self-Actualization & Spirituality)
🍏 = HEALTH (Category: Physical & Mental Health)
💵 = WEALTH (Category: Making Money)
💞 = LOVE (Category: Social & Relationships)
- WELCOME! My July 2021 Message For You
- 🌟1-PAGE SUMMARY: Lessons Learned Last Month
- 🌟How To Change The World:
- 🌟Life Is A Game: Why Getting Your Wildest Desires Quickly Leads To A Life Of Suffering
- 🌟Why Hospitals & Dentists Charge A Lot Of $$$$ When They Can Easily Charge A Lower Price
- 🌟How To Create Addicting Stories People Will Be Obsessed With
- 💵How To Sell Courses/Paid Content In The Age Of Free Information Everywhere
- 🌟How To Tell If A Show Is Programming You
- 💞THE BACKWARDS LAW: How To Communicate Your Value & Get The High-Quality Women / Friendships You Want Without Trying
- 🍏PANDEMIC-PROOF HEALTH: How To Make Your Immune System Healthy & 110% Ready To Fight Off Any Disease
- 🌟DEALS WITH THE DEVIL: How The Deals We Make With Ourselves Result In Dissatisfaction
- 🌟Mental Health Development Theory: June Updates
- Conclusion - See You Next Month! 👋
🌟1-PAGE SUMMARY: Lessons Learned Last Month
WHAT'S THIS SECTION? - Big Ideas In Bite Sized Pieces. These are lessons learned last month which may or may not become full topics in the future (all depends on the feedback I receive!).
NOTE: Whenever I give credit to someone, it does not mean I endorse them 100% now or later. I just agreed with what they have to say & I think you'll find value in it as I did. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less. EXAMPLE: If it turns out that in 20 years from now, Leo Gura, starts to believe murdering cute puppies unlocks God-consciousness, that's on him. But for now, let's get it going!
🌟How To Change The World:
- One random act of kindness at a time. -Evan Almighty Movie
"The only reason anyone has committed any single act of evil was because there was something to be gained." -Leo Gura
🌟Life Is A Game: Why Getting Your Wildest Desires Quickly Leads To A Life Of Suffering
- You have the power to enter god mode but you're true self doesn't want to. Notice that if your Ego self had powers with god mode, it would ruin the game for itself quickly. This comment sums it up perfectly with Minecraft. Video I learned this from: https://youtu.be/PgmJj0Gn1WM
🌟Why Hospitals & Dentists Charge A Lot Of $$$$ When They Can Easily Charge A Lower Price
- Dental & hospital procedures cost a lot not because the equipment is expensive, but for your own lesson to learn. My Mom spending $700 on a dental crown is to teach her to keep her oral health in check. You can either learn the easy way (learning from others mistakes) or the painful way (high priced surgeries & physical pain). This may sound harsh but this is the most empowering perspective to adopt! Instead of spending time trying to cancel doctors & dentists for charging too much, spend that time learning how to prevent these illnesses in the first place. I say this with love & respect. Of course we will eventually get these prices lowered but in the mean time, be proactive instead of reactive.
🌟How To Create Addicting Stories People Will Be Obsessed With
- Add Tremendous Details - People love to get lost in the details. It's why Star Wars is a hit! Every character is somehow related to other characters. Each with their own vast background. Their world follows specific rules & it all logically connects to everything.
💵How To Sell Courses/Paid Content In The Age Of Free Information Everywhere
"Knowledge is Abundant, Desire to learn is scarce." -Naval Ravikant
- Give away all advice for free & your paid online products can be "X-day Programs" to implement the free advice. EXAMPLE: FitnessFAQs' Side Split Pro $95 program. Daniel made a 1min video packed with every move you need to learn how to do a side split...all for free on YouTube. You'd think no one would spend $95 when he just put out his advice for free but this is a limiting mindset. There will always be a section of people who want more details & permission to learn a skill. And these people will happily pay +$100, +$1,000, +$5,000 USD for your solution if they feel like you know what you're doing & can take them to their desired dreamland.
