💧SIGNS OF DEFICIENCY: +15 Signs Of Physical Deficiencies To Lookout For Your Health
🌟BITE-SIZED WISDOM: Lessons Learned Last Month
💵Thoughts on Coffeezilla & Fake Guru Busters
🌟How To Create Big Ideas
🌟The Power of Self Initiations / Rite Of Passages
🌟How To Create The Perfect Protagonist Character
🌟Stress Equals Growth
💞Every Successful Friendship Needs A Healthy Reality Check Ritual (Steal mine)
🌟False Ego Thoughts To Watch Out For
💧SIGNS OF DEFICIENCY: +15 Signs Of Physical Deficiencies To Lookout For Your Health
Welcome! I’m about to give you the health playbook whenever you face some health-related issue. I’ve had a couple of these deficiencies listed below and used the solutions to fix my symptoms. This along with more possible solutions because there is not a one-size-fix-all-cure for every deficiency.
Credit: Big shout out to Dr Eric Berg and his YouTube channel for providing all of this information. I am not a doctor, I'm just a dude who wants to know more about the human body lol. Check out his channel here:
GUMS - How To Heal Bleeding Gums
Healthy: Pink, pale, firm
Warning Signs: Bleeding gums, shiny, pain, very squishy, nose bleeds
Potential Causes: Low vitamin C, Too much bad bacteria
Solutions: Consume more healthy vitamin C in the forms of leafy green vegetables,
Add: Try different sources like sauerkraut, camu camu, acerola, chlorella, etc. This paired with flossing 1x a day, brushing teeth with a soft toothbrush,
Remove: avoid sugar & synthetic vitamin c supplements, smoking, drugs, excess stress,
SKIN - How To Heal Flaky Skin
Healthy: Smooth, clean
Warning Signs: flaky, dry skin, dry eyes, dry hair
Potential Causes: Multiple potential causes include too many omega 6 fatty acids & more.
Solutions: Keep your Omega 3 & Omega 6 fatty acids to a ratio of 1:1.
Add: Add in more Omega 3 fatty acid foods like Sardines, Cod liver oil, fish. Try out a customized skin care brand for your needs.
Remove: Canola oils, vegetable oils, cottonseed oils, grapeseed oil, soy oil, & sugar. This may include eating out less to restaurants to avoid these since most mainstream restaurants use the cheapest oils for their foods.
SKIN - How To Heal Oily Skin
Healthy: Smooth, clean, clear
Warning Signs: Skin is too shiny, oily, acne
Potential Causes: Your oil glands could be pumping out too much oil because your androgens are too high. High insulin levels.
Solutions: For males, it’s most likely a zinc deficiency. For females, it could also mean a zinc deficiency but most likely it’s PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome).
Add: Fasting, Low carb diets, drink more water,
Remove: Multiple meal times a day, sugar, fast food, excessive empty carbs
EYE COLOR - How To Heal Yellow &/Or Bloodshot Eyes
Healthy: White eyes, minimal red veins.
Warning Signs: Yellow eyes
Potential Causes: Liver or Gall bladder problem which could be from lack of Bile Salts. Your liver is stressed. It could be stressed from junk food which cause insulin resistance.
Solutions: Lower insulin resistance
Add: Fasting, Intermittent Fasting, Purified bile salts
Remove: Fast food, junk food, food that has WAY too many ingredients & ingredients with names hard to pronounce.
VISION - How To Heal Poor Vision
Healthy: Can see clearly without any glasses
Warning Signs: vision is starting to blur (cataracts)
Potential Causes: Eyes drying out from too much staring at a screen, Insulin resistance, high blood sugars, vitamin A deficiency
Solutions: Spend a couple of minutes outside in nature and train your eyesight by looking at things far away. Bird watching. Look at something 20 feet away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes (The 20/20/20 Rule). After 2 hours of continuous screen use, rest your eyes for 15 minutes.
