💞REAL WORLD LOVE: +30 Ways To Practice Giving Love To Achieve Your Highest Potential
💵ULTIMATE STORYTELLING CHECKLIST: +75 Checkboxes & Formulas To Help You Tell Stories Worth Remembering
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💞REAL WORLD LOVE: +30 Ways To Practice Giving Love To Achieve Your Highest Potential
Quick question for you: Do you want to experience more happiness/joy/bliss/excitement in your life? I know I do…
Let me spare you the fluff. I know you’ve heard enough of the mainstream heads preaching “everything is love man! We’re all one! Love each other! Love is the answer! So on and so forth. all that noise just goes in one ear and out the other for me personally. I’ve had enough. I wanted more practical real-world applications & things to do. So I researched & created what I wish I had when first starting out on my spiritual journey: A practical list of ways to express more of who you truly are. Located here below
But you’re probably still thinking “Why give love? It seems like the world is full of hate & I’m ready to restart human civilization…” Same, same. But here’s why: You build up your karma & make your environment a better place. Doing so tells the universe to reward you more often. The energy you put into something will be given back to you in some sort of way in the future. The world may seem like a bad place because it lacks love. What’s the opposite of hate? love. People who commit crimes are the ones who need love the most. It’s the reason they’re in that position to begin with.
Lack of Masculine/Feminine Love → All they know is abuse → So they abuse others.
When you learn the practical ways to give love, you prevent the world from becoming a worse place for everyone. So in a sense, everyone benefits from you giving love (You, others, your environment, your mental health, & your future generations). Thank you in advance for doing so :)
The more you love your customers, the more money you make.
The more you love your people, the better they’ll treat you
The more you love your body, the healthier you’ll become.
Inspiration: Thank you to’s recent video about giving practical love. Watching that video inspired me to create my own list to refer to & that’s the list you’re about to see located below.
So let’s dive into it now…
ACCEPTANCE - How To Practice Acceptance
Definition: Psychological acceptance is the active embracing of subjective experience, particularly distressing experiences. The idea is not merely to grudgingly tolerate negative experiences but to embrace them fully and without defense.
Practical Examples & Habits: Accepting something no matter how devastating it may be to the ego. Think “It is what is”. Accept our anxiety by feeling it in our body, noticing the anxious thoughts, and seeing the anxiety fully, exactly as it is. Embrace the unknown, step outside of your comfort zone, and forgive yourself & others for mistakes.
Opposite: REJECTION - Rejecting reality based on an unrealistic ideal outcome
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - How To Practice Receiving & Giving Unconditional Love
Definition: Loving something freely without any conditions regardless of any past or future implications
Practical Examples & Habits: Things I do and am learning: Learning to love the hardest things to love in life. Because it’s easy to love the beautiful kind things in life but it’s difficult as a MF to love the crackhead down the street (who wants to stab you). If you can learn to do this, it would unlock a sense of enlightenment that would make all your problems go away. It doesn’t mean to go up to hostile crackheads, it means to slowly but surely give them eeny teeny bits of love then give them more IF you’re ever put in a situation that lacks it.
Opposite: Conditional Love - Loving something only because it gives something to the ego. As soon as the thing stops giving, we stop loving it
GIVING WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS - How To Practice Giving Without Expectations
Definition: To give something without wanting anything in return just for the sake of it.
Practical Examples & Habits: Seeing someone homeless on the street & buying them a meal. Why? Just because! Maybe it’s because of empathy or for the sake of being spontaneous! My daily habits include Giving a random act of kindness 1x to someone you don’t know. Compliment someone without expectations.
Opposite: Giving With Expectations of Receiving or not giving anything!
SELFLESS - How To Practice Being More Selfless
Definition: Concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own
Practical Examples & Habits: Going out of your own way to help someone else in need. Be in-service for +10min. Volunteering. Give +10min or +$10 to something to help it thrive.
Opposite: SELFISH - Concerned with the needs and wishes of yourself more than others.
INSPIRE - How To Practice Being Inspiring
Definition: The process of being mentally stimulated to take an action.
Practical Examples & Habits: Be that stimulus! The way you can do so is by sharing with others. We can do that by Reporting, Showing, Teaching, & Living. Reporting on how to do X. Showing how to do X. Teaching how to do X. Living your life doing X. Be the role model. Be a man/woman of your word. Complete your daily self-improvement habits. Show up daily. Press publish every day. Go out of your way to help at least someone every day.
Opposite: Discouraging - Robbing someone’s motivation to take an action. Essentially murdering their hope.
