🌟FREE PROTAGONIST SHEET: Why I Included One For Each Of My Subscribers
💞SUCCESSFUL DATING PLAN: My Life Plan For Finding A High-Quality Partner & Having A Successful Relationship
💪MUSCLE BUILDING CALISTHENICS: How To Get Lean & Yoked Working Out At Home
🌟BITE-SIZED WISDOM: Lessons Learned Last Month
🌟Why It's Difficult Niching Down
💵Here’s Why You Shouldn't Hire For Skill First
🌟The Purpose Of Life
🌟Read This Every Morning
💵The Only-Ness Statement
🌟The 9 Step Protocol To Release Trauma Therapists Use
🌟FREE PROTAGONIST SHEET: Why I Included One For Each Of My Subscribers
Welcome! Did you like the color I chose? Black seems to be a neutral color & is the color I currently have for my own protagonist sheet. If you already created your custom protagonist sheet, great! Feel free to recycle this sheet or store it away and hope it increases in value in the future lol. All good either way.
I did this Is because I value your growth. There will be upcoming additions like Timeline bonuses, creating the Netflix of self-actualization, & more. If you’d like to digitally create your protagonist sheet, feel free to use any graphic design site like This way you can digitally add on photoshop if you like. Hope you like it! Enjoy the rest of the letter!
💞SUCCESSFUL DATING PLAN: My Life Plan For Finding A High-Quality Partner & Having A Successful Relationship
I wish I would’ve learned this years ago.
It’s so easy to just settle down with a partner who looks great on the outside but on the inside is a different story.
This is what most people do.
It’s the reason why most people get trapped in a relationship which makes both parties feel drained & miserable. It’s tempting I get it.
I wish you nothing but success in your own relationship journey where it takes you. But I do need to say some things that will go against the grain to better suit you for your future.
Don’t you wish you could just remember that the first initial impression shouldn’t be what your final decision should be? I do. And If you’re like me, then I’d like to share with you what I’m doing as someone in their twenties with ambition & on the path of self-actualization.
This is for guys looking for healthy feminine energy dominant women. So here it is.
In 2022, the dating market is rigged against us.
If you go on dating sites to find women on apps like tinder, you’re only competing to get the bottom 20% of women. While men only get a couple of matches and replies back, women are swimming in a sea of matches. It’s no one’s fault. It’s just human nature. For us guys, we aren’t complicated. All we want is someone who’s nice, looks cute, & breathes. For girls’ qualifications, it’s a whole other story bro. Not to say that all dating apps aren’t worth it, I’m just saying what most likely happens and there are some outliers who find high-quality partners but this is RARE.
So what can you do, as a man, to easily get tons of attention and options with high-quality women? Here are a couple of things...
And side note: This is just what I’m following. You can do whatever you want! Everyone’s situation is different.
- Build up your value first
What does this mean? Before you go out & try to get some action, you have to be able to bring something to the table.
Let me explain.
Women (and everyone in general) date to find others to improve their quality of life. If you live a boring life, have no ambition, etc. you won’t find & keep anyone of high caliber.
Finding someone doesn’t automatically change your life for the better. It’s your duty to create your foundation in a couple of areas. Health, Wealth, Social, Self-mastery. These are not in order and should be improved on all at the same time. Focusing on these will not only increase your own self-happiness but also make finding other beautiful women effortless! They’ll pretty much throw themselves at you & you’ll be able to pick and choose what you like from all the options you’ll be getting.
This is exactly what I’m doing. I'm waiting until I’m at least 30 years old or until I’m making more than enough for everyone in my family to thrive. I’m currently 22 y/o. That means I won’t be entering the dating market anytime soon. In the meantime, I will be on my self-improvement monk mode.
What about all the forks in the road you’ll inevitably face?
- For urges, do semen retention.
- For socializing, hang out with hometown friends or family.
- For feelings of FOMO, remember that your inner peace is the best company. While others are chasing cheap pleasure, surrounded by fake friends, & then some, you remain grounded in your true nature. Infinite love.