Add: Vitamin B1 as Benfotiamine, vitamin A retinol, leafy greens, fasting, NAC drops
Remove: High brightness on phone screens for excessive periods of time, lack of nutritional awareness,
EYE BAGS - How To Heal Eye Bags & Dark Circles
Healthy: Smooth, nonpuffy, no bags underneath eyes
Warning Signs: Bags underneath the eyes, dark circles, dark pigments on other parts of your body
Potential Causes: Insulin Resistance,
Solutions: Lower insulin resistance. Start implementing new healthy habits you can stick to for life with ease. It’s going to take time to experiment to see what works best for you but it’s worth it.
Add: Fasting, Intermittent Fasting, healthy foods you don’t mind eating daily.
Remove: lower or if you can remove all sugar.
LIPS - How To Heal Chapped Lips
Healthy: Smooth, clean, clear, soft
Warning Signs: cracked corners of the mouth,
Potential Causes: Eating too much-refined flour like wheat, pasta, bread, cereals, crackers, etc. Vitamin B2 deficiency
Solutions: Listed below
Add: Fasting. Natural chapstick to keep lips in check. Nutritional Yeast flakes
Remove: cut out the refined carbs. Stop insulin spiking.
EYEBROWS - How To Heal Losing Outer Part Of Eyebrows
Healthy: Full eyebrows
Warning Signs: Losing the outer part of your eyebrows
Potential Causes: Hypothyroid meaning slow thyroid
Solutions: This is stemming from a hormone imbalance. Bring your hormones in check
Add: Iodine supplements. Either from fish, cod liver oil, or Iodine supplements
Remove: Stressors, Fat, Fast Foods,
DREAMS - How To Heal Nightmares
Healthy: Fun happy exciting dreams
Warning Signs: nightmares
Potential Causes: High cortisol, lack of vital nutrients, watching multiple scary movies, surrounded by fear constantly
Solutions: Address these root problems above. Here’s how...
Add: Ashwagandha, nutritional yeast, wind-down routines, natural stress relievers like going out for a walk in the park or spending time in nature.
Remove: the negative stimulus. Stop consuming content that makes you anxious. Fulfill your needs.
LOWER BACK - How To Heal Lower Back Pain
Healthy: No pain, flexible
Warning Signs: pain when bending over or twisting.
Potential Causes: Low vitamin D, poor form
Solutions: Supplement vitamins & fix form. Seek out professional help.
Add: Vitamin D supplements, sun exposure, training the lower back with resistance training slowly. Fixing posture by standing up straight.
MENTAL STATE - How To Heal A Irritable State
Healthy: Mindfulness headspace. Mind is silent.
Warning Signs: Mind is racing a thousand miles per hour. Easily irritable.
Potential Causes: Vitamin B deficiency. Starvation. Lack of needs met.
Solutions: Fulfill all needs.
Add: Nutritional Yeast, Ashwagandha. Eat a whole healthy meal. Practice mindfulness.
Remove: The negative stimulus.
CHEEKS - How To Heal Puffy Cheeks & or Red Cheeks
Healthy: Slim, clean, clear,
Warning Signs: Red cheeks, puffy,
Potential Causes: High stress & cortisol. There’s a microbial imbalance.
Solutions: A natural antibiotic & probiotic
Add: garlic, oregano, thyme, wormwood extract, sage, sauerkraut, and leafy greens.
Remove: Spiking insulin too much throughout the day. Excess stressors,
NOSE - How To Heal Blackheads
Healthy: clean, clear nose
Warning Signs: Small black bumps on the nose.
Potential Causes: Vitamin D deficiency
Solutions: Get more sunlight BUT not too much near your face. Especially while wearing any skincare products. Increase vitamin D.
Add: Vitamin D supplements. Bonus if it’s paired with vitamin K2. Get more sunlight on your skin, especially your balls #sunmax. Fasting. Healthy foods.
Remove: Spiking insulin, cheaply made fast food, sugar
FACE - How To Heal A Rounded Face
Healthy: Slim, thin, face
Warning Signs: Face looks round in pictures (been there done that)
Potential Causes: Spiking insulin throughout the day
Solutions: Fasting, low carbs, caloric deficit
Add: Listen to your body and try what works for you. Sometimes a round face could be because of skeletal issues. But you should still try out these solutions to be 100% sure.
