Welcome to 2022! 🎆
"When a man lacks purpose, he seeks pleasure."
Happy new year! The past 2 years have been a movie! If that movie was Independence Day. Jokes, okay I’ll stop. Don’t let society frame your year as negative if it was positive for you. Bad things will still happen regardless even if you achieve your highest potential. Suffering = Strengthens You. Don’t forget that. That’s it, enjoy! -Elvis
🌟💵🍏💞MAINSTREAM ADVICE AUDIT: The Results You Will Get Following MSM Vs. The Opposite (+20 Objective Truths)
🌟BITE-SIZED WISDOM: Lessons Learned Last Month
🌟EGO EVOLUTION MODEL: December Updates
đź’µAGENCY JOURNEY: Going From $0 To $100,000/mo: December Logs & Plans
🌟What Are You So Afraid Of Losing?
🌟How To Avoid Ending Up With A Life Being Told What To Do (By Force)
🌟+24 Journaling Questions To Ask Yourself At The End Of Every Year
🌟💵🍏💞MAINSTREAM ADVICE AUDIT: The Results You Will Get Following MSM Vs. The Opposite (+20 Objective Truths)
Have you noticed that the mainstream media’s advice sets you back in your spiritual journey? It can’t just be me who notices this.
If you haven't then this topic is for you!
Below I'm going to outline the mainstream narrative & the objective truth. While also giving you both the nihilistic & optimistic perspectives. Your mind can label a truth with a negative filter thus closing you off from experiencing the benefits of the objective truth.
“For every perspective, there is an opposite & equal perspective out there.” Just made this quote up but it works! You can treat this topic as a “Part 2” to the first topic in issue 001 titled “THE COUNTER LOGICAL NATURE OF LIFE: +45 Secrets Society Never Told Us.”
So are you ready to dive in? Let’s Go!
đź’žATTRACTION - How to attract (healthy) feminine dominant women
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Healthy-Feminine women love it when you act like yourself & for who you truly are only! Unleash your pure feminine side & express your raw emotions to her.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Healthy Feminine women are attracted to Healthy Masculine men.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): "Damn, blackpilled again. There's no use in attracting women since I can't control my looks & biology. Now you're pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): "Okay, healthy feminine women are attracted to healthy masculine men? Time to adapt. If she loves good looks? then we get in shape. If she loves financial stability? Then we start learning new asset generating skills. There's no point in sitting all day complaining about how life is. If we want X, we have to become 3-5 times greater to acquire X. Focus on the things you can control & not on the things you can't. Now you're optimistic about the future.
đź’žREPUTATION - How to develop a reputation
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Follow the visible path to career success.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Don't follow the path most traveled. Because if you do, you'll get the same results everyone else Is getting & become a carbon copy.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): The mainstream world is against you. There's no point in following your passions because there's no proven way to become successful. Now you're pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Let's Get It! Time to become a 1 of 1 success story. We know success requires risk and if that risk succeeds you will get credited. We don't want a clear path to follow because we understand valuable things require a barrier to entry. If it was easy everyone would do it & make your story less special. Now you're optimistic about the future.
đź’žLOVE - How to find love
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Love at first sight! Find your soulmate to fill in your "missing" piece.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): You already have the potential to fill yourself up 100%. The love you give yourself is in your control. A partner should only be a bonus to your life. You: 100% + Your Partner: 100% = Your quality of life: 200%. Love at first sight usually just means the other person is socially attractive & hundreds of other people are already attracted to them.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): There's no point in finding love since they already have people they're talking with & interested in. There’s no way they’ll be interested in me. Now you're pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): We won’t know if we don’t try. To find the best you have to be the best. Improve your physique, resources, social skills, & everything that's in your control to increase your odds of finding love wherever you go. If someone you have a crush on already has a date, no worries! That's only 1 out of +4 billion. They are out there & it's your job to find & attract them. This long mysterious journey is what makes the game of life fun. Now you're optimistic about the future.
đź’µINVESTING - How to make more money
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): work more hours at your 9 to 5 job.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): invest, work less but focused.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): The greedy capitalists rigged the system against us. They don’t teach us to make us slaves to the system. Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): There are millions of people who have increased their net worth starting from the bottom. You can either sit around and condemn others for how evil they are or focus on your success. The system isn’t stopping you... You are stopping you. Invest in yourself. Start implementing healthy financial habits & you’ll make it out of the system. Now you’re optimistic about the future.