The reason why you should wait is because when you're in your young twenties late teens, you don't have as much value to provide. Spend your twenties building up your value which includes your income, assets, physique, health, etc.
Most men make the mistake of settling down too early. And this cuts them off from ever reaching their highest potential. No judgments if you choose this route btw. Just how I felt every time I made those types of decisions.
Okay, let’s say you put in the work & increased your value, now what?
- Once you’ve built up your value, getting matches becomes easy.
So you did it! You’re making more than enough income a month, your physique looks nice, & you’ve healed your mental state! Congrats on that W my friend!
While most dating coaches will try to focus on spitting game & techniques to pick up women, this doesn’t matter as much as you think. You could literally say anything and if the other party finds you attractive, they will go with it. Don’t believe me? Watch any of Steven Schapiro’s content on YT and try it out yourself.
That’s a wrap! This topic was just a reminder. A reminder to focus on your self-worth first before trying to find others to help fix your life. That will only set you back.
I know it gets lonely and you will spend most of your time alone with yourself for the majority of your self-improvement journey but it will be worth it! For if you don’t like how you are when you spend time with yourself, why would anyone else want to spend time with you?
Remember that loneliness is a choice. For you are never alone since your true nature includes everything and everyone who ever existed all in your infinite consciousness. The best times you’ll find nostalgic will be when you were in the mud having tears of joy looking back remembering everything you did to get to where you are now (or will be). This with a little bit of celebration here and you’ll be a walking W.
Keep up the good work!
- What happens if you find a high-quality prospect but you are still in the process of improving? - I say to shoot your shot. Befriend them. Don’t let this opportunity go to waste. Just keep them as an application for a later period in time if they are still available.
- What happens if I miss out on all the fun & parties in my twenties? - Your twenties isn’t the only decade you’re allowed to have fun. It’s time to expand your thinking! In fact, you’ll have way more fun when you’re healthy, have more income to splurge on, & more connections in the future who you now know aren’t just social vampires. The more people you meet, the more opportunities you’ll get to pick and choose who you want to spend your valuable time with. Your high school, college, hometown friends may not even be your true set of friends. Don’t get trapped in scarcity-based thinking. Just because you were boys in school doesn’t mean you owe them anything. Keep them around if they are growth-minded! Level up your connections & keep your options open for more!
- What If I don’t want to become an entrepreneur & start a business to make wealth? - No problem! You can definitely get a job but make sure it’s a job where you’re building up a high-income skill that grows over time. Don’t settle for an easy entry-level job. These may be fun in the short term but long term these will be the first types of jobs to be replaced by robots or others willing to do the work for cheaper. Avoid racing to the bottom on price!
💪MUSCLE BUILDING CALISTHENICS: How To Get Lean & Yoked Working Out At Home
It’s time to help you get big & strong my friend! I’m going to do that by laying out the protocols I’m following to maximize muscle & minimize fat accumulation.
Calisthenics is nothing fancy. All it is is working out using only your body weight. That's it. You might have seen a trend in calisthenics programs throughout the past year because of the covid lockdown. Since the gyms weren't open people were deciding to work out from home and that's was a great opportunity to start calisthenics. All you need is the following: a chin-up bar to be able to do pull-ups, a floor to do push-ups, parallettes, and optional rings if you want to.
If your goal is to get ripped, burn fat, and build muscle then calisthenics is a great option. I'm trying to get big and swole in my life haha so I like to incorporate weights and weighted calisthenics into my workout program. This way the resistance builds more muscle and the more resistance you add the more muscle & strength you'll build.
I'll be sharing with you my current protocol that any beginner can start doing to build more muscle in the comfort of their own home. Feel free to search up easier variations on YouTube for any exercise that may be too difficult for you at the moment.
Quick Disclaimer: This is cookie-cutter advice that may not work with everyone. It’s difficult to recommend fitness advice through DIY content like this which Is why I don’t like niching down to health. I recommend getting a personalized workout & nutrition plan for your needs if you can. The protocol I listed below is what worked for me to go from 125lbs to +165lbs at a very lean 10%-ish bodyfat level for over the past 6 years. Never hospitalized over an injury, always longevity focused, & want the same level of safety for you.
