Welcome to February! đź’ť
đź’žTHE RICE EXPERIMENT: How To Use Love To Heal Everything Using Only The Power Of Consciousness (My 75-Day Results)
♾️SPIRAL DYNAMICS YELLOW: Core Truths, Values, & My Notes
💵STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES: How To Create SOP’s To Systemize Your Life, Make It Easy To Win, & Hard To Lose
🌟BITE-SIZED WISDOM: Lessons Learned Last Month
đź’µAGENCY JOURNEY: Going From $0 To $100,000/mo: January Logs & Plans
đź’µQuick Negotiation Tips From Harvard Business School
🌟How To Quit Porn Without Resistance
⚡Paul Chek’s Advice For Integrating Tech & Intuition
đź’µHow To Charge $5k/hr As A Coach (My Notes)
đź’žWisdom For People Who Want To Find High-Value Partners
🌟Best Videos Of 2022 Playlist (Link)
đź’žTHE RICE EXPERIMENT: How To Use Love To Heal Everything Using Only The Power Of Consciousness (My 75-Day Results)
Welcome to February, none other than the month of LOVE! What better way to kickstart this letter than talking about the most eye-opening experiment I've conducted in my life! The Rice Experiment.
For those who don’t know what this is, here’s the quick intro: In Dr. Masaru Emoto's original experiment, he found that the rice that he spoke kind words to remained mostly white, while the rice that he spoke negatively to, turned moldy, providing physical evidence of the power of positivity.
This is huge news in a world that values science & materialism! The fact that you can influence things using only the power of your mind grabbed my attention. The problem nowadays is hate gets glorified. People allow others to bring them down. Which causes them and everyone around them to be in a worse negative spot than before.
But how can you be sure what Dr. Emoto said to be true?
Here’s my challenge to you: Try out this rice experiment & be in favor of proving it exists. You have to want to make the rice thrive. Only saying kind words isn’t enough. You have to feel it.
Once you’ve completed this experiment, you’ll be shocked at what else will begin to improve in your life because of it. I can only give you my own experience because that’s what I truly know.
What happened for me was I realized the dumbfound potential that this new skill possesses. Think about it, If you can direct unconditional loving energy into something, you can transform anything for the better. I've made this practical into other areas of my life. When I work out, I tell my muscles I love them by doing a full-body awareness scan for less than 30 seconds before I begin my workout. I helped my parents become more loving from once being toxic throughout my childhood all by loving them with all my heart.
And that’s just scratching the surface. Giving unconditional love can be hard for some people.
This 90 day experiment will help you with this!
Here’s how to conduct the rice experiment:
- Get 2 of the exact same jars with seal-tight lids.
- Fill in any amount of rice you’d like in it. Cooked or uncooked. I filled mine with uncooked rice at the same level of the jar like in the photos attached. Then I added 1.5 fl. oz of water in each.
- Tape your jars labeling one “I LOVE YOU” and the other “I HATE YOU”
- Seal them & now begins your new daily practice!
For the next 90 days, you will treat these jars as if they are your child. Set a specific time and place to put these jars someplace where you will be able to give them 60 seconds of undivided attention towards them. I did this before I took the first bite of my evening meal. This way I can give love to the rice AND my dinner in order loool (multi-tasking!).
Direct your attention 100% towards this rice only. Stay still. Don't let your eyes wander elsewhere besides the rice. In your mind, start giving love by saying positive things about it. Phrases like:
“I love you with all my heart & soul. You have my undivided attention. You are amazing. You are loved. You are precious. You are my everything. You make me so happy & proud. You inspire me every day. Whenever you fall I will be there to catch you. You’re beautiful beyond belief. I won’t let anything bad happen when you’re with me. I will always protect you. You will always be safe with me. You are so brave. You’ve made a positive difference in my life. You’re a work of art. I am so happy to be here spending my time with you. I am so grateful for you. I will never stop loving you. etc...”