🌟REALITY - How to bend reality to your will
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): You can’t change reality.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): You are the creator of the universe & can bend reality to your will. Time is an illusion. The second you were born, you were already dead. Surrender to the highest loving path your infinite self created & dare to say YES to life.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, nothing matters. It doesn't matter if I achieve success because it won’t matter. Everything is already destined without having to do anything. Man, this sucks. Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Cool, nothing matters! This life is just a game & you’re here alive reading these words! You have the power to choose what life you’re going to live from the ego’s perspective. It’s all in what you want to experience in this lifetime. You can sit around all day, complain, indulge, victimize, horde, victimize yourself and you’ll get hell on earth (suffering). Or you can spread unconditional love, give, create, appreciate, surrender to infinity and you’ll get heaven on earth (succeeding/thriving). Neither option is good or bad, it all depends on what you want to experience. Nothing matters in the absolute sense but in the relative sense, it does. Knowing all this, tomorrow becomes an adventure! Now you’re optimistic about the future.
🌟PLEASURE - How to live a pleasurable life
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Pursue pleasure directly
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Pursue pleasure indirectly. Proactively experience suffering in a healthy way. The more healthy suffering you experience, the better the smallest pleasures in life feel.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): It's not fair! Life isn't fair! Why isn't life set up to experience pleasure directly!! Blames god. Hates life. Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): if life was so simple to easily experience pleasure directly, life would be boring. Challenges make life more exciting. It’s the journey to realize life is counterintuitive that makes the adventure fun to experience. Time to explore the unknown, follow the uncomfortable workout plan, & introduce more proactive suffering into your life! Now you’re optimistic about the future.
đź’žFITTING IN - How to fit in
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Follow what's trending.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Be different & unique. When you try to fit in & look cool, you look like a loser. Cool people don’t care about fitting in.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, I don't know what to do then. Clueless. I don’t know what my true style is. Why are those people I’m trying to fit in with such jerks? Nothing I do impresses them. Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, we know that nothing we do will ever impress those people we’re trying to fit in with, so screw it. Create your own table. Stop trying to fit in & become a clone of one of those dweebs. You’ll notice once you do, you’ll never even wanted them to like you anyway. You were seeking admiration & validation from them but ended up filling your tank with the best form of validation: Self Love. Now you’re optimistic about whatever the future has to bring.
🌟DEATH - How to be immortal
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Preserve your human self for as long as you can.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Nothing is needed to become immortal.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, nothing matters. There’s no point in doing anything then. Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, since we know we don’t have to do anything to become immortal, we just celebrate. Celebrate life that is. Since death is initiation of immortality, which means our infinite selves purposely choose to experience your human life. It be foolish to preserve the worst part about yourself (the ego). So there’s no need to worry about living a long life of human consciousness when you will merge back with the only consciousness. And at that point, we’ll get to experience the next adventure. Now you’re optimistic about the future.
đź’µPRICE - How to get a good deal
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Negotiate in your best interest. Penny-pinch.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): The seller is most likely in the best interest of themselves. They want to get the best deal. Nothing you can really do to influence that.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, people are selfish. Can’t seem to always get the best deal.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, we know the other party will most likely operate in their best interest, and that’s fantastic! They also have a life & need to put food on the table. So let's make a WIN/WIN deal with them. Negotiate with leverage. Come in without needing to have the other thing. Help out the other party. Tip them. Turn this business connection into a close friendship connection. Doing this plants seeds for the future. Those seeds will grow & you'll experience the benefits from befriending the other party. Benefits like discounts, early bidding, special treatment, & more. Now you’re optimistic about the future.
🌟PERFECTIONISM - How to be perfect
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Do everything right, don't fail. Failure = pulls you back & sets you back.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Take Action and fail forward. Failure = springs you forward & speeds up your success. The more you fail, the more odds of success.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, failure sucks. It's painful. Can’t believe we’ve been lied to by the school system to avoid failure. I’ve let failures in my past hold me back from achieving anything. Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, we know failure is the key to success, so let’s take action! No more perfectionism mindset from this point on. You taking action gets you one step closer to your “ideal” vision. Sure, you will get backlash from others but you were never doing it to impress your haters. Let them watch. Giving attention to your haters only makes them bigger & stronger. Give your finite attention to your supporters. You are exactly where you need to be right now & that’s perfect in the eyes of your highest version of yourself. Now you’re optimistic about the future.