CONNECTION - How To Practice Connecting With People More
Definition: A relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.
Practical Examples & Habits: Listening to someone & conversating on the same wavelength. Meditation (to listen to the real you within). Praying for 10min minimum daily. Spending time for a certain amount of time each day with your children, friends, or family.
Opposite: DETACHED - Not being connected. Letting something go.
CARE - How To Practice Caring More
Definition: Displaying kindness and concern for others.
Practical Examples & Habits: Giving someone your full undivided attention. Because Attention = Love. Why? Attention is consciousness, aka God, aka love. God = Love. Your undivided attention is one of the highest forms of love you can give. Attention is a finite resource in this material world. Every day there are multiple sources FIGHTING for your attention. Ads, Emails, Social Media Apps, Work… my friend, you must be intentional in deciding who gets to experience one of your greatest assets (your attention). Protect it all it costs!!!
Opposite: DISREGARD - Not caring about others. Think “F the world, me against everyone, etc.”
INTEREST - How To Practice Being More Interested
Definition: The state of wanting to know something or someone.
Practical Examples & Habits: Being interested and wanting to learn more about someone else’s life. Whether it be for their passion, work, knowledge, or anything! It’s wanting to listen not because you’re forced or feel like you're supposed to but genuinely wanting to listen without feeling resistance. My daily practice is always being curious and learning from everyone. Doesn’t matter if they're more or less successful than me. You can always learn something new from someone either by learning what to do or what not to do.
Opposite: BOREDOM - The state of being weary or restless because of a lack of interest
ENTHUSIASM - How To Practice Being More Enthusiastic
Definition: intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
Practical Examples & Habits: Whenever you have the opportunity to speak with someone, put in that extra effort to make your voice sound alive. Everyone benefits from hearing the sound of life thriving. Whether it’s coming from you or someone else, this remains true. But a certain way to always feel good is to be the one who initiates enthusiasm. When you’re on the phone with anyone, be more enthusiastic. When you pass by a stranger, give a compliment without expectations with enthusiasm. Examples: Compliment their outfit, eye-catching qualities, their energy, their pet, the way they do something specific, etc.
Opposite: APATHETIC - showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
VALUE - How To Practice Giving More Value & Valuing Something
Definition: the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
Practical Examples & Habits: Value something just because. Meaning you make it special & go above and beyond to help it thrive. The value of something is derived from it being in low quantity. So everything and everyone you meet is literally an exact one-of-one replica of it available. There won’t ever be an exact replica of it ever in the future. That is special. That is valuable.
Opposite: WORTHLESS - having no real value or worth.
SUPPORT - How To Practice Giving More Support
Definition: To give assistance to something or someone (especially if they are in need).
Practical Examples & Habits: How I give support: If a friend asks me to like or share something they created, I do it. I also help them learn something new for their journey that is if I have knowledge in said field. If we’re in person I take something off their plate to less their stress.
Opposite: OPPOSE - To be against something or someone. Being incentivized to drag someone down.
APPRECIATION - How To Practice Being More Appreciative
Definition: recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.
Practical Examples & Habits: Implement gratitude. You can go ahead and be that weirdo that says “I appreciate you” to everybody, you can break the tension by relating it to that DJ Khaled meme. Besides that, I have a before-meal prayer where I set a timer for 1min (I use the app called Pause) and I just give my meal my entire attention (love) saying I’m grateful for you. Just an example tho! Hug your loved ones after they do something amazing.
Opposite: ENTITLEMENT - The sense of feeling like you deserve something. Oftentimes unappreciative.
ABUNDANCE - How To Practice Being More Abundant
Definition: A very large quantity of something
Practical Examples & Habits: Giving. When you’re connected with the infinite love within you, you start to overflow with love. You have so much that’s just spilling over that it makes sense to give it away. It’s not going away. It can never be depleted. It just keeps on giving. Make your default to tip more & don’t let accidentally paying more make you feel worse. Money always comes back if given without expectations.
Opposite: SCARCITY - a very low quantity of something
ATTENTION - How To Practice Giving More Attention
Definition: The notice or observing something or someone.
Practical Examples & Habits: Quality time. Spending time with something you want to help thrive. We all have a couple of resources we can give: Money, Time, Energy, & Love to cover all. Remember what we said about attention for CARE - How To Practice Being More Caring above? The same applies here. Spend quality time (meaning undistracted & 100% focused) on family, friends, meals, pets, clients, and anything you want to improve more. If you’re unable to give 100% attention, give some but work your way up. It’s okay. Because something is better than nothing. My habits include +1 act of kindness, Command & Bless, Giving +1 compliment without expectations, & delay gratification for the first 10min of every meal.