Remove: Spiking insulin, sugar, calorie surplus, foods that cause hormone imbalances.
HAIR - How To Heal Balding
Healthy: Hair is voluminous, little to no hairs falling out at the sign of use
Warning Signs: Losing hair strands, balding around the forehead.
Potential Causes: Too much DHT hormone. This can happen when the enzyme, 5 alpha-reductase, converts testosterone into DHT (Dihydrotestosterone).
Solutions: Reduce 5 alpha-reductase by taking certain inhibitors
Add: Inhibitors like pumpkin seeds, green tea, & zinc
Remove: Lower mental stress to lower the stress on your adrenals. Stressed adrenals = higher cortisol = higher chance of hair loss. Burning fat is another possible solution.
HEART - How To Heal Heart Pain/Cramping
Healthy: No issues with the heart
Warning Signs: Angina. Heart pain.
Potential Causes: Vitamin E deficiency.
Solutions: Replenish Vitamin E
Add: Vitamin E tocotrienols.
Remove: Remove all refined grains, four, fasting, leafy greens,
What can we learn from all this?
Final Takeaways:
- Do fasting
- Reduce empty carbs
- Get sunlight
- Eat leafy greens
- Sweat for +30min daily
- lower stress by dancing & moving
- Avoid vegetable oils, sugar, & refined flour
That’s all! I wish had more time to add more deficiencies but I’m in a time crunch on this issue. If you want me to add more to these in a future letter, let me know! I’d be more than happy to & quite possibly update all my letters this summer.
🌟BITE-SIZED WISDOM: Lessons Learned Last Month
This section is all about Big Ideas In Bite-Sized Pieces. These are lessons learned last month turned into mini topics. These could become main topics in the future with more content added if you like. Just DM me, let me know, & if enough people want it I'll deliver! NOTE: Whenever I give credit to someone, it does not mean I endorse their worldviews 100% now or later. I just agreed with what they had to say at this moment in time & I think you'll find value in it too. Ok, now that I defended myself against the cancel culture, let's get into it!
- If it ain’t broke don’t fix it lol! - No new real additions or improvements were noted this month. If you see an error, let me know!
- Changed “FLOW” to “HOLISTIC” - For the name of the last stage.
Lessons Learned:
- 💵 Perspective Shift: You don't need the job, the job needs you. Your potential client is the one who is in need of the right candidate. If they don't find the right person for the job they will go bankrupt or be worse off. View yourself as the right fit for their problems and watch your imposter syndrome fade away. Inspiration:
- 💵 Just because people could do it doesn't mean they will do it themselves. You could be the one to bridge that gap for them. For coaching specifically. -Trey Cockrum on YT.
💵Thoughts on Coffeezilla & Fake Guru Busters
I've been watching coffeezilla since 2019 back in his coffee break YouTube channel days. And I Love his content! I think his videos are entertaining. And we do need people to speak up about the bad behaviors in this digital marketing space. But I do have some areas where I disagree with him which I like to talk about.
The first one is his vibe towards beginners who are learning how to become a leader/teacher/coach/someone that others will look up to. To these people who are new and upcoming they will be facing a lot of imposter syndrome and now a new fear of being exposed on a coffeezilla the video. The fear of avoiding publishing your course your coaching offer your product that can actually help someone but choosing not to because of fear of being exposed. When you're starting out, you're going to make a ton of mistakes that are worthy of being made fun of. I've made countless of mistakes with my past business ventures. And I learned from them without being embarrassed publicly in front of millions. This is mostly feedback for Steven himself if he ever reads this, and it's to not completely destroy these beginners. Not destroying the reputation, destroying their image, or any bit of hope for them to change in the future. Cuz when you give someone a reputation, they will more than likely stick with it. If you call someone X all the time, they'll most likely continue down that path.
And advice for all my monthly readers, is to not be phased if they ever come after you. Because they will. You will get criticism when you monetize in your entrepreneurial creator journey. And when that does happen, make sure to evaluate that feedback and make the necessary changes you need to make. And all these fake guru-busting YouTube channels are valuable lessons to be learned. When you see a new video pop up from them showcasing a new fake guru lying about NFTs rug pulling, stealing money, offering no money-back guarantee, having no care for the customer, you learn from these people of what not to do. And from doing that your confidence will come knowing that there's no reason for you to be featured on a coffee Zilla video.