Truly mean those words when you say it. While I was typing this, my eyes started to water. This just goes to show how powerful this stuff truly is.
Once you're done with the loving jar, it's time to move on to the next one. For the jar that said “I HATE YOU” I couldn’t get myself to give hate right after saying all of those positive things to the other jar. So I just ignored the jar for the remainder of the experiment. The results were still the same...
So what were the results? Here is what happened on day 75:
The jar that I gave unconditional love to looked & smelled edible still! While the jar I ignored & gave no F’s about started to turn brown. The jar with love smelled like cheese, but once I opened the jar with hate, It had a horrendous smell of diarrhea. Not being dramatic I swear on everything! I threw this rice down the sink drain disposal and the smell would not go away. Not with bleach. Not with 10 minutes of repetitive scrubbing. None of that. I had to open my windows to get that smell out hahahahaha. Bro, make sure you’re prepared to open the hateful rice outside. I wish I would’ve just thrown the rice & jar away in the dumpster if I knew what would've happened Bahahaha.
And it’s not just my results, search online to see what other people’s results were! There are hundreds out there with different results than mine I think you’ll also find them interesting.
Here are some observations & notes learned from seeing other people try this.
- You have to want to see your rice filled with love succeed - You get what you give in this experiment as well as in life. The more love you give, the more likely it will last longer. If you come into this with low energy, hate, grudges, resentment, judgment, fear, etc. it won’t live long. High vibes are needed. You’ll notice the people online who complain that this experiment didn’t work are all vibing low. It’s a common ego defense mechanism because it could be some part in the back of their mind secretly doesn’t want this to succeed. All because their identity will dissolve. This is especially true for atheists who’ve tried this. If they truly did this with an open heart, it would prove that God is real. God = infinite love.
- You have to truly emotionally feel love to the point tears of joy start coming out of your eyes - Not only did I use my thoughts but also the spoken word. I said all those loving things listed above in my mind & through my voice. I did this because I wanted to make sure the rice could hear me but feel free to experiment with any option you’d like.
- What else can I use this power for? - Love heals everything. You can turn a negative situation into a positive one by giving love. Have toxic parents like I did? Give them love. Give thanks. Help them. Serve them. Inspire them. Hug them. Tell them you love them. Give them a surprise gift. Help them ascend up the spiral dynamics model. Perhaps one of the hardest but most rewarding things in life is to love the thing that is hardest to love. If you can accomplish this feat, congratulations! You made the world a better place even if it made a 00000000.1% difference. Getting robbed? Give them what they ask for AND more. They need it more than you. Give love to everything you can during your normal day-to-day! Don’t let me limit your imagination to what you can achieve. Test & observe!
- If this experiment is real, why isn’t this popular in science & society? - Look around you. We are currently in a Spiral Dynamics Orange society that values profit more than magic. This makes everyone too busy chasing money to have no time for magic like this. Give them time. Be patient bearing with one another in love. The more people start to bring these topics of love, the faster we’ll achieve a society that values topics like these! :)
That’s it! Will you try this experiment out & have a direct experience of God consciousness or will you disregard this as hippie-dippie woo woo shit? You have the right to have whatever opinion you want. All good either way!
♾️SPIRAL DYNAMICS YELLOW: Core Truths, Values, & My Notes
“What is spiral dynamics?” - Spiral Dynamics Yellow is a stage in the psychological model called Spiral Dynamics. The reason I wanted to talk to you about this is to give you a new way of thinking that will help increase your level of being.
I'll be discussing more Spiral Dynamics in future letters! Just wanted to give you a piece of it starting out.
The people who have invented extraordinary inventions that went on to improve everyone’s life all share a similar thing in common. They were all systems thinkers. They notice the problems inside complex systems and instead of complaining and blaming people, they were looking for the root that caused these problems. Defining the problem is solving 50% of it.
If you don’t have this mental framework, you won’t be able to notice hidden problems & effectively solve them in your life. Thankfully, I gotchu bro! That’s what we will be discussing on this topic. By the end of this, you’ll have a new eye for easily creating thriving systems in your life.