Opposite: IGNORANCE - Unaware, not knowing, intentionally or unintentionally ignoring something.
KINDNESS - How To Practice Being More Kind
Definition: the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
Practical Examples & Habits: Treat others the way you wanna be treated. Moving on from the cliche wisdom… The root of how to be more kind is to look out for the needs of others. that’s it. We can look at what people need by looking at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The safest bet is to always look out for peoples’ thirst, hunger, & safety. Then moving up would be appearance, energy, and so on. Practically it would be to offer assistance. “You need help man/miss?” Aight lemme know”…
Opposite: CRUELTY - Going out of your way to hurt, ruin, or cause suffering
SERVICE - How To Practice Being Of Service
Definition: the action of helping or doing work for someone.
Practical Examples & Habits: If you wanna make lots of money, here’s the golden ticket. The answer to getting wealthy has always been service. Think about vending machines. What happens when one stops working? It goes “Out Of Service.” Meaning it won’t be making money until it gets repaired. Same with us. But for your service, it will most likely be your specialty skill. We want to SERVE VALUE. if you’re serving bullshit, then you won’t make any real bread. What you serve matters too! My habits include +4hrs of deep work a day (although I may stop this one since it has made me focus more on spending more time even though it may not be productive. Productivity > Busy), +10min Portfolio/Skill building, & Publishing something daily.
Opposite: USELESSLESS - The inability to achieve an intended purpose or desired outcome.
PEACE - How To Practice Being More Peaceful
Definition: freedom from disturbance; tranquility.
Practical Examples & Habits: If we want to be more peaceful we have to understand what is peace in the first place & learn from success. Ask yourself what is something successfully peaceful in your life? My answer is nature, life, & infinity. So If I want to become more peaceful & free from disturbance, I must adopt qualities from my sources. In nature, it always seems to be flowing. Everything alive is moving. So one of my daily intentions for the day is to always be in flow. I notice that when I stop the flow, thoughts of watching porn, restarting my previous addictions, & indulging in pleasure start to get produced. I avoid this by re-entering the flow & moving forward. Almost like a soldier on a mission. Sometimes I tell myself “keep moving soldier” when this happens lol. It works for me & may work for you!
Opposite: CHAOS - complete disorder and confusion.
AUTHENTICITY - How To Practice Being More Authentic
Definition: you're true to your own spirit, regardless of the pressure that you're under to act otherwise.
Practical Examples & Habits: Who you think you are is probably not the real you. Most people will live their lives as the ego-self and not their true self. So what is your true self? It's the infinitely loving you that has no boundaries. The closest experience you ever had of this self was when you were a baby/child. Because at this stage you didn’t have any conditioning from the world yet. You were awestruck by everything no matter what color, race, weight, or political stance that thing had. loving with no bounds. This is your true authentic self. To bring more of this self out now into your daily life include what the inner child in you liked to do when you were younger. For me, I spend most of my days completely barefoot, laughing at everything as much as I can, touching & physically connecting with everything, spending at least +5min on a fun skill (like learning to juggle recently), giving love without expectations, giving my true honest loving opinions on things when needed (not blowing smoke up peoples asses by only giving positivity all the time), and more things that align with my highest values.
Opposite: FAKE - Putting up a front, most often to gain something
TRUTH - How To Practice More Truth
Definition: the body of real things, events, and facts
Practical Examples & Habits: Keeping your word (integrity) & being honest. Another great way is to do a self-improvement/growth reality check with friends. I wrote about this in a previous letter but the just of it is at the end of your even session with your friend, ask them if they want to do a growth reality check. If no, change the subject, if yes then you would start by asking them first to give you 1-10 things that they‘ve noticed you could improve upon. And then responding with gratitude and then moving on to another subject. Why do this? We have blind spots and can very easily lie to ourselves just to make ourselves feel better. For things like our appearance, attitude, progress, health, etc.
Opposite: LIE - To intentionally hide the truth
SAFETY - How To Practice Safety
Definition: the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.
Practical Examples & Habits: Do not let the ego run the show. Whenever it does, you put yourself at more risk of injury. This is true in the gym, at your workplace, & other places to have fun. Easier said than done? Yup. Still worth reminding tho? 100%. So we want to put ourselves in the best position to surrender to infinity at all times. I do this daily by prioritizing progress over perfection, giving respect, remembering to be humble, & stopping at the slightest bit of potential injury.
