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Table Of Contents
- Newest Chart
- Table Of Contents
- The Problem (Capitalism Critiques)
- Capitalism Revelation #1 - We Will Never See A Perfect World Under Capitalism
- Examples
- Capitalism Revelation #2 - You Either Die A Hero Or Live Long Enough To Become The Villain
- Examples
- Capitalism Revelation #3 - Innovation does not come from capitalism, it comes from genius individuals who happen to be apart of capitalism
- Examples
- Capitalism Revelation #4 - True Product Innovation Hurts Smaller Businesses.
- Examples
- Capitalism Revelation #5 - Negative Incentives Prevent Systemic Innovations
- Examples
- Introducing Compassionism
- The How - The Systems, Amendments, Rights, & More (In Progress & Needs Evaluation)
- Values & Amendments
- Diving Deeper Into Each
- #1 Compassion Maximization > Capital Maximization
- #2 Guaranteed Survival > Earned Survival
- #3 Price Equality = True Product Competition
- #4 Accumulative Progress > All Or Nothing Progress
- #5 Systemic Innovations > Recurring Profits Innovations
- Economic Systems Comparisons: For Every Aspect
- Progression System
- FAQ & Potential Objections Answered
- Contact Info
- Conclusion
The Problem (Capitalism Critiques)
The same currency that is used to grow a business is the same metric one needs to buy food, shelter, and survival
It’s not that people are evil or bad, it's just the system their force to participate in. because you can’t just opt out. you don’t have more time to think of a better solution. nope. time is of the essence. and if you don’t have a successful business by the 1st of the month, you can’t survive.
Capitalism Problems (Systemic & Minuscule)
- Capitalism Revelation #1 - We Will Never See A Perfect World Under Capitalism
- Capitalism Revelation #2 - You Either Die A Hero Or Live Long Enough To Become The Villain
- Capitalism Revelation #3 -Innovation does not come from capitalism, it comes from genius individuals who happen to be apart of capitalism
- Capitalism Revelation #4 - True Product Innovation Hurts Smaller Businesses.
- Capitalism Revelation #5 - Negative Incentives Prevent Systemic Innovations
Let’s dive deep into each…
Capitalism Revelation #1 - We Will Never See A Perfect World Under Capitalism
This Is The 1-Sentence Realization That Inspired Us To Create This New Theory:
"We Will Never See A Perfect World Under Capitalism" -August 9th, 2023
Why will we never see a perfect world under capitalism?
Because as long executives & workers of companies in capitalism are forced to keep GETTING money for them to survive, we will eventually enter an era of a time that's worse than the past.
Because companies WILL create artificial problems no matter the costs to ensure the survival of all operators apart of the system.
I like to call these “Wounded Company Shadows”
Here are some examples of potential predictions to look out for in industries:
- Big tech creating vulnerable products to make more money = repeat buyers = higher company evaluation = more money
- Allergy companies planting male trees to produce more allergies = more people buy allergy medicine = continue finding new ways to make everyone allergic
- Toilet paper companies cutting down excessive trees, lobbying against forest saving organizations, shady marketing brainwashing population that they cannot live without toilet paper, etc = income until all the tress die out.
- Big Dental buying out food companies to feed sugar to the population = more patients = more money
- Private prisons funding hood rap music incentivizing crime = more prisoners = more government subsidies (money)
- You and your business eventually having to find ways to create problems (your products solve) for you to continue having money to put food on the table for you & your workers. No more problems = You can’t pay for food/rent = You/workers die. So the incentive is clear: Continue finding ways to have problems to continue our survival. If anyone innovates, silence them. Let’s keep filling the world with problems.”
The worst part about all of this?
The collective population which has no information on this doesn't know this is happening under their nose and can't do anything about it.
But remember, you may think that when companies do these corrupt actions, they are evil. But this is false.
It's not because they're evil companies… it's because they HAVE to, in order to survive.
Just like criminals aren't born evil, they're forced to do those actions most likely because of
- Environmental external circumstances
- Lack of guidance, knowledge, or wisdom
- Systemic unfairness
- Fearing for their life/survival
- Traumatic Encounter
- Etc
Compassionist Solution: Compassion Maxing > Capital Maxing. + Guaranteed Survival Amendment.