Core Truths
Always get to the root. Usually done best by questioning everything & starting questions that begin with “Why...”
Defining a problem is 50% of the battle
Accept the inevitability of nature's flows and forms
Focus on functionality, competence, flexibility, and spontaneity
Find the natural mix of conflicting "truths" and "uncertainties"
You can discover personal freedom without harm to others or excesses of self-interest
Experience fullness of living on an Earth of such diversity in multiple dimensions
Demand integrative and open systems from the higher in command branches of every organization
Problems are systemic, not personal
Everything in flow is following a system.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete
The world is always changing and evolving. You’re given the choice to either adapt or die.
- Systemic
- Integration
- Emergence
- Nuance & complexity
- Open-mindedness
- Perspective
- Novel concepts & POVs
- Generating fresh insights
- Understanding
- Systems thinking
- Nonlinear dynamics
- Sustainability, long time frames
- Going meta
- Big picture vs technical analysis
- Synthesis
- Holistic analysis
- Ecology
- Social engineering
- Ecological designs
- Reducing the suffering of living systems
- Pulling ideas from many sources
- Combining different ideas, models, theories
- Left-brained
- Vision & purpose, being a visionary
- Requisite variety, mental flexibility
- Self-actualization
- Paradox
- Uncertainty
- Responsibility, independence, autonomy
- Being a lone-wolf
- Responsible ways of being
- Studying models
- Spiral Dynamics
- Natural hierarchies
- Reading lots of diverse books
- Education, knowledge, research, reading
- Clean content, concentrated information
- Life-long learning
- Expertise, competence, experience
- Connecting the dots
- Penetrating to the core of an issue
- Identifying & solving root problems
- Context, learning from history
- Developing skills to become an instrument for the greater whole
- Independent thinking
- Neutrality: Being objective/impartial
- Designing solutions for the entire Spiral
- Creativity, outside-the-box solutions
- Meeting people where they are at
- Building bridges
- A multi-disciplinary approach
- Mixing hard & soft sciences
- What’s the point in all this? - The point is to help you become a high-value man/woman. These values listed above are what it means to be intelligent regardless of what an IQ test score gives you. P.s. IQ tests are pointless since they test on your ability to guess the patterns, not how much you know. “To pass IQ test, don’t take it.” -quote by someone famous I forgot from who.
Inspiration & Resources:
- Actualized .org Videos - Thank you to Leo for creating these videos! These are what got me hooked onto Spiral Dynamics!: https://youtu.be/w0d1TsOcbQs . https://youtu.be/LdGjKOnxLtE .
💵STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES: How To Create SOP’s To Systemize Your Life, Make It Easy To Win, & Hard To Lose
What better topic to follow up Spiral Dynamics yellow than a topic about creating systems lol.
I’m going to teach you the holy grail of systems thinking... Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s)!
Here’s the thing: Most people love to waste time. Time that we can never get back. Small cuts here and there with unnecessary meetings, repetitive tasks, and good old procrastination. All of which can be solved with a system. You can never get time back. You can always get money and energy back but not time. That’s where SOP’s come in place.
The best way to create a system is to clearly define each step in the system. Think of SOP’s like instructions! That’s all there is to it. The magic is when you create & combine multiple SOP’s into your life so they are all working in sync beautifully. Once you’ve learned the art of creating SOP’s, you’ll save so much time, headaches, & problems. Not to mention it’s addicting creating these & you’ll want to systemize your entire life!! This is the end result I want for you, my friend.
How to create SOP’s
Step 1. Decide what you want to Systemize & what the goal & result will be
Step 2. List out all the steps required
Step 3. Actualize it. Print it out. Make it visible
- Specific end result goal defined
- Example task #1
- Example task #2
- ....