Opposite: DANGER - the possibility of suffering harm or injury.
TRUST - How To Practice Trust
Definition: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something; faith.
Practical Examples & Habits: To get trust you must give trust. Once you have a track record of giving trust, you develop a reputation that can now be used to instantly build trust with new people. The way to give trust is to deliver on what you say you will deliver (overdelivering works faster!) over a consistent period of time. Show up even if it is not 100% perfect, be likable meaning express qualities that either remind other people of themselves or qualities of infinity. Daily habits include being a man of my word, checking off my habits for the day, & publishing daily.
Opposite: DOUBT - a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.
PRAISE - How To Practice More Praise
Definition: the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something.
Practical Examples & Habits: The next time you go online on any social media, look for something you admire from the first person’s post that pops up. Leaving a simple comment saying “I love when you do X…” works wonders. On TikTok, I just comment “W” and works amazing. A W for what? You let the person interpret and choose to assign what you meant to something they liked in the video. Complimenting without expectations, and whenever you think of a close friend you haven’t seen in a while, use this opportunity to send them a voice reply giving them praise for something you liked about them.
Opposite: CRITICISM - the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.
PATIENCE - How To Practice More Patience
Definition: The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
Practical Examples & Habits: I gotta thank my parents for putting me onto Legos when I was younger. Building legos taught me more about patience than any book I’ve ever read ha. Should you go out and buy legos to build your patience? Your call! But there are other ways to develop your patience without forking over a couple of benjamins. For me, I’ve also been meditating for 20min every day for 4 years straight which did help a ton. Find your patience practice that works best for you.
Opposite: IMPATIENCE - The inability to delay trouble, delay, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
STANDARDS - How To Practice Having More Standards
Definition: an idea or thing used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations. A level of quality or attainment.
Practical Examples & Habits: Things I do: Never let my emotions get to me whenever someone is overly emotional with me. Always dress your best when going into the public. I don’t lie (man of my word). Don’t engage in petty short-term politics or toxic BS. Do I follow these 100% of the time? Not always even though I try to. That’s why I have these written out to remind myself to live with them in accordance to the best of my ability. These done over a long period of time is when these start to reap the rewards.
Opposite: DEGENERACY - The state of having no standards, morals, or rules to live by.
COMPASSION - How To Practice More Compassion
Definition: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
Practical Examples & Habits: Ego Evolution Theory FTW! Compassion is one of the biggest reasons why I created that model in the first place. To understand why people suffer & live empty lives & logically plan out how to live a successful life. But for real-life interactions, when someone is in pain I don’t offer unsolicited advice to relieve their pain, I just sit there with them offering emotional support. I learned the hard way in high school when a girl sitting next to me one day was verbally sharing her recent stress with me and without her asking, I gave her advice on how to solve her problems. I think I said “then change jobs” and she gave me the dead inside facial expression followed with “wow thanks Elvis” with a sarcastic smile. Lesson: don’t give advice if people don’t ask for it. loooool.
Opposite: HEARTLESS - Having no empathy or compassion for others. Not being able to feel what the other person is feeling.
JUSTICE - How To Practice Justice
Definition: the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness
Practical Examples & Habits: The big thing that pops into mind is doing the right thing and standing up to evil. This one will be one of the hardest acts of love to express but yields the highest return. We don’t get many opportunities to fight evil nowadays because there aren’t extraordinary amounts of it in 2022 (thank god). However, it WILL occur sometime in your lifetime. It’s best to think it will even if the stats say otherwise because it will prepare you. It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. Things I’ve done to practice justice: saw a scammer online selling one of my friends’ courses so I DMed him saying it’s uncool + reported + he took it down.
Opposite: INJUSTICE - Lack of fairness or goodness.
SELF-DISCIPLINE - How To Practice More Self-Discipline
Definition: the ability to control one's feelings and overcome one's weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.
Practical Examples & Habits: You already know about this one baby! One of the most life-changing forms of self-love is self-discipline. The magic comes from identifying what matters the most in your life and making a commitment to say no to whatever distracts you from it. Saying no to instant pleasure, no to distractions, and anything that comes in the way from you getting closer to what you want in your life. Things I do daily include just doing the hard task for 1 or 10min and then telling myself I can do whatever I want after the timer ends. I do this to just get the ball rolling. Because it’s easier to keep going at the 10min mark than it is to quit. An object in motion tends to stay in motion.
Opposite: SELF-INDULGENCE - the practice of allowing enjoyment of whatever is desired
RESPONSIBILITY - How To Practice More Responsibility
Definition: the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.
