Welcome To Septemberπ€ - The year is coming to an end real quick! I just wanted to say thank you for your monthly support from these letters! I have no idea what happens when I press publish. The letter could be an absolute flop or a complete banger. You be the judge of this one lol. Alright, let's get mooovin & groooovin πΊ -Elvis
Icons = Categories
π = SELF (Category: Self-Actualization & Spirituality)
π = HEALTH (Category: Physical & Mental Health)
π΅ = WEALTH (Category: Making Money)
π = LOVE (Category: Social & Relationships)
π΅THE VALUE OF PRICE: How To Raise Your Prices & Counterintuitively Increase Sales The High-Value Way
πINSTANT HAPPINESS BOOST: How To Use This New Perspective To Let Go Of Worry & Increase Happiness For The Things You Already Have Right Now
πHIGH-VALUE VS. LOW VALUE: +16 Scenarios To Increase Attraction In Sales, Relationships, & More
πMINI-NUGGETS: Lessons Learned In August
πHow To Be Un-Cancelable
πHow To Enjoy Experiences Intrinsically
π΅The Power Of Clickbait & How To Use It Ethically
πThe Chad Food Pyramid
πMental Health Development Model: August Updates
π΅THE VALUE OF PRICE: How To Raise Your Prices & Counterintuitively Increase Sales The High-Value Way
Everyone can benefit from getting more high-value clients. If you haven't had the opportunity to work with a high-value client yet, let this topic be the guide that helps you work with more of these businesses.
Most people's problems could be solved by working with someone who knows their 'ish.' Once you get your first big project for +$5,000 (...even this is still low but to a beginner, it's like you won the lottery!), you wish you would've focused on getting more higher-value clients sooner.
My goal is to help you start selling higher ticket services to high-value clients so you can be set for life. And you're going to see more topics related to wealth creation in the future because I'm also learning more & more about attracting more higher-value clients. This is why I include everything I know with you in these letters. Either that being the lessons I've personally learned from my journey or the lessons coming from other successful individuals.
So my friend, have I convinced you to start thinking bigger? If so, now it's time to share with you the way to prosperity my friend. Let's go!
P.s This section was made in mind for those who have been rejected in the cold emails. If this is you, then you also feel burnt out from cold outreach PTSD (something I just coined lol). Cold Outreach PTSD comes after sending hundreds of cold emails, DM's, outreaches, etc & ending up not landing the deal. It sucks BAAAAD when you get it! All you wanna do is have nothing to do with sending another outreach until you've healed from all that mental stress it puts on you. This is mostly a case beginners get but when you finally land a decent-sized project, I've noted it goes away. So you have nothing to worry about if you've spent +6 months sending emails to what feels like a brick wall over and over again, you are closer than you think. Keep adapting & iterating your cold emails!
- I am not a money-making guru (I don't want to become the next Tai Lopez trust me haha)
- I am not where I want to be financially (nor am I even close!)
- Credit goes to 2 amazing people - ALEX HORMOZI - All this from what I'm about to write about does not come from me, but from someone, I look up to heavily marketing/wealth creation space named Alex Hormozi. If you're a Posimistic Letter subscriber, then there's a huge chance you will like what he teaches. He's all about ethical wealth creation who's already made his millions & creates content to help inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs. I'm going to list the majority of takeaways from his new book $100 Million Offers (not affiliated) which you can get for $0.99 on Kindle at the time of this reading. RAN SEGALL - Thank you to Ran for his videos on his YouTube channel which also motivated me to write about this topic on price. You can check out his channel which covers web design & sales here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN7dywl5wDxTu1RM3eJ_h9Q . MONEY TWITTER ACCOUNTS - Last but not least I gotta give credit to all the random tweets that have entered my timeline which made me an extra $$$. All from accounts that put in the effort to change someone's life. If you're one of these people, thank you for the valuable content you put out!
So what's the first step to charging higher prices & still increasing sales?
The people at the top who command higher prices & get those deals to pull through all have the same thing in common: Confidence. If you aren't confident that you can sell a relatively expensive service, your prospect won't budge. More often than not, we feel unconfident because that price point seems really expensive to us while not looking into the fact that to the prospect it's nothing (assumed we are talking about large businesses). To them, they see what you have as a tax write-off. Pennies on the dollar. We get so fixated on ourselves we become blind to what actually matters: THEM.
People don't value free/low-cost items. People value what's rare. What has worth is worth paying for.