This program is broken in 3 parts: Training, Nutrition, & Sleep/Rest. It’s important to focus on all 3 with the same level of intention. If you only have 2 you may see some results but not to your fullest potential. If you can’t focus on all 3 at the moment, try your best to incorporate as many as you can.
Okay, let’s start with the Training first
3x a week. Workout days will follow a non-consecutive day approach of LIFT, REST, LIFT, REST, LIFT, REST, REST
EQUIPMENT: Floor, chin-up bar, rings, parallettes.
Here’s how A-B workout splits look:
Week 1
- Workout A
- Rest Day
- Workout B
- Rest Day
- Workout A
- Rest Day
- Rest Day
Week 2
- Workout B
- Rest Day
- Workout A
- Rest Day
- Workout B
- Rest Day
- Rest Day
Here’s how my current calisthenics plan is going:
Workout A
- Ring chest push up
- Ring muscle up (Fast pull up + Dip at the top) 3 sets x 5 reps
- Weighted Diamond pushups OR ring skull crushers 3 sets x 10 reps
- Pistol squats - 3 sets x 6 reps
- Back bridges - 2 sets x 10-30 second holds
- L-sits - 2 sets x 10-30 second holds
- Neck Curls - 4 sets x 25 reps
- Neck Extensions - 4 Sets x 25 reps
- Total Time: 1hr 40min
Workout B
- Assisted one arm chin-ups - 3 sets x 5 reps per arm
- Pike press - 3 sets x 10 reps
- Ring bicep curls OR Pelican curls - 3 sets x 10 reps
- Reverse Nordic leg curls - 3 sets x 6 reps per leg
- Lever holds (Front or back) - 2 sets x 30 seconds
- Back bridges - 2 sets x 5-30 second holds
- Neck Curls - 4 sets x 25 reps
- Neck Extensions - 4 Sets x 25 reps
- Total Time: 1hr 40min
What’s the point in doing these specific exercises?
All of this is to build a great physique & be able to achieve these milestones
- One-arm push-ups
- One-arm chin-ups
- One leg dragonfly squat
- Ring Iron Cross
- Ring muscle-ups
- Handstand
- Front & back levers
- Planche hold
Note: To increase muscle, keep either keep gradually adding more weight if you have some available or switch to progressively harder variations of the exercise.
- When to switch up your exercises? - Every 3-6 months you would switch up your exercises to keep stimulating new muscle growth. This means if you’ve been doing ring skull crushers for 4 months, swap it out for another triceps exercise.
- Identify your maintenance level calories using
- Eat +100 - 500 calories above maintenance on LIFT days & +100 calories above maintenance on REST days.
- Eat -100 - 500 calories below your maintenance on Lift days & -100 calories on REST days
- Spend one day of the week as a “refeed” day. This means you would eat in a +300 caloric surplus this day & load up on healthy carbs to replenish your muscles for the upcoming week.
General Advice:
- Avoid spiking insulin throughout the day. Every time you eat, you spike insulin. The goal is to reduce amount meals during the day. I do one meal a day. Combined with intermittent fasting for 16 hours
- Eat 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight (EX: if you weigh 150, your goal is to eat 150 grams of protein).
- Sleep +7.5hrs a night (the more the better for recovery)
- Light cardio like walking is okay on rest days
- Does this build muscle?
- What if I'm a complete beginner?
- What if I'm overweight?
- When can you expect to see results?
Yes. You build muscle by eating more than your body burns. That's the only way to pack on size. Refer to the training and nutrition protocol above to see what your maintenance calorie is and go from there.
If you're a complete beginner who's never been to the gym or started working out before, I recommend going to the gym first (If you can). This way it will be a lot easier for you to try new experiences, experiment with the machines and weights, and have the opportunity to meet new people who can help you specifically with your goals. You might also meet your future best friend there.