Practical Examples & Habits: Embrace reality and choose to take initiative. When life isn’t glamourous meaning it isn’t going your way, that’s an opportunity to understand why and change it going forward. Don’t like how you always wake up tired? Get no texts back? End up with less money than last month? Now is not the time to escape into fantasyland but to understand the root cause of your situation. Spending 5min making a plan to tackle the problem head-on is enough to relieve the pain you are feeling. No need to make regrettable decisions like overeating ice cream or watching XXX. I’ve been in this situation hundreds of times. Sometimes I respond & sometimes I fold. I’ve always enjoyed life more when I choose the former option. Take initiative
Opposite: IRRESPONSIBILITY - Not caring for others’ safety or the situation at hand
EDUCATE - How To Practice Education More
Definition: give intellectual, moral, and social instruction
Practical Examples & Habits: Always be learning. Do you remember when you were a kid? When we would be naturally curious about everything? We want to keep this part of you alive, never let him/her die. The inner child that is. Always be questioning everything because the devil likes to hide in the details. Ask WHY for everything… but continue if it’s not going anywhere. Once you feel like you’ve been educated, It’s time to educate others. For those that want to learn more from you. Teach them what you know and make it fun. Try out lots of methods! Direct, Indirect, while seated, while walking, etc etc etc. You do others a disservice if you keep all that you know all to yourself. Educate.
Opposite: NAIVENESS - showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
LEADERSHIP - How To Practice Being More Leading
Definition: the action of leading a group of people or an organization.
Practical Examples & Habits: Is there someone in your life who could use some guidance? Younger sibling? Coworker? Gym bro? Clients? These people need you to lead them. Leaders create leaders. If you have the awareness of wisdom but choose to not give it to others who need it, you’re doing them and yourself a disservice. it’s okay if this is the first time you’re becoming aware of this fact. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, It wasn’t your fault because we don’t know what we didn’t know. But now you do.
Opposite: MANAGEMENT - the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
FORGIVENESS - How To Practice More Forgiveness
Definition: a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness.
Practical Examples & Habits: Having resentment gives you stress the longer you hold onto it. So every night before I shower I give myself 5min to just pray, meditate, journal or anything to relieve whatever is on my mind. Knowing that any negative thing someone did to me, I know deep down they didn’t mean it. They could’ve had a traumatic upbringing, dealing with something heavy, or worse. Everyone’s true self is loving. See that version in others the best you can. You can forgive someone without having to tell the other person. Just say “I forgive you X person,” feel it emotionally, and carry on.
Opposite: RETRIBUTION - punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act.
That’s my list! To keep this simple, I'm following the advice I learned from recently watching Everything Everywhere All At Once. And it’s this (not a spoiler but you should still watch it since it’s a whole adventure-packed journey in 2hrs). It’s this: Love what's in front of you.
💵ULTIMATE STORYTELLING CHECKLIST: +75 Checkboxes & Formulas To Help You Tell Stories Worth Remembering
Everyone has a favorite story.
One that makes them weak at the knees and faint of the heart. Think of your favorite movie you’ve seen recently. What was it? Ask yourself why did it become one of your favorites? If you’re unclear why it was your favorite, don’t worry! Because that’s what I’m going to share with you below on how to tell amazing stories that’ll make you a master storyteller.
Even if you think you don’t have the authority or much experience to tell stories, that doesn’t matter. You can authority-link from others you admire & do much more. Really, all you need is the right elements & a big idea to execute a blockbusting story. I will show you the elements but you need to come up with the ideas to insert using the formulas below.
Once you become a great storyteller, you’ll notice it becomes easier to sell your products & services with ease. Because people are dying to feel something. If you can give them that feeling, you won’t ever have a hard time making money. It's the reason why coca-cola doesn't sell soda but happiness. Why Apple sells status, not electronics. Good stories are valuable. Good marketing requires good stories.
I had to learn lots of storytelling concepts last month to create my own version of storytelling. So I’ll be pulling sources from James Cameron, Christopher Nolan, Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller, The Secrets Of Story by Matt Bird, other storytelling books, & personal observations. Note that not all elements will be needed for your story so please pick and choose which ones fit well & disregard what isn’t needed.
Ready to dive in? let’s get it!
I’ve created a couple of formulas below as follows:
Checklist Purpose: When you’re done with your story, run it through these questions. The more checked boxes you have, the better your story will be.
A [ADJECTIVE indicating longstanding social PROBLEM] [PROFESSION/SOCIAL ROLE] [LOCATION] must [GOAL w/bonuses: URGENCY & STAKES]
- WHO - Who is in the story? Ex: Iron Man
- WHERE - Where are we?