🌟How To Tell If A Show Is Programming You
"If It Has A Laugh Track, It's Programming You." -@RogueWealth
Alright, now it's time for this month's main topics!
💞THE BACKWARDS LAW: How To Communicate Your Value & Get The High-Quality Women / Friendships You Want Without Trying
Ever wonder why the hot girl in high school always ignored the boys who chased her but dated the non-chalant asshole?
The answer: The Backwards Law by Alan Watts
The problem with most guys today is they're always thinking of women. It's a natural biological desire for men to spread our seed as much as possible. I get that. The thing is, you must keep your cravings under control or they will control you.
So without further a do, I've created a rough framework for you to follow below. This will help ensure you start getting the women & friendships you want without trying hard at all.
Step 1: Become High Value & Live Your Dream NOW
There is only the present moment. The Now. The future and past only exist in the present. We use the present to imagine the future. We use the present to reflect the past. Every time you make the desire to become happier in the future, its subconsciously signaling to your brain that you LACK. When your mind feels this, It starts thinking in scarcity. Scarcity breeds neediness. Neediness is the #1 cute girl repellent on the market.
The solution starts at the root: If we want to remove neediness, we have to remove our scarcity mindset which came from our subconscious. So let's start there. The first thing you gotta do is STOP PUTTING PEOPLE ON A PEDESTAL. Everytime you simp over a cute girl, you're signaling to yourself she's someone better than you & you're not worthy of her presence. Same with friendships. No one wants to be friends with people who are below them. Only with people who are at their level or higher. Unless its for mentorship. You're not going to get a girlfriend so she can mentor you. Nope! That puts a "Mother-Son" Dynamic between your girl & yourself. She doesn't want to nurture you, she wants to win you.
You get her when you don't need her.
Not by faking it. Not by using slick pickup lines. A real high value man can use whatever line he wants and will always get the girl over the pseudo high value front the second man uses.
Your power comes when you have the ability to walk away from the relationship.
That's how you become high value. If you see her as a celebrity, she will see you as a fan. My friend, you have to see yourself, your crush, your goals at eye level. EVERYTHING! We've been taught to "Chase our dreams" but this is faulty programming. Fuck chasing your dreams, live them now. Ask yourself "How can I live my dreams now?, How does my day to day look like? What actions am I taking on a daily basis?" Most people upon hearing this immediately stop imagining because they think they can't live their dreams because they don't have the materialistic luxuries at the moment, so they stop. But this is not what I'm saying. What I'm really saying is what are you doing at the deepest level. You don't need to have the Lamborghini to live the dream now. All you need is to get clear on things like:
- What type of exercise would your highest version be doing?
- How would your highest version of yourself interact with others?
- What activities would my highest version be doing right now if he were in my position?
- What morning routine would your highest version be following?
- Would your highest version really be watching Netflix all day or be creating something valuable?
- What would your highest version of yourself do in this exact moment?
- Etc.
Step 2: Know Who & Who You Don't Want In Your Life — Then Let Go Of Desire
You need is to let go. Stop giving a fuck if you do or don't get the pretty girl. It's okay either way! With the abundance mindset, you finally realize that not every person will like you. With this power, you're free to be authentically you. If you like to play help the homeless on the weekends, don't hide that. Either she fucks with it or you bounce. End of discussion.
Pro tip: My life started turning around last year when I stopped asking:
What can I GET out of life before I die?
and started asking:
What can I GIVE before I die?
Asking the second question assumes you already have all your needs met & signals abundance. From this place, you now have OPTIONS! This is the best place to operate from! Your friends will sense this and feel your profound new energy! They will love to hang out with you more because they know you will ADD to the vibe (Shoutout to Tej Dosa for putting me onto all of this game!).