🌟The Power of Self Initiations / Rite Of Passages
Disclaimer: I don't know too much about this yet because I just found out about it this month but expect to see a topic about this alone in the future.
Lessons: You can also call a self-initiation a right of passage.
It needs to have three phases:
phase 1 the symbolic death,
phase 2 the adventure,
phase 3 the return.
Similar to the hero's journey. This is to symbolize the death of something and you choose what you want to leave behind once you accept the call to adventure.
I just did a self-initiation today the 31st of March, by doing a cold water bathtub plunge. Sort of like a self-baptism. What I did was create my protagonist having all the necessary values and mindset I need to have going forward and using the cold water as a way to purify my soul and my body.
What I was shedding is my relapsing habit. Having to always go for instant gratification. But whenever I want to relapse I remember that clear event that happened of entering the cold water and shocking my system. Of course, you don't need to do cold water, I was freezing my ass off doing it and I wish I would have started off with lukewarm water lol.
Note: I've been building up and adding on to my protagonist sheet for the whole month so don't think that it was a one-day thing of creating my protagonist sheet then and there. I also had the Halo theme music playing in the background while I was in the cold water. Never played halo but that choir hits different bro.
So, will you try a self-initiation sometime? Let me know how it goes!
🌟How To Create The Perfect Protagonist Character
Every successful protagonist in stories all have these things in common...
- Flaws - make your character imperfect. It's like the new Batman movie, Batman's only been there for 2 years. If you watched it you realize that he still has some training to do. This is okay. Not only for the business of movies and how you can create multiple movies to make more money showcasing the character development, but for the journey your audience will go with them. Your audience will most likely have experienced being imperfect and showcasing your character with flaws gives them a role model to empathize with.
- Show their struggles - you have to make the audience care for the protagonist. You do this by showing not telling their struggles.
- Clarify and exaggerate - Make it easy for your audience to understand the character's emotions & everything human-wise.
- Ground them in reality - you need to create this character with something that everyone in the audience can relate to. For Spider-Man it's his Uncle Ben dying. For Batman, it's parents dying. Punch your character in the face with an epiphany. If your protagonist succeeds without repercussions your audience will feel like success was undeserved and meaningless. Sort of like real life don't ya think?
- Character Arcs - pretty much character development. If your character is an antagonist at the beginning of the movie and by the end of the movie they become a hero, that's a good character arc. All character arcs are is 180° turns. They were left now they're right. They were dumb now they're smart. They were scared now they're brave.
🌟Stress = Growth
Random thought I had in my mind.
Stress + Rest = Growth.
Stress in every area of your life is needed for growth.
💪In resistance training, it’s putting that pressure on your muscles so they grow.
🌟In your spiritual journey, it’s life slapping you in the face with some major epiphany like a loved one dying, moments of heartbreak, and more.
💵In your service journey, it's stress from not being sure if you can complete projects, working with high-value clients, or working with strict deadlines.
💞 In your relationships, stress helps you grow when your friends talk about uncomfortable topics, hanging out during stressful times, and experiencing the ups and downs in your relationship journey.
These events are given to you so you can grow.
💞Every Successful Friendship Needs A Healthy Reality Check Ritual (Steal mine)
- At the end of every IRL meetup, spend a couple of minutes sharing 1x-10x things the other person could improve upon..
- Example: Event - chilling on the car ride home. You ask your friend if you want to have a “Self-Improvement Reality Check.” Let them decide YES or NO. If no, change the subject. If yes, ask them if they would like to go first in giving you feedback.
- Ask them if they want to know their areas of improvement now or later. If now, reveal it to them now. If later, send it through them via email and click the schedule option for a later time probably later tonight.
- How to respond to a reality check:
- Just say thank you. No room for justifying your bad actions, just say thank you.
- Additionally, respond by taking a first step in the positive direction.
