Dear pioneer,
The world has an orange glow around it. In a world that profits from you losing, the self-improved individuals are seen as the enemy. Greed drives these executives to make as much money off you from selling you sugared water, keeping your family in constant fear, and pulling you back from achieving greatness.
This ain't gonna happen for longer. I can tell you that with full confidence because I've felt a shift. Beginning of the new year (2021), we saw a glimpse of what the institution's real motives are. Keeping the poor poorer while making the greedy greedier. We saw this with the small example of the GME stock outcry.
The shift has begun...
And what better way to start this new shift with the first-ever edition of the Posimistic Letter!
This monthly letter will aid you on your journey towards greatness. By reading, you're not only going to become the best version of yourself, but you're also going to pave the way for society to follow. The reason there's so much suffering in the world is all due to ignorance. These people don't know any better. Those who know better, have a moral duty to enlighten those around them. Your future grandchildren are looking up to you as inspiration, they need you to step up to help prevent them from going through this period again. Do it for them.
The Past Society: Contracted. Bottom line focused. One person loses so the other wins (LOSE/WIN)
The New Society: Integrated. Systems Thinking. Abundance. Everyone wins (WIN/WIN/WIN)
This is going to be an experimental journey for these next 12 months. The Posimistic Letter is designed to get you thriving. Thriving in business, Thriving in health, thriving in relationships, & thriving in existential bliss from the void. You'll also see me document my own journey to greatness with these letters. So there's no reason why in 1 year's worth of content, you won't be thriving in whatever you choose to focus on.
The letters I will be sending you on the 1st of every month will help you enter the thriving stage of what I like to call my internal human development model. We'll discuss this model as the first topic in this issue. You'll notice the majority of society falls into the 2nd stage: surviving. If you're an ambitious individual, you'll easily fall aligned into Stage 3: Thriving.
These letters will ensure you keep your soul and get wealthy at the same time. If you're up for the task and you're interested, then buckle up relax, and enjoy the first-ever issue of the Posimistic Letter.
My mission with these letters
To help you THRIVE in the new integrated/decentralized society (Thriving in the big 3 aspects of your life: Health, Wealth, & Spiritual Self).
Topics Below:
🌟IHD: How This Simple Development Model Changed My Life & Will Help You Understand Human Nature (Internal Human Development)
💸PLAYLISTS: Best Videos of 2019, 2020, 2021
🌟THE COUNTER-LOGICAL NATURE OF LIFE: +45 Secrets Society Never Told Us
🌟IHD: How This Simple Development Model Changed My Life & Will Help You Understand Human Nature (Internal Human Development)
What the heck is IHD? IHD is short for Internal Human Development. I've combined a wide array of human development models into ONE. The name doesn't really matter, I think Spiral Dynamics should rather be called Internal Human Development instead. But hey, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. I'm gonna be sharing with you in this letter and future issues what all these models are and how you can use them to get happier & wealthier. So let's dive in!
Here is the most up-to-date IHD model in one frame! You can learn everything there is about this model in this one photo.
I must caution you that this whole model is a huge generalization. Especially since it's being visualized with memes. Ignore the memes. The memes help out a ton, but this model's real meat comes from the common characteristics on the right side. After all, it is called "internal' human development, not 'external' human development lol.
There are 2 energies: Masculine & Feminine. Personally, throughout history, these labels have had different names. Personally, I'm not attached to any label or anything (fuck them labels :)), but I do recognize that there are 2 opposing energies we give off. The labels for each energy are constantly changing.
Nothing on the external determines where you land on this model. This means, your:
- gender
- skin color
- race
- weight
- fashion sense
- Job title
- etc
doesn't matter.
Some people are thriving but don't struggle with their weight
The IHD Model
Energies, Values, & Actions
What I'm proposing, if you want to reach your highest potential, is you need to utilize BOTH masculine & feminine energies, actions, and values. Having too much or too little of something leads to chaos. (P.S. This piece of advice is not only applicable in this case but for everything. Eating too many calories leads to fat storage. Eating too little leads to nutrient loss, muscle loss, and so forth. You wanna be just right. Find your sweet spot).