Step 3: Connect With These People & Make This Real
The way I've found my best friends was in high school (k-12). But what if you didn't get the opportunity to create friendships in school? Well, here's my go-to method.
- Social Media - Family/Friends Profile
If you still use social media, start here. curate your social media profile to attract your ideal type of friend. For this case, let's say me and you both share the same goal of getting more friends who are in the SUCCEEDING/THRIVING MHD category. Great! Let's start with following your school friends who show these qualities in their posts. If their account is private, take a chance and request to follow IFFFFF you think & feel they have had a positive glow up. worst-case scenario, you can just quickly unfollow them after seeing their profile.
Bring it from online to offline. Dm them. Reply to their stories or comment on their posts to warm them up. Remember, act as if these people are complete strangers. They won't be open to a real-life event if they see you as an acquaintance. Use ONE shared common interest and use it to break the ice.
Example DM: Yo bro, you still look jacked since HS. You follow a specific routine? — (Don't use this exact one-liner since others who are reading this letter will most likely use it). The formula is simple: Ice Breaker + Shared Interest + End w/an Open Ended Question.
Next step is to continue growing these brand new friendships you've made. Don't come off needy in the DM's. Don't rush an event to go meet them if it's too soon. Take your time. Continue to like their posts, react to their stories, & get to know them more through DM. These friendships, if you treat them right, will become assets in not only your financial life, but also your emotional, & well being. The goal: When the time comes to meet in person, make sure to nail the first impression within the first second. Here's how:
- Firmly handshakes
- Genuinely smiles
- Go meta
- Uses an ice breaker if applicable
- Give a non-cliché compliment
From there, all you need to do is add to the vibe. Don't come empty handed either. Bring a gift. From this point on, you've pretty much made a friend by now. Continue to have a good time. If you did have a good time, set plans to meetup next time before departing. Congrats!, job well done!
My friend, you need to 'Look' ANNNND 'Be' the part. The way you carry yourself communicates more than your words. You attract what you are, not what you say you are. Put out this energy unconditionally. The truth is, while all the "Masculine-only" dudes are out there sleeping with hundreds of women, you realize that 1 thriving woman is worth more than 100 low quality women combined. Just remember, people become great friends with you when you yourself deep down in your heart know you won't stab them in the back & are always looking out for them. That's the game right there.
I'd like to leave you with a quote that perfectly sums up The Backwards Law by Alan Watts. Here it is:
"Wanting positive experience is a negative experience; accepting negative experience is a positive experience. It's what the philosopher Alan Watts use to refer to as " the backwards law" — the idea that the more you pursue feeling better all the time, the less satisfied you become, as pursuing something only reinforces the fact that you lack it in the first place. The more you desperately want to be rich, the more poor and unworthy you feel, regardless of how much money you actually make. The more you desperately want to be sexy and desired, the uglier you come to see yourself, regardless of your actual physical appearance. The more you desperately want to be happy and loved, the lonelier and more afraid you'll become, regardless of those who surround you. The more you want to be spiritually aligned, the more self-centered and shallow you become in trying to get there. "
🍏PANDEMIC-PROOF HEALTH: How To Make Your Immune System Healthy & 110% Ready To Fight Off Any Disease
It's now been over a year since the global pandemic of covid-19 started. I've learned a couple things:
- The government's job isn't to make you healthy, its to keep order (and that's okay).
- The virus wasn't as bad as we thought it was (+96% survival rate).
- You can't reason with a Karen.
Knowing this, I want to share with you my personal thoughts on this whole spiel & give you lessons we can take away.
There's 2 ways to win a battle: Offense & Defense.
Both work.
However, each have their own advantages & disadvantages. The way we as a society have tackled overcoming covid was by playing defense. We've been told to shut down public shops out of fear so we won't catch the virus. We've been told to wear masks out of fear the virus will attack us. Look, I don't know about you, but I don't wanna play this game on defense. I don't wanna live in a state of constant fear for something with a 96% survival rate. I don't wanna crash the economy every time a new virus pops up. It's time to start thinking on Offense.