- Example final task
There are a couple of things you can systemize right off the bat. Here are some examples:
- LIFE SOP (Protagonist Sheet ;))
Here’s what my first daily routine SOP looked like back in 2020... I would print it out & tape each SOP to the part of my home where I would execute said task.
Bonus Variables (optional):
- Total time duration
- YES & NO Lists
You can use any online software that allows you to write out & export. I love using Notion, it’s a system thinkers’ paradise.
Now my friend, go on and systemize your life! This is a short & sweet topic to help you take action right away. I show you everything I do to inspire you. Hopefully, me showing you my journey helps spark some ideas for your life. SOP’s changed my life for the better & I know they will do the same for you.
Inspiration & resources:
- Leon Hendrix https://youtu.be/w47sY1sCWco - Thank you to Leon for creating this video showcasing what it's like to live Max’s lifestyle!
- Tej Dosa Letter 14 - Thank you to Tej’s letter for introducing me to the idea of SOP’s back in 2019.
- Notion.so - a free note-taking app that organizes my entire life.
🌟BITE-SIZED WISDOM: Lessons Learned Last Month
This section is all about Big Ideas In Bite-Sized Pieces. These are lessons learned last month turned into mini topics. These could become main topics in the future with more content added if you like. Just DM me, let me know, & if enough people want it I'll deliver! NOTE: Whenever I give credit to someone, it does not mean I endorse their worldviews 100% now or later. I just agreed with what they had to say at this moment in time & I think you'll find value in it too. Ok, now that I defended myself against cancel culture, let's get it into it!
- Removed the color names from each stage - I did this because I realized that stage suffering doesn’t come from both stage red & blue spiral dynamics.
- Included “END-RESULT”, “GOAL”, & “REMINDER” bullet points - This way it shows the clear result people will get following the values of each stage.
- Merged “HOW THEY GROW” with stages “suffering” & “surviving” together - This way I don’t waste white space repeating identical content.
- Included “Summary & takeaways” - This way we can share wisdom from this model easily.
đź’µAGENCY JOURNEY: Going From $0 To $100,000/mo: January Logs & Plans
- New project lined up for Feb!
- Learned how to create Webflow animations, triggers, text positions, & more.
- Felt busy rather than productive.
- Mother in law passed away
- My mom had to pick up a part-time job to help pay the bills. (This is low because I feel ashamed as a man not being able to support my family at the moment. This situation will change which is why I’m happy to document the process
Lessons Learned:
- 💵 instead of starting with questions that make the prospect say yes, ask questions that make the prospects say “No.” For Example, a question that most salesmen say to evoke a yes would be “How do you like X so far?”. The latter would be to ask “Is there anything you didn't like from x?” There are two responses your prospect can answer once answering the latter question. If they say no, then great they don't have any problems and you can move forward. If they say yes they didn't like something, then now you have an opportunity to ask what they didn't like specifically. And then you'll be able to address that objection and solve it. Source: @Javchav https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdhTxuUS/
- 💵 Here's my design process from client payment to project completed: 1 Page Marketing Plan → Brand Style Guide/Book → Copywriting → Development → Handover. WHY LIKE THIS? This is to systemize the process. It's important to define each step in the process that way when you start to scale, you can easily hire others that can help delegate. I just learned about brand style guides and started incorporating them for my latest client.
đź’µQuick Negotiation Tips From Harvard Business School
- Identify your B.A.T.N.A - Best Alternative To Negotiation Agreement
- Identify your walk-away point - What’s the most / least you're willing to allow?
- Questions to ask yourself: What will you do if there is no agreement? Or “What will happen to your counterpart if there is no agreement?”
- Put yourself in their shoes. If this deal doesn't go through, will they: Miss out on money? Lose their job? Miss quota? Be just fine?