Capitalism Revelation #2 - You Either Die A Hero Or Live Long Enough To Become The Villain
This quote is not true in reality but it is under capitalism. Meaning in nature, over time you become better, wiser, stronger, etc. But in capitalism, You're forced to find ways to squeeze money out of every single opportunity because of the main fact that the currency is needed for the operator's survival.
- Apple - in order to become a trillion-dollar company, you need to squeeze the money out of every opportunity. They've done this by artificially creating problems like removing product features, headphone jacks, weak charging cables, vulnerable glass phones, tribalistic product features, etc. Their incentivized to make weaker products because more people will spend more.
- Rockstar games - they started great but the more employees you bring on, the more mouths you have to feed. And when you're an executive of a company this big you don't have time to think or innovate. Payroll is every 2 weeks. Investors want results every quarter. Rockstar is not an evil company nor is any other company that operates under capitalism. It's just the game that forces these rules that shape the players of the game toward the game’s end result: none…this is the problem
- Any company that will live long for +100 years -
Compassionist Solution: Guaranteed Survival → Accumulative Tiers = Never leveling down & survival needs covered unconditionally regardless - Once you’ve entered a tier/class, it can never be taken from you (unless you break the law)
Compassionist Solution: Guaranteed Survival → Doesn't force urgency to find paycheck to cover next weeks bills = time to think relaxed of long term solutions.
Capitalism Revelation #3 - Innovation does not come from capitalism, it comes from genius individuals who happen to be apart of capitalism
Recurring Profit Inventions > Systemic Solutions Inventions
In progress
Compassionist Solution: Tier 2 Innovator class are Incentivized to innovate for true innovation in the best interest of the consumer, not for the company.
Capitalism Revelation #4 - True Product Innovation Hurts Smaller Businesses.
- When someone like Amazon comes along to lower down prices of their books, the other booksellers lose business and have to close down.
Lowered prices are better for the consumer & everyone.
Yet the smaller people who’ve been there for longer immediately lose everything.
Compassionist Solution: Price Equality & Guaranteed Survival (Needs Evaluation)
Capitalism Revelation #5 - Negative Incentives Prevent Systemic Innovations
When the reward for helping someone finally eliminate their pain for good is loss of a customer/lowered chance of your survival, then youre incentivized to keep them sick.
Innovations that come out of this thinking are recurring profit innovations that are for the server's best interest instead of systemic innovations for the consumers best interest.
- Service providers Not giving true root cause solutions in order for their clients to continue to come back and pay them to solve their problems (Dentists, Therapists, Life Coaches, Mechanics, Doctors, Developers, etc)
So This Brings Us To A New System We Like To Call… Compassionism!
Introducing Compassionism
Compassionism is a new economic system proposal to replace Capitalism. We need an economic system that prioritizes maximizing compassion over capital.
Based on the hypothesis of Eco Evolution Theory
If we put every other economic system ever created on this chart, it would look like this…
Why is this the case? Here’s how it works…
The How - The Systems, Amendments, Rights, & More (In Progress & Needs Evaluation)
Values & Amendments
Here are the rough draft values & amendments to be created inside a balanced economy…
#1 Compassion Maximization > Capital Maximization
#2 Guaranteed Survival > Earned Survival
#3 Price Equality = True Product Competition
#4 Accumulative Progress > All Or Nothing Progress
#5 Systemic Innovations > Recurring Profits Innovations
Diving Deeper Into Each
#1 Compassion Maximization > Capital Maximization
#2 Guaranteed Survival > Earned Survival
This means that your bare minimum survival needs are taken care of for you at the bare minimum level by the government. SHELTER, NUTRITION, & HYGIENE. Homes are Built Once, Used Forever. They charge no rent to live in it, they are self-sufficient. If they want water, ac, electricity, etc they would still need to pay their monthly utilities bill. they would need to still pay their bills from the companies themselves. Gov only produces the survival needs items (Homes, Nutrition Membership, for Tier 1. Any more excess you'd want would be paid for and produced by the feminine sector for Tiers 2 -4. Ex: Housing - Everyone is assigned a Primary home (1x) but if you'd like to have more homes, you would need to pay for them. Same for Nutrition - You're given a daily/weekly amount of caloric food (2500 a day/17500 a week) and any more food you'd like you would need to purchase any excess. Minimums Guaranteed, Excesses Are Purchasable.