How do we play offense with Covid (or any future virus)?... Like this:
😨Defense: Wear Masks, Don't Go Outside, Fear The Virus.
😃Offense: Improve your Immune System, Live Life, Make The Virus Fear You.
It all starts with having the end goal in mind. We all need to come to the conclusion of WHERE we want to go & what's the best WIN/WIN way to get there thriving.
Before moving forward, you have to realize the government's goal is to keep order. The commander scene in Blade Runner 2049 perfectly sums this up: https://youtu.be/EFwjOmggg5k
This is how Spiral Dynamics stage orange government needs to be to keep surviving. After seeing this play out for yourself, you have to understand where they're coming from and forgive them before moving onto a better system. Put yourself in their shoes, they're in charge of over 7 billion people from all walks of life. Knowing this, they have to come up with advice & strategies EVERYONE can follow. Telling people to wash their hands & wear a face mask is easy. The majority of the population can easily follow this advice including the lowest common denominator. Telling people to "Improve their immune system" is too vague and adds more confusion than it does take away.
I hope now you can see WHY they did what they did. We won't ever know their true intentions, however, we can learn what to do next time & what agenda the government will most likely follow: Keep Order at all costs.
On the flip side, ya boi isn't the government 😅
I have an audience of people who want to achieve their highest version of themselves & are Posimistic about the future!
So let me share with you my list of ways to improve your immune system and make you FEARED by the next upcoming virus HAHA!!! LET'S GO!!!!! 👇
How To Improve Your Immune System (Pick & Choose What Works Best For You)
- Get sunlight daily - If you can't, take vitamin D3 + K2 supplements. I aim for 5,000 IU's daily. It depends on your specific situation. Start small. For the first week consume between 100 - 1,000 IU's. Then next week try 2,000. Then 3,000, and so on.
- Take cold showers in the morning & optional: warm showers before bed - The cold water spikes your nervous system & trains your body to release cortisol at the optimal time of the day. If your body is constantly stressed, that means your body is constantly secreting the hormone called cortisol. This hormone is responsible for increasing the amount of sugars in your bloodstream. Stressed all day = high blood sugars. No Bueno!
- Try Fasting/Intermittent Fasting - By far my favorite way to not only strengthen your health, but also to burn fat, save time, increase growth hormone, & recycle cancer cells. I do Intermittent fasting daily for either 12 to sometimes 18 hours. In fact, I'm doing an entire day fast right now as I write this edition of the Posimistic Letter! My mind is clear & energized to continually flow & be focused to finish this letter before July 1st (It's June 26th at the time of this writing).
- Move daily - Our bodies were meant to move. Not to be seated at a desk all day. Make it your goal to not be immobile for more than 60min at time (Except when sleeping). The second you take a seat, immediately set a timer for 20 - 60min to go off. I use BrainFocus's widget on my LG Wing so I can easily click the "brain" icon to set a 20min timer. After 20min is up, It prompts up a 5min timer for a break I can choose to click or stop the session. Not sponsored or affiliated by BrainFocus or LG lol, It's just what I'm using at the moment.
- Do resistance training & build muscle - Your muscle tissue can shelter you from certain types of T-cells which decrease your likelihood of getting sick. The more muscle you have, the better. There are thousands of free & paid workout programs out there you can choose from. Pick the best one you can stick to.
- Get +7 hours of high quality sleep a night - Getting 7 hours of high quality sleep is better than 10 hours of low quality sleep. What makes a great sleep session is having less wake up times, getting more than 1.5 hours of REM sleep, keeping your room dark & cold, and variety of more tips you can use.
- Eat foods that:
- Have little to no sugar (avoid it at all cost if possible).