- [LOCATION] ambushed In the Arabian desert
- [GOAL]: Build a suit of armor
- [URGENCY & STAKES]: to free himself from a warlord and then perfect his suit to deal with related menaces at home.
Assembled: “An arrogant arms dealer ambushed In the Arabian desert must build a suit of armor to free himself from a warlord and then perfect his suit to deal with related menaces at home.”
- Hook - (often times 1 sentence) (includes WHO, WHERE, & WHAT HAPPENED) The goal is to catch their attention. Either by showing something familiar or something out of the ordinary.
- Ex: “An arrogant arms dealer ambushed In the Arabian desert must build a suit of armor to free himself from a warlord and then perfect his suit to deal with related menaces at home.”
- The Plot & The Catch - Establish the world and then the meteor that's about to destroy the earth.
- Ex: Now that Tony is home he plans to create a new iron suit with his business partner. But it turns out Iron Monger has been stealing from Tony this whole time in hopes of creating his own version of an iron suit to obtain more profit for himself.
- Twist The Knife (All Hope Is Lost) - Make the audience feel like all hope is lost… until…
- Ex: Iron Monger steals Tony Starks only reactor causing him to almost die of a heart attack. All hope is lost until he remembers the original arc reactor Pepper gave him as a gift. He smashes it open quickly & now has a fighting chance to seek his revenge…
- Payoff - now you give the audience and the characters the satisfying payoff that has been earned.
- Ex: Tony Stark in his superior iron man suit defeats Iron Monger in a 1-on-1 deathmatch & gets the girl along with the media claiming responsibility for his company.
SUPPORTING CHARACTERS (And bonuses for the hero or likable characters):
For Educational Videos
For Entertainment Videos
Source: Jon Dorman on YouTube
And there you have it! You now have the basic framework to create amazing stories. Refer back to this topic when Christopher Nolan hires you for a storytelling consultation or for creating Youtube videos (I hope the former happens to you someday :)).
🌟BITE-SIZED WISDOM: Lessons Learned Last Month
This section is all about Big Ideas In Bite-Sized Pieces. These are lessons learned last month turned into mini topics. These could become main topics in the future with more content added if you like. Just DM me, let me know, & if enough people want it I'll deliver! NOTE: Whenever I give credit to someone, it does not mean I endorse their worldviews 100% now or later. I just agreed with what they had to say at this moment in time & I think you'll find value in it too. Ok, now that I defended myself against the cancel culture, let's get it into it!
Lessons Learned:
- 💵 “if you didn't get a gasp from the price tag, you didn't go high enough” -Alex Hormozi. Start high like at $100,000 and you can always go down from there. Be comfortable with the gasp and comfortable with No's.
- 💵simple scales, fancy fails
- 💵How to be in business for the long term: focus on the Transformation > Tool. Ex: The rise of TikTok agencies - don't sell people by saying “we create your TikTok ads” instead say “we use TikTok ads to help you sell [client's high ticket offer]”
- 💵There are 3 masons & you ask each of them what they're doing. The first mason responds “I'm just laying bricks”, the second mason says “I'm building a cathedral”, and the third mason says “I'm bringing people closer to god”. -Alan Weiss. Lesson: you can always find someone else for money but there's only one of you
💵Sales Beliefs That Helped Alex Hormozi Sell +$100m
- People want to believe you. They want to buy. You must help their logical brains to justify the decision.
- Selling happens before you ask, closing begins after.
- It’s easier to handle obstacles than objections (before you ask rather than after).
- That being said, expect and plan for NO. It is not failure, it is expected. Stop being surprised.! NO is the job! If you get a yes, then you are not needed. Sales Is the first.
- If you didn’t get a gasp from the price tag, you didn’t go high enough.
- Selling properly is the first step to becoming a coach. Your first impression and the expectation you set dictate the relationship.
- Selling is helping prospects make decisions to help themselves.
- Keep the prospect, not the sale, as the priority. It's not about you.
- Seek to understand, not argue.
- Maintain childlike curiosity at all times.
- Closing is a dance, not a fight. It is seduction, not rape.
- Selling is a transference of belief over a bridge of trust. Therefore, you must have the belief, in order to transfer it.
- You can only build trust if you genieuenly want to help. And humans are exceptionally good at sniffing out intention.
- Belief & trust are a continuums, no binaries. Treat them accordingly.
- Closers ask hard questions - because they genuinely care.