Let's take this stage by stage starting with the first stage: Suffering
Stage 1 - Suffering
This stage has 2 qualifications and is the most generalized stage out of the model. Originally when I created this model back in April 2019, It had 4 stages:
But as of 5 months ago, I realized that the last 2 stages are very similar. I was on google finding memes to add and after 38 minutes I quickly realized "YOOOOO, hol up, these are the exact same stages." So I combined them since.
(Side Note: As of April 5th, I'm realizing that maybe 'No Masculinity, No Femininity' isn't a thing at all! What does it mean if you don't use any of those energies? I may delete this label soon. We will see what happens!).
The essence of 'Suffering' comes from the fact that these people adopt values, energies, & actions that have no femininity and only masculinity. Here are some of their common characteristics:
- Hates
- Arrogant
- Deceptive
- Desires Power Over Others
- Stressed
- Anxious
- Easily Irritable
- Desires Material Gain For Money, Sex, Status
- Heavily Addicted
- Narcissistic
- Loud & Unempathetic
- Anti-Social
- Mostly Negative
I gotta stress this again bro, this is a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE generalization & a work in progress. So please don't take anything as final.
Okay moving on to the second stage which I call surviving!
You'll notice that this is what mainstream society today is promoting. I was actually in this stage 5 years ago. I was what you would call today a simp or a soy boy. The reason why I was this way was because I grew up with a loving mother but a father who didn't have masculine values. At the time I wasn't very self-aware and I got bullied in school for being too soft. It wasn't until I started getting YouTube recommended self-improvement videos on my feed. And let me just say, your life can transform faster than you think. I don't know how or why I was recommended those videos but I owe my life to it. Picture this: A clueless 15-year-old boy doomed to grow up with the cards life gave him. When all of a sudden, gets his life turned around all because some computer algorithm recommended him Tai Lopez's "here in my garage" video. That boy was me. (Shit like this happens and people still think miracles don't exist haha).
Common Characteristics of Stage 2: Surviving
- Shy
- Low Self Esteem
- Values Consumerism
- Sensitive
- Insecure
- Trends Make Up His Style
- Depressed
- Unmotivated
- Has An Unhealthy Addiction (probably porn)
- Physically Unfit
- Gets Butthurt Easily / Sore Loser
- Victim mentality
Welcome to the last stage of IHD! If you've made it here, I don't care what anyone or your bank account says, you have made it in life IMO (In my opinion). There are only less than 10% of people worldwide who are currently here (I got these numbers from spiral dynamics' data).
You'll notice right off the bat, the biggest benefit of entering the thriving stage is everything improves at the same. And it all starts internally inside your mind. If you decide to start an online business venture but you're still in the surviving category, you're going to struggle, run into roadblocks, and move fast but go nowhere. The last thing we want you to do is to get rich but lose your soul in the process... No Bueno.
Q: Is this verified & tested?
This model is in no way peer verified or lab tested (Ya boy lacks the millions of dollars for scientific testing). Although I've shown this model to a handful of my close friends, and they all agree this model is for the most part accurate. I made sure to tell them to not hold back on their raw thoughts since they're biased. I've known my close friends since high school. If they secretly thought my model was shit, they would let me know haha.
Q: How can I use this model?
A variety of ways! Here are a few ideas listed out:
- Dating - Are you attracting the 3rd category? What category of people seem to make a move on you? Be careful not to marry the wrong person. Doing so will result in you landing in SUFFERING/SURVIVING territory.
- Business partners - Use this model to scope out where your business partner is. Don't do business with someone who will sell your soul for profit behind your back. Show them this model. If they become resistant, this is a clear sign they're in either the first 2 stages.
- Friendships - Similar to dating, you are the sum of the people you hang out with. If you want to have success with business, hang out with people with the same, if not bigger, ambition than you. Choose your friends wisely, my friend.
💸PLAYLISTS: Best Videos of 2019, 2020, 2021
2021 -
2020 -
2019 -
Every year I create a playlist on January 1st titled "Best Videos of 20__." Throughout the year I will add YouTube videos I deem credible for this playlist. I encourage you to do the same.
What qualifications are needed for videos to be added in? Here are a few:
- I go back, search for it, and re-watch it multiple times.