- Example: Your friend tells you, you look skinnier... Respond IRL by asking questions on how to improve or saying I've been thinking of getting a new workout program and I'm buying one now. Or if they reveal it to you later, respond via email back by showing a screenshot of your order's receipt.
🌟False Ego Thoughts To Watch Out For
We all face demons. Ego backlash. Negative energy. You name it! I’ve outlined some common ones below I’ve had and I’m sure almost everyone has or will face.
Tools To Diffuse:
- Switching perspectives
- End with a positive note.
- Expand on the negative line of thinking to see how bizarre it is
- Pretend it’s like a close friend was telling you that & they came to you for help
- Question the hell out of it
Ego Remarks:
- ❌How am I in the same position as I was X year(s) ago?
- 🫂Infinitely Loving Response: Are you sure about that? You're telling me nothing in your environment has changed? 😊 I say false. How do you know that experiencing stressors won't lead to positive? How do you know that you're not judging your situation too soon? What was the alternative path? The grass isn't greener on the other side. It's greener where you water it. In fact, I can guarantee you that you’ve made tremendous progress in other areas of your life that needed your attention first.
- ❌Why is everyone else so much more successful than me?
- 🫂Infinitely Loving Response: Says who? 😊 It doesn’t matter what level of success others at. All that matters is if you have grown.
- ❌Why does no one love me?
- 🫂Infinitely Loving Response:
- ❌What am I doing wrong?
- 🫂Infinitely Loving Response:
- ❌Why am I so unsuccessful?
- 🫂Infinitely Loving Response:
Conclusion - See You Next Month! 👋
(NEW) Anonymous Feedback Form: Fill out this form & let me know what to improve upon! (Open in a new incognito window)
Anyways, I hope you got your values worth in this issue. As always, send me your feedback through email or social media! Let me know what topics you liked! What do you want to see more of! How I can improve & make your experience reading each letter more enjoyable!
Ways to spread the word & help spread the vision:
- Word of mouth - tell your open-minded friends about this! Email them the digital PDF of any letter of their choice. Fuck it, send them your favorite letter for free. They will get hooked & choose to either subscribe then or not. Either way, they win.
- Leaving a great review on Gumroad! - If you love it, rate it! Review page:
- Testimonials - I want to feature you in my marketing! Let me know how the letter has impacted your life! (Contact me via email or Twitter!) Taking pictures of you holding a Posimistic Letter & posting it to your story not only looks A E S T H E T I C but also increases your status. Source: Dude trust me.
(NEW) Subscription Bonuses Timeline:
🎁3/mo - 1x Free 30min Call w/Elvis. 🎁12/mo - Free Access to upcoming $199 course
How To Claim These Bonuses: Message me directly & we’ll get it sorted!
That's everything! Thank you for reading & remember that the best is yet to come!
(NEW) THE END GOAL OF THESE LETTERS: To help you go from Level 1 to Level 2 or 3.
Level 1: Ground Zero - Broke, Unhealthy, Lonely, Depressed
🌟Mind is full of negativity, stressed all the time,
💵 No money, making less than $100/mo. Or barely making enough but just enough to survive.
💪Skinny/Fat...or both. unathletic. No awareness of health whatsoever
Level 2: Integrated - Go getter/hustle mode
🌟🌟Replaced the negative with positive thoughts
💵💵 Found a service but still living paycheck to paycheck & no time freedom
💪💪Healthy habits started
💞💞Found other likeminded friends online
Level 3: Self Actualized
🌟🌟🌟Achieved inner peace & living a fulfilling life (Stage Holistic in the EET Model)
💵💵💵Achieved Financial & Time Freedom From Automating Your Key Service. Now selling it to others & mastering your keystone service.
💪💪💪Achieved Strong & Aesthetic Physique
💞💞💞Found Your Holistic Friend Squad IRL & Partner
If you've entered Level 3 then my job is complete. Feel free to unsubscribe. Go on and live your life. The point of life isn't to be dependent on my letters. It’s to find your unique way back to your true nature. Infinite unconditional love. I just hope that these letters played a teeny tiny part in your path towards it :) Email with “cancel” as the first subject line.
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