Let’s go over each of the survival needs that need to be covered: Shelter & Nutrition
Starting with Shelter…
Survival Needs - Shelter (Compassionism Solution)
Primary Solution:
Every citizen’s PRIMARY home is free, any additional homes would be paid for by the citizen.
This means every home inside your nation must be labeled as a home. The systematic scalable solution to label your home would be for the government to create a new branch called the DHS (Department of Housing & Shelter). Just like the DMV.
PURPOSE: similar to how people have licenses to drive their cars, In this system it would be people are giving homes to live their lives like normal.
Driving licenses = Mechanisms, Driving vehicles = Purpose.
Homes = Mechanisms, Living = Purpose.
Same flow.
To be able to drive a car on the road, you have to be at least 16 years old to get a license.
To be given a home that will be registered under your name, you have to be 16-18 years old.
Same regimen.
- Department of Housing & Shelter (DHS) New Gov Branch Created.
- Then, every home in the nation must be registered with the DHS. (Primary & Additional Home Registration System)
- Then, every NEW citizen must be given a home within 1-30 days.
- Once any citizen turns 16, they can register a home under their name. The quality of homes will be determined by the tier they're in and the availability of homes available. If no homes are available, they should be out on a priority list and live at a close person's home (their parents home, friends home, hotel, etc) in the meantime.
- Tier 1 homes will be covered & built by the government. Each home will cost no more than $25k in supplies to build it. The goal is to create 1-3k units a day/until we reach 40mil units in the USA (for example). Potential tier 1 home designs can look like the ones at
- The DHS gov branch will need to be funded by taxes. How much per person? We don’t know yet but we do know for a fact that it can NOT make the total tax have to be paid for by the citizen to be over 50%. Over 50% of taxes per person would be entering communist territory. So an additional 5-10% just for the DHS could be the way. And every citizen will now have more than enough money since their biggest expense (rent) is now gone. Example: If you pay $2,000/mo just in rent, with this system in place you wouldn’t need to pay for rent (only pay the utilities bill) and now you’ll have an extra $24,000 saved up per year. From that $24k, you can then use some of that lump sum to pay the tax bill.
Guaranteed Housing FAQ
Survival Needs - Nutrition
Potential Solution (Needs Better Solution): Every citizen’s liscense/ID displays your tier with the amount of calories you’re given for free per day.
This is a matter of 2 categories: For Tier 1 & Tiers 2,3,4
For Tier 1 - There will be grocery stores or shops that are built by the government that import food from local sources to have displayed in these warehouses/super centers. Imagine
For Tiers 2, 3, 4 - Every current privately owned grocery store like Walmart, Whole Foods, Target, Etc. will remain like normal. Their items you have to purchase. Naturally since these will cost you more of course the quality of the items will be better.
#3 Price Equality = True Product Competition
This is to prevent companies from using shady indirect dimensions of quality. Just because a product is marketed more does not means it's an objectively better product. We need a systemic 3rd party decentralized marketplace where every business can submit their product. Similar like Amazons website but decentralized not controlled by any company. Similar to like the block chain & the internet.
- A new decentralized marketplace for all products to be listed on
- Then, each category must have a minimum price for all products in that category. Price cannot be lowered than this minimum price baseline to prevent companies cutting costs
#4 Accumulative Progress > All Or Nothing Progress
So now that we have the Guaranteed Housing & Shelter department, the question is “Who determines which citizens get the higher quality homes & survival needs?”
And this accumulative progression system is the current solution to that.
The one’s who have produced the most value & are the most compassionate ones in society, are the ones who get the better quality things.
Capitalism’s Progression System
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to tally up the total lifetime money made from every individual to use that metric to determine their tier.
- Then, the DHS can use this info to verify you are Tier X, so the DHS can allow you to choose between any of the available Tier X homes.
#5 Systemic Innovations > Recurring Profits Innovations
Economic Systems Comparisons: For Every Aspect
Progression System
FAQ & Potential Objections Answered
Contact Info
If you have any questions or better solutions to this system, please email us at
Let’s Finally Have A System That Maximizes Compassion Instead of Capital.
Compassionism > Capitalism