đź’žPARENTING - How to teach your kids
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Force. Uncoordinated discipline. Tell them what to do.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Using force will only make your children hate you & rebel with everything you have to say.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, kids won't listen. Takes too much time & effort to raise successful children. That’s how I was raised & it worked for me. So many soft kids are being born today. Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, we know we can’t only use force to teach our kids, got it! So it’s time to introduce Flow. Let them experience. Discipline with intention to help them understand WHY you're disciplining them. Show them what to do. Be the role model. If you want to avoid raising soft kids, you have to let them learn either with wisdom or experience. Only a small percentage of people will learn through wisdom. For the rest, let them experience the consequences of their actions (as long as the effects aren’t too extreme). Now you’re optimistic about the future of your children.
đź’µMONEY - How to make money
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Work hard. Use force, manual effort, more hours, etc.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Work smart. Use leverage, systems, & make products that solve people's problems.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): "I can't make money because of X reason that's out of my control." It takes money to make money. The rich get richer. There's no point in continuing my journey to make tons of money. Now you're pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): You get what you deserve in life so you must improve yourself to be worthy of such fortune. It's not going to be quick. It's not going to be easy. But you will get stronger & you will become better. Focus on the things you can control like improving your skills, learning something new daily, & trying new ideas out quickly. Now you're optimistic about the future.
🍏FOOD - How to know if food is healthy
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Trust the science funded by mainstream big corporations & what it says on the front of the packaging.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Ask questions & never stop researching. Science can be corrupted with the right amount of money. We've seen this in the past with doctors promoting cigarettes in ads from the 1950s. Most fast foods in the west today cause a host of irreversible health conditions. Look at the ingredients list. The less the better. The easier to pronounce ingredients, the healthier.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, most of the world is being fed poison. The elite don't care about us. They are profit-centered & want us to die for X reasons about depopulation. Now you're pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): It going to take time for the mainstream world to catch on but society will still advance over time. The elite don't want to depopulate humanity because that means lower customers. Profit is the lifeblood of any business. It just so happens that some big corporations have to use packaging that's able to live longer & serve the lowest common denominator in society. Forgive them for some do not know what they do. But now this gives us opportunities to create fortunes for ourselves. Where there are problems in the marketplace, there are opportunities for us to start booming businesses & create new long-term sustainable inventions. Complainers will always complain. Winners will always win. The opportunities are here for you to succeed. It’s never been a better time in history to become wealthy. Now you're optimistic about the future.
🌟GOD - How God operates
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): God is a bearded man in the sky who judges you and sends you to hell for sinning.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): You are God. Not your ego, but the loving soul that operates your human consciousness. This soul is nothing. It can’t be located or defined. Infinite love baby! It operates with the highest wisdom for anyone willing to experience it right now if they surrender the ego. After your human body expires, your consciousness merges back with everything around you.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, so we don’t exist. There’s no point in doing anything. This god sucks. Why would he allow suffering if he was infinitely pure & loving? Yea right. Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Wow, so we were created to experience the universe from the human form. God gave us this huge sandbox to explore & heal from nature. Suffering is created by the ego. The ego which everyone has. You. Me. Everyone has an identity. It’s just a matter of how developed your ego is. We’re given free will to choose & some people choose to perform low consciousness level activities harming the earth & everyone around them. Some chose to spread love & create positive things which healed everyone around them. You have the power to heal or destroy. It all depends on what level of love you have in your heart. Following the 7 holy virtues is a great start to experience peace on earth. Now you’re optimistic about the future.
đź’žCONVERSATION - How to have great conversations
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Talk about surface-level topics. Talk about yourself & how great you are.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Talk about deep topics. Most strangers or acquaintances don’t care about you or your life.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, so you're telling me all my previous friends were fake then. Everyone is so fake with small talk nowadays. Not to mention the new people I will talk to won’t care about me & only them. Now you're pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): People will begin to care when you care. Focus on evoking friendly positive feelings in the other person. Get them to start talking about themselves & gas them up lol! Not everyone will like you or what you have to say. That’s fine! Find the ones who do. Find your tribe & you’ll have no worries about trying to remain politically correct. Continue your learning & remain curious. Now you’re optimistic about the future.