- Give you long lasting energy all day
- Foods with as little ingredients added as possible
- Cat's Claw (as pure as possible)
- Unsweetened Cashew or Almond milk
- Shredded Wheat Cereal (1 ingredient only)
- Whole Grain Pasta (1 ingredient only) + Marinara Sauce (Lowest sugar option)
- Kiwis
- Baked Sweet Potato
- Peanut Butter (2 ingredients: Peanuts & Salt)
- Kale
- Dairy free lean mass gainer powder
- Baked Navy Beans
- Foods/Ingredients to avoid:
- High fructose corn syrup
- Soy
- Vegetable seed oils (Canola, Corn, Soy Bean, Hydrogenated Vegetable oil, etc)
- Repeat to yourself "My immune system is healthy & 110% ready to fight off any disease." - This and the next point are on the "woowoo" side. Science hasn't confirmed these to work but they've been working for me. Make this an affirmation you tell yourself daily. Every time you start to get cold, tell yourself "My immune system is healthy & 110% ready to fight off any disease." When you sneeze 3 times in the morning and fear getting a sick, tell yourself "My immune system is healthy & 110% ready to fight off any disease." When you're forced to undergo some difficult situation, tell yourself "My immune system is healthy & 110% ready to fight off any disease." Then act accordingly. Please don't act dumb, do something stupid, or get yourself hurt mkay 🥺👉👈
- Tell your body "I love you" for 60 seconds a day - Check out "The Rice Experiment By Masaru Emoto" on YouTube. At first I was skeptical as fuck but then I tried it myself and it proved to be right. Try it yourself and see if I'm lying or not. I will go more in depth in another letter what my results were. Here's a video going more in depth: https://youtu.be/zvShgttIq7I
Last but not least...
- Get sick once a year - Yup, seems counterintuitive right! But you have to understand what happens when you get sick. When you get sick, all it means is you caught a virus your body isn't familiar with. Because your body doesn't know what this new strange visitor is, it brings out it's military defense strategies:
- FEVER - The first strategy is to kill the virus with heat. Increasing your body's temperature to burn the virus alive. Pretty savage if you ask me. Imagine you're getting robbed and the first thing you do is torch the burglar with a flame thrower. That's what a fever is like in your body 😂.
- ANTIBODIES - The second strategy is to hire assassins to kill this virus. These antibodies come in the billions! Billions of assassins with one mission in mind: Eliminate the threat. These assassins take no breaks, use any sick time, or change jobs when the going gets tough.
Once your body has successfully eliminated the virus with the above strategies, It now knows how to prepare in the future. So if your body encounters this same virus again, it doesn't see it as a threat. Making you spend less time feeling sick in bed. That's why getting sick at least once a year is a healthy.
So there you have it! Follow these tips & you'll become feared by the next trending virus. You won't catch Covid 2.0, Covid 2.0 will catch you ;)
🌟DEALS WITH THE DEVIL: How The Deals We Make With Ourselves Result In Dissatisfaction
What is the devil?
Does the devil have horns & live underground? I never believed this 100% as a kid. Your parents, the church, the schools, the media, etc. always portrayed the devil as this physical being who runs Hell in the afterlife. Think for a second. How can you describe a being in the afterlife if you're still in this present life? Does this make sense to anyone? When your physical body dies, that's it. No coming back (not that I know of). So how can we know for sure that the devil is depicted as this huge, jacked, red ripped guy with horns on his head? This already should be ringing alarms in your head that something's not right.
What I have noticed in my personal experience is this: The devil doesn't exist in the physical form. If he's not here, then where is he? Let's keep digging. When people describe the devil they give him a couple of common characteristics. Those characteristics are:
- Deceptive/Deceitful
- Liar
- Evil
- Tempter
- Selfish
- Arrogant
- Thinks Evil is Good, & Good is Evil
- Desires Power
These characteristics seem familiar. Heck, I've felt these emotions myself when I'm starving! COULD I BE THE DEVIL? Now this is getting serious. Ok, so we know that when we feel irritated, we bring out characteristics of the devil. But does this mean the devil comes out sometimes here & there or are we it all the time?