- The person who cares the most about the prospect wins the deal.
- Record all your sales. Always.
- Power is the ability to direct or influence people. If you want to be powerful, you must learn this skill.
💵Start With The Ask, Save Small Talk For Last
Wrong: Hey Bob, it’s been a long time, we really need to catch up. I miss you. You’re a good guy. hope all is well. By the way, my daughter is trying to raise money for her field trip. Would you consider donating $200 to her cause? Thanks. (Catch up then ask)
Flip the order (Ask then Catch up)
Right: Hey Bob, Would you consider donating $200 to her cause? Btw It’s been too long, I miss you, we do need to catch up. Let’s grab a bite to eat sometime? Thanks
Why?: We have an aversion bias when we feel like we’re getting our asses kissed in exchange for something we close up & feel used.
Source: The Futur
💵The One Guarantee To Give In Service-Based Work
“There Will Always Be Delays, But I’ll Always Give The Best Work” (in your control)
💵Hide The Vegetables In Your Content
Selling positivity by itself else it won't go far. Try hiding the vegetables in the plate.
Example: DougDoug on YouTube. His GTA videos are desert while tying the story to the end takeaway: Love is the answer. Not cringe. Not forceful. Everyone is on the same page. Beautiful use of both Entertaining Storytelling X Educational Content
Source: Yes Theory on The Colin & Samir Show
💵How To Be Poor
- Start Tomorrow
- Read Books. Do Nothing.
- Take advice from poor people on how to be rich.
- Pick a spouse who makes you feel guilty about working.
- Fail once, quit forever.
- Think the world is fair.
- Blame your circumstances.
- Complain.
- Expect the government to save you.
- Avoid Discomfort.
- Talk more. Do less.
- Start something new today. Start something new tomorrow. Repeat.
- Believe what other people think of you, more than what you think of yourself.
- Make mistake. Repeat mistake.
- Be replaceable.
- Find something that works. Stop doing it.
- Hire dumb people.
- Assume you’re always right.
- Value the opinion of others over your own.
- Wait for perfect conditions.
- Prioritize looking rich over being rich.
- Avoid working on what matters most.
- Say you’re going to do something. Don’t do it.
- Do what everyone else is doing.
- Do “your best” not what it takes.
- Make promises. Break promises.
- Tolerate Mediocrity.
- Make money. Spend more than what you made.
Source: Alex Hormozi
💵Why Most Podcasts Fail (They Lack This ONE Thing)
Why most podcasts fail: They do the traditional here's the guest’s life story for an hour. It's boring now. That's the job for the mainstream podcast and that's what they do best at. Think of how I built this, Joe Rogan, Lex Friedman, Andrew Huberman, etc.
We don't want to compete against these people who already have more resources and experience doing that. Instead, do this...The thing to implement: USP - Unique Selling Point (Differentiator)
- Hot Ones - While Eating peppers
- Jeff's barbershop - While cutting hair
- Chicken shop date - While eating chicken
- Vogue 70 questions - While touring guest's homes & asking on the fly fun questions
Why should you listen to me & this advice? - I’ve made podcasting mistakes & I’ve learned from mine & other people's mistakes I’ve seen too. Context: I started the Posimistic Podcast in 2017 & I stopped it since I was only getting 1-3 views per episode. And for good reason, because the episodes were boring (full transparency). I didn’t script, didn’t plan, didn’t have a USP, & I just pressed record. So take this insight with a grain of salt.
- While reacting to tick tocks
- While walking
- While going over nostalgia for the guest
- While in a hot tub w guys only (make it sus)
- While helping someone set up their podcast (go meta)
- While (insert risky activity)
- While getting a manicure
- While Eating different ice cream flavors
- While feeding the homeless
- While walking on the street giving money to random strangers
- While playing basketball
- While playing Minecraft
- While showering (bonus: w the sponsor - sasquatch soap, manscaped, etc.)
- While playing video games (fuck zoom, do it in PlayStation party vibes)
- While playing the “We're Not Really Strangers” card game
- While at the park doing TikTok trends
🌟My Daily Vlog SOP
I started a daily vlog on TikTok this year. Result: Best decision I’ve made this year. I want to give you my daily vlog sop below to inspire you to create your own version of a daily vlog/blog/documentation practice. Because right now the closest thing we have to a time machine is video. And when you become a wealthy billionaire, there's no amount of money you can spend to time travel back to this moment in time…. except for videos you create right now. Hope this SOP helps. Let me know how it goes and if you want more help creating a vlog just reach out & I’d be more than happy to help.