If you have lots of fat on you, you can easily reduce it over the next couple of months with a caloric deficit. You may not be able to do chin UPS or Pull-Ups at the moment but don't let that stop you. I'd recommend going to the gym or doing cardio to burn that fat afterward you're done with your main training session. Remember the gym is a luxury for some. If you have the opportunity to go to the gym then by all means go for it and do weighted resistance training.
This is a long journey. Expect to see results in 1-2 years. Yep. That's the honest truth. Discouraging? Probably for some. But worth it? Absolutely. The number of benefits you’ll get from not only your physique but also the mental clarity & happiness you get from working towards something and achieving it outweighs the time frame. This is the way, my friend.
How do I track my progress? - I used to use a small pocked notebook & jot down my progress with pencil. Now I use an app. Make sure to choose an app that has graphs & statistics. This way it’ll give you personalized progress insights based on your performance. I’ve been using Jefit for the last 3 years and it’s does the job (not sponsored).
Final Note: I hope this inspired you to get started working out & achieve your muscle-building goals. Remember, if you can get personalized coaching then by all means do it. I don’t know ish about your stats. There are plenty of people both online and in-person who will be more than happy to help! You just gotta ask & you’ll be good to go!
🌟BITE-SIZED WISDOM: Lessons Learned Last Month
This section is all about Big Ideas In Bite-Sized Pieces. These are lessons learned last month turned into mini topics. These could become main topics in the future with more content added if you like. Just DM me, let me know, & if enough people want it I'll deliver! NOTE: Whenever I give credit to someone, it does not mean I endorse their worldviews 100% now or later. I just agreed with what they had to say at this moment in time & I think you'll find value in it too. Ok, now that I defended myself against the cancel culture, let's get it into it!
- Organized the contents in 4 phases - this way it shows WHY things happen & what actions cause those consequences
- Organized the Important Disclaimers - Merged all 3 important disclaimers sections from each stage all into one above the model itself. This way it is the first thing people read & informs people appropriately.
- Named each stage Hyper masculine, hyper-feminine, & Flow
- Categorized the values into healthy masculine & healthy feminine in Stage Succeeding
- Created “How To Live A Successful Life” Infographic - This is just a fun extra I wanted to include behind the EET model.
Lessons Learned:
- 💵 I removed the 0 to 100K month title because it's not about the money, it's about the service. Me putting that title attracts people who want to get rich quickly. And I don't want that. Instead, I realize that in the world it's not beneficial if everyone is doing the exact same thing. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Some people choose to build an agency business. Some people want to become surgeons, barbers chefs, etc. If I was a doctor I would've titled this topic MEDICAL JOURNEY.
- 💵 Anyone can come in and draw the Nike logo, but that's not why it cost a million dollars to create. The reason why is because the designer has to sell the client on why this specific logo is perfect for specific use cases. The designer has to explain the logic to the client. Source: Flux academy
🌟“Bad things happen when good people do nothing.”
🌟Why It's Difficult Niching Down
“We're biologically wired to ignore what we're best at.” -Josh Terry plays.
I highly recommend checking out his content on his TikTok & this podcast was a great listen! Check it out here:
💵Here’s Why You Shouldn't Hire For Skill First
“You shouldn't hire for skill first. Skill can be taught and improved. Hire for culture and attitude. Hire someone because they will mesh with your team and you won't dread going to work every day.” -@The Gary Bird
Link to his TIkTok:
🌟The Purpose Of Life
“Your purpose is love. Because you are love. Your purpose in life should be to find ways to express who you truly are which is pure infinite love.” -Darin Rios
Check out Darin’s TikTok here:
🌟Read This Every Morning
- Today is a great day to build.
- No one is responsible for My success besides me.
- I welcome the learning process with open arms.
- Everyone was once a beginner.
- Mastery over my craft is the highest accolade.
- I will not let someone else define my self-worth.
- To unlock the upside, I must face the risk of the downside.
- I need to be patiently impatient and have a bias towards action.
- The enemy of long-term compounding is short-term results.
- Wealth is built over decades, not days.
- I have no competition because I am only competing against myself.
- The world rewards those who do what others do not.
- I trust myself and my convictions.