My personal take is this: The Devil = The Ego. It makes the most sense to me at this time & makes life more empowering if I believe it to be like this. We all have an Ego. But we are & are not the ego at the same time (it's a logical paradox). Our true selves is the observer that's watching through our individual human eyes.
Now that you're aware of what the devil is, it's time to learn how the devil tricks us to signing his corrupt contracts.
When you're inner thoughts & feelings arise to do something, keep this principle in mind:
❌Short Term Gain Now, Long Term Pain Later
✅Short Term Pain Now, Long Term Gain Later
NOTE: Neither option is good or bad, it just is. Not all situations require the latter option. Even if self development coaches tell you to always choose pain now play later, it may not be the best case for you. Because life is diverse! Sometimes it's okay to flirt with the devil. It's what makes life fun. Just make sure to exercise both options when the time is right & not to make TOO MANY deals with the devil. It's not the act that's the problem, its the habit. Let me show you...
Here are some examples of deals the devil has made with you or to watch out for:
GLUTTONY - Choosing to eat unhealthy fast food
Short Term Price: A couple dollars, depending on the fast food joint
Long Term Price (If Done Daily Consistently):
1-Day: Nothing, feels great!
1-Month: You gain fat &/or weaken your immune system. Negative self talk emerges.
1-Year: Organs deteriorate, life span & health decreases.
1-Decade & Beyond: You pay a higher price by paying large hospital bills. Makes you reconsider if you still want to pay $3.50 for that burger or not.
LUST - Choosing to watch Porn
Short Term Price: Internet access & 3 minutes of uninterrupted time ;)
Short Term Feelings: Hot lust building up to the 6-20 second climax
Long Term Price (If Done Daily Consistently):
1-Day: Nothing, feels great!
1-Month: Dopamine depleted, the simple things lose their joy. Your motivation gets robbed.
1-Year: Dopamine sensors get rewired to crave porn instead of real sex. Imagine you're about to have sex but you can't get it up. This was your big moment but your brain got rewired to give in quickly.
1-Decade & Beyond: You solidify porn as a part of your identity. It's gotten so bad that you only get off with the most degenerative categories. You crave the very first high porn gave you +10 years ago but never feel it. Makes you reconsider if you still want to do a quick fap or not
SLOTH - Choosing to wake up late
Short Term Price:
Long Term Price (If Done Daily Consistently):
1-Day: Nothing, feels great & probably refreshed!
1-Month: Your sleeping pattern starts to get out of whack. Resulting in trouble falling asleep at night.
1-Year: You develop a habit of being lazy in your other facets of life. Your sleep still fluctuates & can never seem to get a high quality sleep session.
1-Decade & Beyond: Your circadian rythm is constantly adapting which means its constantly making you irritable throughout the day. Not only that but you subconsciously communicate to yourself your night time dreams are more important than your daytime dreams. Makes you reconsider if you still want to hit snooze or not.
LUST - Choosing to smoke
Short Term Price: A couple dollars depending on the joint (cigarettes, Weed, Vaping, etc.)
Long Term Price (If Done Daily Consistently):
1-Day: Nothing, feels great!
1-Month: You become addicted. You can't move on with your day until you've smoked.
1-Year: Your lungs deteriorate. Your health starts to decline. Endurance has lowered. Plus a whole dozen other negative side effects
1-Decade & Beyond: You develop black lung. Your life span declines & so does your enjoyment for the remaining time you do have. Makes you reconsider if you still want to smoke that bud or not.
GREED - Choosing to sell out, scam, & make a quick buck at every moment
Short Term Price: Saves you money & increases your bottom line
Long Term Price (If Done Daily Consistently):
1-Day: Nothing, feels great!
1-Month: You get no repeat customers. You have to constantly do cold outreach & spend months developing trust with each new person you meet.