- It made me laugh hard
- It taught me something big
- It was well made, edited, & carefully thought out
- I can tell I'm gonna wanna re-watch them later on in life
And since you're subscribed to this letter you get access to all my playlists for free.
I've sold access to them for $5 (someone paid $20 once, thank you!) & I ask you to please treat these playlists as a gold mine. If you want to, feel free to create your own playlists. I don't mind one bit if you also sell your own (there is no such thing as competition when you're thinking in abundance, only collaboration).
The beauty about this is that you can also sell access to your own playlists, list them on (or any digital marketplace), and make money on autopilot. Sure, you're not going to be making thousands of dollars every month with this entry-level product. But how does getting an extra $100 a year sound for DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING & JUST LIVING YOUR LIFE? Sounds good if you ask me, but you can do whatever you want to do.
This is just the beginning of this new creator economy! You have endless opportunities to make money online doing what you love. There ain't any other period in time where this was available. Don't waste this opportunity. It's only a matter of time until the government comes in and regulates this market.
So not only did you get access to my own playlists, but hopefully you've created you're digital product listing to be able to make money!
🌟THE COUNTER-LOGICAL NATURE OF LIFE: +45 Secrets Society Never Told Us
Yo, I'm ridiculously pumped for you to have gone through this first letter, I've added in an extra section on the house. Creating this whole list & assembling it into this letter has motivated me unlike ever before. I think it's because I'm not hiding anything behind a paywall anymore. The content you're getting is some of the highest quality in my opinion & I'm keeping it this way.
Credit goes to this video and the comments for the majority of the content in this list. Check out the full video here: Other than that, enjoy!
MOTIVATION - Wanting to feel motivated to take action
Logical: Feel motivated to take action
Result: Never feels motivated OR takes too long to get started
Solution (Counter Logical): Take action to feel motivated. Make a commitment to only do 1 minute to get the momentum rolling. Once you start, you'll notice it gets harder to quit.
SLEEP - Wanting to fall asleep
Logical: Go to sleep to feel sleepy
Result: Mind doesn't slow down & loses sleep
Solution (Counter Logical): Feel sleepy to go to sleep
PRICE - Wanting a good deal
Logical: Go for the cheapest price to save money
Result: Ends up breaking & spending more money fixing the end product/buying again
Solution (Counter Logical): Most often than not, the premium-priced solution lasts longer
LOVE - Wanting to receive love
Logical: Get in a relationship to get love
Result: No love gets received. Relationship soon ends
Solution (Counter Logical): Give love to get in a relationship. Fill your cup first before trying to pour yours into others.
PASSION - Wanting to find your passion
Logical: Tries to find what they're passionate about
Result: Never finds it
Solution (Counter Logical): Create your passion. Live life and let it come to you
MASCULINITY - Wanting to be a man
Logical: Act macho
Result: Shows you're insecure
Solution (Counter Logical): Integrate your feminine side. (study the Internal Human Development model by Elvis Posimistic)
PARENTING - Wanting to teach your kids
Logical: Lectures kid what not to do
Result: Kid disobeys you
Solution (Counter Logical): Let kids learn from their mistakes. Let them experience what it's like to fail. For the experiences with life-threatening consequences, show them what happens using examples from other people's mistakes.
EVIL - Wanting to eliminate hate & evil
Logical: Hates evil, tries to "kill" it, etc.
Result: The evil grows
Solution (Counter Logical): Use love to get rid of evil. The only way to get rid of the dark isn't to use more darkness, it's to use light.
WORK - Wanting to avoid working
Logical: Avoids work
Result: Ends up doing twice as much work
Solution (Counter Logical): Do the hard thing first. Pain now, Play later. Play now, Pain later. Your choice.
CONTROL - Wanting to control your children
Logical: Controls children
Result: children leave/resent you
Solution (Counter Logical): Let go. Realize you cannot control anyone, only influence them.
SELFLESSNESS - Wanting to help others
Logical: Spends all their time helping others
Result: Ends up bothering people & wasting their own time
Solution (Counter Logical): Help yourself first before helping others. Be patient with people who aren't aware of their problems & then offer some help.
MONEY - Wanting to get rich quick
Logical: Buys a get rich quick scheme
Result: Loses money
Solution (Counter Logical): Build a business to solve a problem & the money will come.