Source: @Javchav on TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdMMTxW6/
🌟How To Quit Porn Without Resistance
I made a topic about two letters ago talking about my no relapse November results. It's been a couple of weeks since then and I found a better solution. Craft an identity of someone who doesn’t watch XXX. That’s how. Make a commitment of 100% that you’ll never watch that ever again. Not a 99% commitment, 100%. The reason why is simple. Having one hundred percent certainty doesn’t give your brain time to negotiate with you. If you’re feeling lonely and having a bad day, your ego will try to convince you “it’s just this once, it won’t hurt” and make you give in. Constantly falling on and off again. Can’t get past day 3. All can be fixed by changing the way you view yourself in your mind. A great way to create a new self-image is to create your Protagonist Sheet. Refer back to Posimistic Letter 006 to see how to create one for yourself.
Inspiration: Hamza on YouTube https://youtu.be/OriS-jCPgGc
⚡Paul Chek’s Advice For Integrating Tech & Intuition
- Don't become dependent on all these tech gadgets that tell you x, because it won't teach you anything & you'll become dependent on them. Instead, become aware of what happens to train yourself how to diagnose your levels without all that tech. Example: For oura ring, GPS, HRV gadgets, etc.
Source: https://youtu.be/8Qi3axqIqC8
đź’µHow To Charge $5k/hr As A Coach (My Notes)
- You don't need to give 10 amazing points, all you need is one. One key idea to get across to the other person. We often put pressure on ourselves to over-deliver but that just ends up overwhelming your client. Simplify.
- “The level of difficulty for me does not dictate the value for someone else.” the effort is not in proportion to the outcome.
- Let the market over time tell you your price.
Source: Sam parr podcast https://youtu.be/biuC4bUMvV0
đź’žWisdom For People Who Want To Find High-Value Partners
“...anyone who's initial criteria applies to less than 20% of the world's population is going to be hard to please.” -YouTube Comment
Source: This comment under Courtney Ryan's video https://youtu.be/tlBIBNzbEFA
🌟Best Videos Of 2022 Playlist (Link)
New year, new playlist! Last year's best videos of 2021 playlist had 103 videos! I was not expecting it to have close to 100 videos but it always somehow some way lands around 100 videos a year. Unintentional too! Here is the link to the new playlist I created with six videos so far. I recommend creating your own playlist for the best videos watch for the year. But hey all power to you! Enjoy!
Playlist Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKbLC5woSAmj6mAqRJus3CXdkF2f7QJaL
Conclusion - See You Next Month! đź‘‹
That's a wrap! I hope you got your values worth in this issue. As always, send me your feedback through email or Twitter! Let me know what topics you liked! What you want to see more of! How I can improve & make your experience reading each letter more enjoyable! Don't be shy and think I won't reply. I do (except for the people pitching me right off the bat lol).
Reminder: If we don't get more than 1,000 monthly subscribers by June 1st, 2022, I will stop creating these letters. Please don't let this happen!
Ways you can help spread the word & help us get to 1,000 subscribers quicker:
- Word of mouth - tell your open-minded friends about this! Email them the digital PDF of any letter of their choice. Fuck it, send them your favorite letter for free. They will get hooked & choose to either subscribe then or not. Either way, they win.
- Leaving a great review on Gumroad! - If you love it, rate it! Review page: gum.co/posimistic
- Testimonials - I want to feature you in my marketing! Let me know how the letter has impacted your life! (Contact me via email or Twitter!) Taking pictures of you holding a Posimistic Letter & posting it to your story not only looks A E S T H E T I C but also increases your status. Source: Dude trust me.
That's everything! Thank you for reading & I'll see you soon!
Icons = Categories
♾️ = SELF - Increase Your Happiness, Self Actualization, Spirituality, & Fulfillment
⚡ = HEALTH - Increase Your Physical Energy, Vitality, & Longevity
đź’µ = WEALTH - Increase Your Income, Leverage, & Systems
đź’ž = LOVE - Increase Your Social Value, Attraction, & Self-Love
I hope you're enjoying these letters! If not, & you want to cancel your subscription, then email Elvis@posimisticplanner.com with "cancel" as the subject line. (Once you leave, there's no coming back!)
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