🌟SUCCESS - How to succeed in life
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Get more things. More money. More women. More more more.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Obtaining more materialistic things won't make you happier. Own less. Overcome the ego. The truth is you don’t own anything. Once you’re human self goes, the things you own will inevitably move on.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, I guess we’ll just own nothing and be happy. Just like the elitists want. Dystopian! Capitalisms fault! It’s only going to get worse from here! Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): The things we have never defined who we are. Cease letting the ego control you & make it your pet. This means you can be successful now without having to buy anything else! True success will not come from achieving all your materialistic goals rather when you spread unconditional love. From forgiving yourself. Loving your close ones. Following the seven holy virtues & avoiding the seven sinful habits. You can wake up tomorrow ready to make a change for the better. Now you’re optimistic about the future.
🌟MOTIVATION - How to be motivated
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Motivation is the key driver for taking action!
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Motivation is finite & unreliable.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, I never get motivated so there’s no point in taking action. It’s so difficult to get started on something & finish it. Looks like there’s no point in starting anyways. Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, so we know motivation is finite & unreliable, no worries! Now we know not to rely on it in the future. Instead, we need discipline. Discipline to get started even when you don’t always feel like it. Not discipline to get the thing done, but just to do 10 minutes. Just to do one push-up. Just getting to the next checkpoint. Just writing the first sentence. And discipline won’t be the only thing we rely on, but we’ll incorporate & experiment with other sources. Like setting up systems in place, routines to follow, & designing the environment to make it easy to win & hard to lose. Time to get after it & watch how easy motivation starts coming in! Now you’re optimistic about the future.
đź’µBUSINESS - How to succeed in business
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Ideas & passion is needed to keep businesses growing.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Money & resources is needed to keep businesses growing.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, that’s not fair. Life is not fair. Why is it so hard to keep growing in this capitalistic world!. Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, since we know it takes resources to keep a business growing, let’s generate it! It’s time to find ways we can generate more profit, revenue, capital in sustaining ways. Now you’re optimistic about the future.
🌟EVIL - How to eliminate evil
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Eliminate evil with evil.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): Using hate to try to eliminate evil will only help grow it.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Those people who do evil deserve more evil coming their way! No sympathy! More evil will come in the future. That’s just how evil works. Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, we know using evil to try to eliminate evil doesn't work, great! The opposite of evil is goodness! You can only irradicate evil by swapping it with positivity. Everyone is born a clean vessel but over time some people (of no fault of their own) grow up with negative influences they had no control over. All we have to do is override the negative programming with positive programming. Evil will go away when you learn how to love the thing that's hardest to love. Once you implement the positive foundation, miracles start to happen all over. Now you’re optimistic about the future.
🌟ENLIGHTENMENT - How to achieve enlightenment
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Stop negative thoughts & forcefully stop thinking by setting time to meditate daily.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): enlightenment can happen at any moment. When you try to become enlightened you get further away. You stop all monkey mind chatter when you let go of it. Attention feeds the negativity. To starve your negative thoughts, stop focusing on it.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, so meditation is pointless then. I'm never going to get enlightened at this pace. I don't know how to become enlightened. Now you're pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): At any moment could become your enlightenment! So you must do your best to be aware of at all times thus training your overall self-awareness. Who cares about becoming enlightened! Life will remain the same afterward. Before enlightenment: eat food, do laundry, be in service. After enlightenment: eat food, do laundry, be in service. Everything works out in the end & you have nothing to worry about if you will never become enlightened. Now you're optimistic about the future.
đź’žPASSION - How to find your passion
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Find it. Everyone is born with a passion!
RED PILL (Objective Truth): No one knows 100% what they’re passionate about. One day it could be X until you discover Y. Passion is just an emotion. All emotions pass.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, that’s depressing. We’ve been lied to all our lives. What’s the point in discovering my passion then if we don’t know 100% what it will be? Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, we know passion is an emotion, great! So let’s use another phrase then. Purpose! More specifically is to create your purpose. Passion makes it feel like you're going to enjoy doing it every day but we know this is false. Purpose, on the other hand, is something we’re meant to do knowing that not every time you do it will be enjoyed. It’s okay! You’re human with emotions & life gets in the way. Now you’re optimistic about the future.
đź’µWORK - How to avoid the hard work
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Don't focus on it. Supplement the hard work with easy work.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): The longer you ignore it, the bigger the problems & work pile gets.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, I can't seem to catch a break. It sucks that life is designed this way. I've neglected my work for so long it's now a huge pile. Now you're pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, since we know ignoring the problem/work doesn't go away, we get started! Do it as soon as you can to eliminate it as fast as possible. Work on it during your high-energy hours. For some, it's first thing in the morning & for others, it's later in the day. Experiment! Once you complete it, you won't come out of it as the same person, you now have evolved because of it. It made you smarter, increased your skillset, & experience. Now you know how to solve those problems faster & are optimistic for what the future brings you.