1-Year: Your reputation gets tarnished. The word on the street gets passed around to never do business with you. You can't get away with making a quick buck like you used to anymore.
1-Decade & Beyond: You leave a legacy of being a con artist. You could've gone away with +$1 billion dollars but no amount of yachts could fill the hole you sold your soul for. Makes you reconsider if you still want to rip off your customer or not.
LUST - Choosing to do quick one night stands
Short Term Price: A new partner every session
Long Term Price (If Done Daily Consistently):
1-Day: Nothing, feels great!
1-Month: Meeting new women becomes a chore to spend so much time building rapport. Time wasted which could've been used to deepen a meaningful relationship or work on your purpose.
1-Year: You lose the thrill of hooking up.
1-Decade & Beyond: You become alone & you're reputation gets tarnished. No woman wants you anymore because you offer no value besides sex. Makes you reconsider if you still want to hookup for the night or not.
SLOTH - Choosing to take a hot shower
Short Term Price: Warm water & a couple minutes
Long Term Price (If Done Daily Consistently):
1-Day: Nothing, feels great!
1-Month: Your skin starts to get sensitive & your sperm count decreases because of the high temperature (males).
1-Year: Your testosterone has lowered. Skin continues to take a beating.
1-Decade & Beyond: Skin starts to peel & wrinkles develop at a faster rate. Losing your youthful beauty. Makes you reconsider if you still want to take that hot shower or not.
LUST - Choosing to drink alcohol
Short Term Price: A couple dollars depending on the alcohol quality.
Long Term Price (If Done Daily Consistently):
1-Day: Nothing, feels gre-Just kidding say hello to hangover city the next moring haha
1-Month: You develop an addiction to getting buzzed. Your liver is praying to god to just end its suffering.
1-Year: You develop a beer belly & anger issues. Your liver has said fuck it. If not now, it will soon!
1-Decade & Beyond: You become lonely & by the luck of god if you're still alive, you still have to deal with liver transplant. You single handedly trade your creativity & your goals for a quick drink. Makes you reconsider if you still want to take a sip of that beer bottle or not.
🌟Mental Health Development Theory: June Updates
- New name! - Mental Health Development Theory! WHY THE NEW NAME CHANGE? I realized "Internal Human Development" sounded too vague. The previous name could've meant the development of your organs, etc.
Conclusion - See You Next Month! 👋
That's a wrap! I hope you got your values worth in this issue. As always, send me your feedback through email or Twitter! Let me know what topics you liked! What you want to see more of! How I can improve & make your experience reading each letter more enjoyable! Don't be shy and think I won't reply. Don't put me on a pedestal like we talked about in the topic above lol. I do reply (except for the people pitching me right off the bat lol).
Reminder: If we don't get more than 1,000 monthly subscribers by June 1st, 2022, I will stop creating these letters. Please don't let this happen! I love creating these and the feedback for 001 has surprised me! Everyone who's read 001 felt like it spoke to them. The Counter logical nature of life topic was a banger & expect more topics like these in the future.
Ways you can help spread the word & help us get to 1,000 subscribers quicker:
- Word of mouth - tell your open minded friends about this! Email them the digital PDF of any letter of their choice. Fuck it, send them your favorite letter for free. They will get hooked & choose to either subscribe then or not. Either way they win.
- Leaving a 5-star review on Gumroad - If you love it, rate it! One star reviews are the kryptonite of small businesses. If for any odd reason you didn't like the letter, I encourage you to message me first. Let me know what you didn't like & how I can improve it. I'll even give you a refund & cancel your subscription if you want.
- Testimonials - I want to feature you in my marketing! Let me know how the letter has impacted your life! (Contact me via email or Twitter!)
That's everything! See you soon!
I hope you've gotten your money's worth from these letters! If not, & you want to cancel your subscription, then email Elvis@posimisticplanner.com with "cancel" as the subject line. (Once you leave, there's no coming back!)