IMPATIENT - Wanting to get the result quickly
Logical: Try to get the result quickly (impatience)
Result: ends up messing up & wasting time redoing it
Solution (Counter Logical): Be patient.
SOCIAL STATUS - Wanting to get others' respect
Logical: Thinks people-pleasing & sucking up will help
Result: loses respect
Solution (Counter Logical): Respect yourself first. Set standards.
NEGOTIATION - Wanting to get the best deal
Logical: Go in negotiating desperately needing the deal to go through
Result: Gets the lower deal
Solution (Counter Logical): Go in not needing what the other party has. Be okay if or if it doesn't go through.
DREAM JOB - Wanting to make money first before doing what they love
Logical: Thinks they need to build up another income source to fuel their passion
Result: Ends up nowhere.
Solution (Counter Logical): Do what you love now and find the dozens of ways you can monetize it. It's 2021 where we are just entering the creator economy.
LOSING WEIGHT - Wanting to lose weight
Logical: Gets on a short term diet
Result: Doesn't lose weight
Solution (Counter Logical): Figures out the right long-term nutrition plan they can't stick to effortlessly.
PURSUING GOALS - Wanting to achieve big goals
Logical: Sets small short term goals
Result: Doesn't spark motivation
Solution (Counter Logical): Sets long-term goals (5-100 years) with a vision that inspires them to effortlessly take action.
MEDITATION - Wanting time to meditate
Logical: Meditates for a short session to save time
Result: No result or effects
Solution (Counter Logical): The less time you have to meditate, the more you need it.
MINDFULNESS MEDITATION - Wanting to quiet the monkey mind
Logical: Spends time thinking & observing thoughts
Result: No result or effects
Solution (Counter Logical): Don't think. Let go of control.
CREATIVITY - Wanting to be creative
Logical: Try to be creative
Result: No creative thoughts emerge
Solution (Counter Logical): Does something else completely unrelated & gets random creative insights
WORK OUTPUT - Wanting to continue creating high-quality work
Logical: Continues creating 24/7
Result: Work quality & creativity suffer
Solution (Counter Logical): Rest & relax to recharge. Have dedicated rest times & work times.
BUILDING MUSCLE - Wanting to build muscle
Logical: Buys all bodybuilding programs and combines them into one
Result: Ends up over-training & burning muscle
Solution (Counter Logical): Stick to one plan for X months. Prioritize sleeping, nutrition, & intense training
FITTING IN - Wanting to be cool
Logical: Acts "too cool for school"
Result: Ends up as the loser
Solution (Counter Logical): Don't care what others think about you. If they have no seats at the table for you, create your own table
REPUTATION - Wanting a pure public image
Logical: Tries to come off pure for their audience to love them
Result: Loses trust with their followers
Solution (Counter Logical): Be authentically you. If you use curse words, use fucking curse words.
ATTRACTION - Wanting to attract your crush
Logical: Bend over backward for them & do them favors indirectly
Result: Repels them
Solution (Counter Logical): Don't be a pushover & don't care. Make them chase you.
INVESTING - Wanting to make more money
Logical: Buys when it's growing (green)
Result: Loses money from market crashing
Solution (Counter Logical): Buy when the market is low/crashing. When people are greedy, be fearful & when people are fearful be greedy.
PLEASURE - Wanting to live a pleasurable life
Logical: Seeks to only get pleasure
Result: Lives a life of suffering
Solution (Counter Logical): Seek discomfort. Seek challenges. Implement discipline and watch how fulfilling your life becomes.
PERFECTIONISM - Wanting to create a perfect masterpiece
Logical: Try to be perfect
Result: Creates something mediocre
Solution (Counter Logical): Embrace failures. Don't erase every "Imperfect" stroke every time you brush.
BUSINESS - Wanting to make the most profit
Logical: Focus on maximizing the most profit
Result: Ends up with the least amount of profit, Business fails, customers hate you, & the world suffers
Solution (Counter Logical): Focus on creating the best product & customer experience
MARKETING - Wanting attention for your product
Logical: Make the loudest noise to grab everyone's attention
Result: Grabs no one's attention → look like a fool → destroyed the brand image
Solution (Counter Logical): Know who you're targeting & customize your bait for the fish you want.