đź’µSALES - How to get the sale
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Be a salesman. Sell them something.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): People hate being sold to. They feel slimy. Almost like you’re just trying to make a quick buck off of them. Especially if you’re a complete stranger to them.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, now I’m not motivated to go sell my product. There’s no point then. Now you’re pessimistic about the future.
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, since we know people hate being sold to, we adapt. Be a serviceman. Find the right prospect & show them your product which solves their problem. Never force the sale on someone who is hesitant or doesn’t need your product. Employ the “Expert Doctor” frame. Meaning your job is to diagnose your clients and prescribe them the right solution to their problems. You’ll find it’s much easier to close the sale when you listen to their problems & educate them on WHY they're facing that problem. Then insert your product as the key to their situation. Don’t force, let it flow. Your ideal prospects are out there in pain looking for someone with your solution. If you don’t give them what they need, they will be in more pain. It’s now your moral obligation to help solve their problems if you have the solution. You just have to find them. Now you’re optimistic about the future.
🍏LOSING WEIGHT - How to lose weight (fat)
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): To burn fat eat only healthy foods. Salads all day! Get on a diet. Follow a cookie-cutter program. Stop eating all fat.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): To burn fat you have to be in a caloric deficit, have low stress, & avoid spiking your insulin levels too much throughout the day. It doesn’t matter how many healthy whole foods you eat if you’re frequently eating throughout the day & in a caloric surplus.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, we’ve been lied to. Why didn’t society or school tell us any of this??? It's because they hate us & want us to be obedient consumers. The more we’re stressed, the more money they make! Everyone is out to get me! (Now you’re pessimistic about the future).
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, since now we know how to truly burn fat, it’s time to act! The nihilist will always think someone is against them & falsely conclude the world hates him/her. We won’t ever know the true intentions of the elite in society & that doesn’t matter. What matters is finding solutions that work for everyone including the collective & yourself (WIN/WIN/WIN). Find a nutrition plan you can stick with effortlessly. Eat a moderate amount of healthy fats. Don’t spike your insulin too much.
🍏BUILDING MUSCLE - How to build muscle
BLUE PILL (Superficial Truth): Spend hours in the gym. Eat every hour.
RED PILL (Objective Truth): The more time you spend working out, you’ll start to over-train & burn muscle. The more time you spend eating throughout the day, the more you’ll spike your insulin & your body will use those calories to store fat.
BLACK PILL (Nihilistic Perspective): Damn, there’s so much confusion on what to do. I can’t train too little or too long. I have to adjust my eating hours & do so much work to get the physique of my dreams. All this is putting stress on me thus causing my body to store more fat. (Now you’re pessimistic about the future).
WHITE PILL (Posimistic Perspective): Okay, we know building muscle is going to require you to become intentional, great! Spend only 1-2 hours in the gym 3x a week focusing on high-intensity resistance training. The other days do moderate to low-level exercises. Eat in a caloric surplus daily about +100 calories above your maintenance level calories to bulk up & +500 on workout days. You should aim to put on about 1 - 4lbs a month (depending on if you’re a beginner or intermediate). Accompany this with progressive overload in the gym, enough sleep (+7.5hours daily), & you’ll build muscle in no time! (Now you’re optimistic about the future).
- Question everything
- Ask yourself if the person giving you advice is doing it for their best interest of yours.
Take a note, no perspective is right or wrong, it just is. Meaning, it doesn't matter what truth you follow or what perspective you adopt. It all depends on what you want & what your goals are. If you choose to be spoon-fed by mainstream, you will get the same results as everyone else. If you want to reach your highest potential & achieve massive success, you have to do things differently than what everyone else is doing.
Hope this helped connect some of the dots in your head!
It’s program or be programmed. Thanks for reading!
🌟BITE-SIZED WISDOM: Lessons Learned Last Month
Big Ideas In Bite-Sized Pieces. These are lessons learned last month. These mini topics could become main topics in the future with more content added if you like. Just DM me, let me know, & if enough people want it I'll deliver! NOTE: Whenever I give credit to someone, it does not mean I endorse their worldviews 100% now or later. I just agreed with what they had to say at this moment in time. I think you'll find value in it as I did. Ok, that's all! Let's get it into it!
🌟EGO EVOLUTION MODEL: December Updates
- Added more causes to Stage Green (Responsibility, Produce, etc.) & organized it to have two columns instead of one.