The formula: record 2 - 10 second clips of interesting parts of your day & upload all the footage to TikTok. Choose a song & let TikTok automatically edit your video by clicking “sound sync”
SOP: Every vlog has to include to some extent the following:
- Sound: the song that was playing on your head that day
- A mirror shot of my upper body / selfie video
- Oura ring scores
- M.O.T.D. Music of the day playlist screenshot
- My daily habits checklist (Notion or planner)
- My mindset material (Protagonist Sheet, Ego Evolution Theory, How To Live A Successful Life Infographic, etc)
- A shot of me walking in 3rd person
- A shot of the sky
- A shot of my office
- A shot of all my meals that showcases the vibe (Breakfast & Dinner)
- A shot of my work for the day
- A shot of me doing a fun skill
- A shot of me working out & workout location
- My YouTube history
- Memes of the day
- Valuable tweets / lessons learned today
- Art
- And anything you want to include to remember that specific day…
🌟My Monthly Collage System To Document Life
Every month I create a single image collage containing all the things that I want to remember for each month.
Example: Here's last month's collage…
SOP: Things I include in my monthly collages:
- 1x picture of my environment (outside view, office, room, etc.)
- 1x pic of my Theory of Everything (for me it’s Ego Evolution Theory, what’s yours?)
- The movies, shows, music, media, books, & content I consumed that month
- 1x picture of physique
- The wins of the months
- Copy & paste the wins & lows text of the month onto the collage
- Theme: I choose the background color that matches the feeling of that month (June was yellow/orange
🌟Truths To Remember As A Natural Bodybuilder, Ethical Entrepreneur, & Loyal Lover
- 💪You don't look small - Social media will brainwash you that you look small. Your ego will start to have second thoughts about doing short-term shortcuts. Like steroids, tren, fad diets with no nutritional value, etc. Avoid. All these shortcuts LEAD TO SUFFERING and leave you in a worse spot than before.
- 💵You're not poor - scum bag influencers, greedy capitalists, and con-man opportunists will make more money than you in the short term. That’s just reality. But a dollar earned ethically is worth more than a billion made with short-term self-centered greed. Avoid the short-term NFT projects, MLM schemes, OnlyFans creation, or anything if the founders are primarily profit-focused (anything Spiral Dynamics Orange). Making a livable wage but doing what makes you fulfilled while the world benefits will always feel better.
- 💞You’re not missing out - While you may see everyone popping bottles at the club or traveling the world, most of all those people are dealing with something. Don’t let traumatized people coping with instant pleasures make you feel bad about your life. Your peace and quiet on a Friday night is worth more than anything.
Final goodbye - Until Next Time! 👋
Thank you for sticking with me for all these letters. I need to take a break. For these past 12 issues, I wrote these letters all while day fasting 1x a month. Going forward I can’t stick to this routine. I need to find a new flow in the meantime that allows me to continuously write bangers WITHOUT starving myself & losing gains. Until I find my new flow, I’ll be more focused on creating videos this year in the meantime. You can follow me on social media @Elvis Posimistic or @Posimistic.
(NEW) Anonymous Feedback Form: Fill out this form & let me know what to improve upon! (Open in a new incognito window)
Ways to spread the word & help spread the vision:
- Word of mouth - tell your open-minded friends about this! Email them the digital PDF of any letter of their choice. Fuck it, send them your favorite letter for free. They will get hooked & choose to either subscribe then or not. Either way, they win.
- Leaving a great review on Gumroad! - If you love it, rate it! Review page:
- Testimonials - I want to feature you in my marketing! Let me know how the letter has impacted your life! (Contact me via email or Twitter!) Taking pictures of you holding a Posimistic Letter & posting it to your story not only looks A E S T H E T I C but also increases your status. Source: Dude trust me.
That's everything! Thank you for reading & remember that the best is yet to come!
To help you achieve the following...
🌟 = SELF - You’ve entered Stage Succeeding in EET & achieved inner peace.
💪 = HEALTH - You've achieved your dream physique, feel great, & became healthier.
💵 = WEALTH - You’ve achieved consistent financial freedom being a creator, specializing in a high-quality service, & systemized your life.
💞 = LOVE - You’ve achieved a W social life & found your high-quality partner.
If you've achieved all 4 of these then my job is complete. Feel free to unsubscribe. Go on and live your life. The point of life isn't to be dependent on my letters. It’s to find your unique way back to your true nature—infinite unconditional love. I just hope that these letters played a teeny tiny part in your path towards it :) Email Support [at] with “cancel” as the first subject line.
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