- Every failure is an opportunity to learn.
- Every success is an opportunity to start again.
- Forward is the only option. There is no going back.
- I own my shortcomings and leverage them to my advantage.
- Dwelling on a mistake where the lesson has already been extracted is a waste of precious time.
- My potential knows no limits.
- Simplicity is velocity, because the simple thing is the hard thing.
- It's better to move slowly in the right direction than quickly in the wrong direction.
- I do not accept any obstacle in my way.
- Tomorrow is an excuse. Do it now or don't do it at all.
- I don't know how yet... but I will figure it out.
- What I once wanted, I currently have. The destination isn't what matters.
- Hours or a poor measure of effort. Intentional practice is the only thing that matters.
- I will not judge my entire life based on a single day.
- Better to be singular and deep than multifaceted and shallow.
- Real progress is made in silence.
- Life is not a zero-sum game. We can all win.
Source: @Nicolascole77 on Twitter
I'd like to add some more of my own and they are:
- Obstacles make you stronger.
- Challenges make life exciting.
Tip: you can add all of these onto your protagonist sheet if you'd like. That's what I did with these!
💵The Only-Ness Statement
Our Brand is:
- The Only [category]
- That [point of difference]
- For [Target Audience]
- Who wants [desire/need]
- In the era of [underlying trend]
Source: @iamnicorojas on TikTok
🌟The 9 Step Protocol To Release Trauma Therapists Use
- Tracking - engage one's own senses and bodily responses in real-time.
- Resourcing - build a working memory of safe and comfortable feelings.
- Grounding - reconnect the body with the safety of its surroundings.
- Gesturing - develop a set of calming physical movements.
- Help Now - train the body to relocate its resources of resiliency.
- Shift and Stay - move away from difficult sensations, towards physical wellness.
- Titration - gently and gradually desensitize clients to stressful stimuli.
- Pendulation - shift between feelings of trauma and safety.
- Completion - act out natural stress responses within a safe environment.
Source: TRM Therapy SOP
Conclusion - (NEW) Please Read
To help you achieve the following...
🌟 = SELF - You’ve entered Stage Succeeding in EET & achieved inner peace.
💪 = HEALTH - You've achieved your dream physique, feel great, & became healthier.
💵 = WEALTH - You’ve achieved consistent financial freedom being a creator, specializing in a high-quality service, & systemized your life.
💞 = LOVE - You’ve achieved a W social life & found your high-quality partner.
If you've achieved all 4 of these then my job is complete. Feel free to unsubscribe. Go on and live your life. The point of life isn't to be dependent on my letters. It’s to find your unique way back to your true nature. Infinite unconditional love. I just hope that these letters played a teeny tiny part in your path towards it :)
Anyways, I hope you got your values worth in this issue. As always, send me your feedback through email or social media! Let me know what topics you liked! What you want to see more of! How I can improve & make your experience reading each letter more enjoyable! Fill out the form below & let me know what to improve upon! Thank you.
(NEW) Anonymous Feedback Form: (Open in Incognito Mode)
Ways to spread the word & help spread the vision:
- Word of mouth - tell your open-minded friends about this! Email them the digital PDF of any letter of their choice. Fuck it, send them your favorite letter for free. They will get hooked & choose to either subscribe then or not. Either way, they win.
- Leaving a great review on Gumroad! - If you love it, rate it! Review page:
- Testimonials - I want to feature you in my marketing! Let me know how the letter has impacted your life! (Contact me via email or Twitter!) Taking pictures of you holding a Posimistic Letter & posting it to your story not only looks A E S T H E T I C but also increases your status. Source: Dude trust me.
(NEW) Subscription Bonuses Timeline:
🎁3/mo - 1x Free 30min Call w/Elvis. 🎁12/mo - Free Access to upcoming $199 course
How To Claim These Bonuses: Message me directly & we’ll get it sorted!
That's everything! Thank you for reading & remember that the best is yet to come!
I hope you're enjoying these letters! If not, & you want to cancel your subscription, then email with "cancel" as the subject line. (Once you leave, there's no coming back!)
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