- Replaced “DILIGENCE” with “PURPOSE” in the solutions box for Stage Brown & Green.
- Replaced “TEMPERANCE” with “SELF-DISCIPLINE” in the solutions box for Stage Brown & Green.
- Organized “Long term consequences” & “Long term solutions” with one-word answers in stages Purple & Brown.
- Come back next month!
đź’µAGENCY JOURNEY: Going From $0 To $100,000/mo: December Logs & Plans
- Landed a 4 figure design project!
- Hired 1st developer for the agency! (Thanks Upwork ;))
- Overworked & spent hours creating a system for onboard clients better in the future.
- Didn’t have much time to learn more about the agency which is why there are a few lessons learned this month. Ya boy ain't perfect. Everyone has high & low months. But we’ll get things moving this new year!
- đź’µ The goal is to either pass the agency down to my children OR exit it for 8/9 figures. Having a big goal like this inspires me to make this the best system I can possibly create.
- đź’µ The way I landed this 4 figure design job was by applying within 15min of it being posted, submitting a short proposal with a CTA to check my design inspiration catalog, & setting up a call to reassure of their choice in hiring me. Lowering their risk & setting proper expectations.
🌟What Are You So Afraid Of Losing?
Deep quote from The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday:
“What kind of a sad pathetic life is it if you're so disconnected from the world that you don't even know whether you're on the ground? To protect what exactly? For a lot of people, the answer is hours of television, gossiping, gorging, wasting potential, reporting to a boring job, and on and on and on. Is this worth gripping so tightly and being afraid of losing? It doesn't sound like it. -December 23rd in The Daily Stoic
Thoughts: That’s a savage way of putting it loool.
🌟How To Avoid Ending Up With A Life Being Told What To Do (By Force)
I saw a comment that made me question it deeper. It was something along the lines of “I hate it when gurus tell me what to do.”
And I get it.
Who the fook are they to tell me how to live my life! I agree to an extent. But here’s what realized upon further inspection:
If you don't listen to wise advice/people when they tell you what to do, you'll end up with a life where others will tell you what to do BY FORCE.
Let me explain. This applies to every aspect of your life.
WEALTH/CAREER: If you refuse to listen to wise financial advice to improve your net worth, you’ll end up getting an entry-level job to a boss telling you when you can vacation, clock in, take bathroom breaks, etc.
HEALTH: If you refuse to listen to wise health advice to improve your physical well-being, you’ll end up with a lifestyle forcing you to adapt. Doctors will tell you to take prescriptions, bodily injuries will force you to adjust, & more.
Reminds you that life is often counterintuitive! I’m pro wisdom & pro guru. Hopefully, you are too since you’re reading a letter all about wisdom haha. Something to think about!
🌟+24 Journaling Questions To Ask Yourself At The End Of Every Year
Here are some more questions I ask myself at the end of the year:
- If I could re-do this year, what would I do differently? (Purpose of this is to help you focus on what to do this upcoming year)
- What areas of my life have I been neglecting? What 1-3 things can I do to improve this area?
- What would a perfect year look like?
- What's preventing me from feeling my best? (list out all the things stopping you & ways you can reduce/eliminate all of those obstacles)
Picture Source: Dickie Bush & Sachin Ramje
Conclusion - See You Next Month! đź‘‹
That's a wrap! I hope you got your values worth in this issue. As always, send me your feedback through email or Twitter! Let me know what topics you liked! What you want to see more of! How I can improve & make your experience reading each letter more enjoyable! Don't be shy and think I won't reply. I do (except for the people pitching me right off the bat lol).
Reminder: If we don't get more than 1,000 monthly subscribers by June 1st, 2022, I will stop creating these letters. Please don't let this happen!
Ways you can help spread the word & help us get to 1,000 subscribers quicker:
- Word of mouth - tell your open-minded friends about this! Email them the digital PDF of any letter of their choice. Fuck it, send them your favorite letter for free. They will get hooked & choose to either subscribe then or not. Either way, they win.
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That's everything! Thank you for reading & I'll see you soon!
Icons = Categories
🌟 = SELF: Increase Your Happiness, Self-Actualization, Spirituality, & Fulfillment
🍏 = HEALTH: Increase Your Physical Energy, Vitality, & Longevity
đź’µ = WEALTH: Increase Your Income, Leverage, & Systems
đź’ž = LOVE: Increase Your Social Value, Attraction, & Self-Love
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