Econ Evolution Theory - For Everyone
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Published: January 1st, 2024
Update Cycle: 1st of Every Season
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The 1-Sentence Realization That Inspired Us To Create This New Theory
"We Will Never See A Perfect World Under Capitalism" -August 9th, 2023
Diving Deeper
Capitalism is a Hyper-Libertarian (Distributed) economic system that will never give us a perfect world. We need a new improved system and Compassionism is a potential step forward.
EXPLAIN DEEPER: As long as an ego’s survival is linked to the livelihood of a company, the ego will continue to keep the company alive NO MATTER WHAT. Even if it means artificially creating problems JUST so the workers can have income to cover their survival needs. Even if it means destroying the world.
- Big tech creating vulnerable products to make more money = repeat buyers = higher company evaluation = more money
- Allergy companies planting male trees to produce more allergies = more people buy allergy medicine = continue finding new ways to make everyone allergic
- Big Dental buying out food companies to feed sugar to the population = more patients = more money
- Private prisons funding hood rap music incentivizing crime = more prisoners = more government subsidies (money)
- You and your business eventually having to find ways to create problems (your products solve) for you to continue having money to put food on the table for you & your workers. No more problems = You can’t pay for food/rent = You/workers die. So the incentive is clear: Continue finding ways to have problems to continue our survival. If anyone innovates, silence them. Let’s keep filling the world with problems.”
(It’s not that these players are bad, it’s just that they are FORCED to do these things because it’s just how the game’s incentives are in effect).
The quote “You Either Die A Hero Or live Long Enough To Become The Villain.” is not true based in nature but it is true inside Capitalism (or any Hyper-Libertarian Economic System).
You can learn more about this new economic system proposal we like to call, Compassionism, inside our membership or at
Let’s Finally Have A System That Maximizes Compassion Instead of Capital.
Compassionism > Capitalism