SALES - Wanting to get the sale
Logical: Act like a salesman & force the sale
Result: No sales
Solution (Counter Logical): Be their friend/doctor. Diagnose, understand, & prescribe the correct solution for your specific situation.
PRODUCT/CONTENT - Wanting to make lots of money with your product/content
Logical: Appeal to everyone
Result: Appeals to no one
Solution (Counter Logical): Specify, Niche, Know your target
IDEAS - Wanting to create a successful idea
Logical: The dumb/boring ideas won't be successful
Result: The dumb/boring ideas turn out to be the most successful
Solution (Counter Logical): Remove your own personal thoughts about the idea. Let the market tell you if it's good or not
LOVE - Wanting to satisfy your partner's needs
Logical: Give them everything they want to make them love you more
Result: She loses interest → She breaks up with you
Solution (Counter Logical): Make her work for it. People value things less if they feel like they didn't deserve it.
BUDGETING - Wanting to save money to become wealthier
Logical: Sets a budget & cuts spending
Result: Ends up living a poorer lifestyle
Solution (Counter Logical): Puts money in assets & investments to become wealthier
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - Wanting to appear credible using other people's work
Logical: Uses other's work without giving credit to the author
Result: Loses trust with the audience & comes off insecure
Solution (Counter Logical): Give credit. Cite your sources. Etc.
PROBLEMS - Wanting to get rid of problems
Logical: leave the problem alone, ignore it.
Result: The problem comes back BIGGER
Solution (Counter Logical): Understand the problem head-on. Find the root causes.
BONDING - Wanting to deepen relationships
Logical: Suppress your emotions
Result: Ends up hurting people emotionally.
Solution (Counter Logical): Express your emotions. Be vulnerable. Let go of judgments.
FREEDOM - Wanting to be free
Logical: Liberates all responsibility
Result: Ends up with chaos
Solution (Counter Logical): Accepts all responsibility. Sets regulations to ensure flow.
DECISION MAKING - Wanting to make the right decision
Logical: Spends majority of time thinking
Result: Ends up overthinking and making the wrong decision
Solution (Counter Logical): Spends time learning how to use Logic & Intuition to make the best decision quickly.
SELF LOVE - Wanting to love yourself
Logical: Only love yourself when you're winning & not when you fail
Result: Ends up with negative self-talk resulting in more failure
Solution (Counter Logical): Love yourself unconditionally. Tell yourself you're proud of your efforts no matter what. Progress is progress. Be compassionate, learn from your mistakes, & continue progressing.
IDEALS - Wanting to be the ideal role model
Logical: Aims for perfection & won't stop till they get there
Result: Indirectly aims for a fantasy resulting in no one being able to reach achievement
Solution (Counter Logical): Aims for perfection KNOWING they will never reach it. Becomes empowered from realizing it is about the process, not the destination.
HAPPINESS - Wanting to be happy all the time
Logical: Avoids sadness & chases happiness feelings daily
Result: Never ends up 100% happy
Solution (Counter Logical): Expresses all emotions to the fullest when they arrive. In order to have happiness, you need to experience what the opposite emotion feels like.
PORTFOLIO - Wanting to impress your employer
Logical: Includes tons of comprehensive pieces of work
Result: Creates confusion → ends up losing the job
Solution (Counter Logical): Includes only a few of his/her best work well polished.
So, that's a wrap for the very first installment of The Posimistic Letter! I hope you've enjoyed reading this & learning something new!
IMPORTANT: I'm only committing to making 12 of these letters (This is the 1st of 12). If one year from now on the 11th issue, we manage we get over 1000 monthly subscribers, I will continue creating these letters! If we don't hit our goal, I'm going to be one sad boi. I only ask if you can please share this with at least one of your open-minded friends.
Other than that, thank you for reading this letter! Take care & have a good one!
What is IHD (THREAD):
The Counter-Logical Nature Of Life (THREAD):
Best Videos of 2021 -
Best Videos of 2020 -
Best Videos of 2019 -
-Elvis Posimistic
I hope you've gotten your money's worth from these letters! If not, & you want to cancel your subscription, then email with "cancel" as the subject line. (Once you leave, there's no coming back!)