I remember when I used to give away my Posimistic Planners for free every time I went to an event. I always made sure to pack at least 10 planners in my backpack at any given moment an opportunity to give was taking place. I would network with all these people, tell them a little bit about me & my planner, & out of the sheer lack of knowledge I had at the time, I was always focused on giving them for free first. I have good intentions then & good intentions now however what I didn't have back then was "The Law Of Value." It's funny, the people who I've given the planners for free probably didn't even get past week one or didn't fully use the planner's potential to its very end. While the people who've paid full price become fully invested in their 90-day journey.
But my main takeaway for you to remember isn't to charge what it's worth. Nope. It's to actually get you to charge even more for what you already have (given it's already valuable). I'll let Alex explain:
"Charge soo much it hurts" -Alex Hormozi
A most common objection to pricing high is "But I'm ripping off my clients by charging them a high price for the amount of work when I can easily do it for a smaller price for them." The response is the same: It's a ripoff if they can't afford it & you manipulated them to buy even though you knew they couldn't afford it. Remember to be THEM focused instead of ME focused. All this knowledge that I'm sharing with you first & foremost assumes you are selling an ethical service to people in a market who have enough money to pay for your offer.
"Price as high as you can! You should have no feelings of greed as long as the customer still feels like they're getting a steal. The goal isn't to price just a little higher than the current market price, the goal is to be so much higher that the client thinks to themselves 'This is so much more expensive, there must be something entirely different going on here." -Alex Hormozi
Here is the sketch from Alex's book below. Notice how increasing price only improves every positive facet of your business. When you increase your price, you win because you leave with more money & the client wins because they get the best quality
Ok, how do we make it easy to charge more? Find a starving market & Create Grand Slam Offers.
Step 1) Find a starving market
The people in your market must not want, but desperately need what you're offering. Use this pain as your pitch. If you can articulate the pain a prospect is feeling accurately, they will almost always buy what you are offering. WHY? Because they feel like you know their symptoms [probably] better than they do. They now see you as the authority. Use this authority to be ethical & set a price that seems right for them.
A starving market is simply just a fancy way of saying a cluster of people. Examples of starving markets are hungry stadium visitors, e-commerce owners who lack marketing skills, course creators who don't know how to get more students, & much much more. Notice how these people are in pain who cannot continue to grow without solving their burning desire. Once you've identified your starving market, it's time to offer them a grand slam offer.
Step 2) Create "Grand Slam Offers"
A grand slam offer makes the prospect feel stupid for saying no. This way you become a ONE of ONE business. Meaning no one else on the market is selling a similar offer like yours. This makes you irresistible & increases your value. Now the question becomes "How can I make my client's experience with my offer so good that keep coming back for more?"
To avoid becoming another commodity, you have to create your niche. Here's the mission statement template from the book:
You want to be the guy/gal who services 'this type of person' or solves 'this type of problem.' And even more niched 'I solve this type of problem for this specific type of person in this unique counter-intuitive way that reverses their deepest fear.' -Alex Hormozi
Let's take the Agency business model for example (this one I'm really excited to start doing for my Web Design Agency before the year ends). Let's say you sell advertising services to clients. the first step is to find a starving market that desperately needs to get more eyeballs on their business. Over a couple of hours of research, let's say you found the starting market of e-commerce owners who have don't know how to (or don't like to) create paid marketing campaigns. Ok, awesome! These business owners are in some much pain & are waiting for someone to come along and solve that problem. So you get to work on creating your grand slam offer & end up with this:
"I help e-commerce owners increase their sales with my "7F Advertising Accelerator" solution."
Now that we've named our offer, we then list out all of the problems e-commerce owners have & also offer these solutions inside 7F Adverting Accelerator. The key here is to make a huge list & right now next to each problem, you create a quick solution name and work on solving those problems to include into your primary offer. Like the example of Brooke Castillo:
πCommodity: Your offer looks the same as all the others out there. "You pay us to work. We do work. Maybe you get results from that work. Maybe you don't."
πPersonal Monopoly: Become one of one. Be 'the agency' that services 'this type of client' or solves 'this type of problem' in this unique counterintuitive way that reverses their deepest fear.
I'm running out of space here but all of what I covered above are the big ideas I took from Alex's book. If you want to check out his book which covers way more info than I did, you can check it out here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/100M-Offers-People-Stupid-Saying-ebook/dp/B099QVG1H8 This is not an affiliate link nor does Alex even know I'm mentioning him in this letter. But hey, do with what I gave you here & run with it! The kindle version is literally 0.99 cents. Okay, it's time to move onto the next topic...
πINSTANT HAPPINESS BOOST: How To Use This New Perspective To Let Go Of Worry & Increase Happiness For The Things You Already Have Right Now
This is going to be a nuanced topic that isn't really talked about in the self-improvement world let alone mainstream media lol. But that's my job here. I give you big ideas that will help you grow every month on your journey to reaching your highest potential. With that being said, I'd like to tell you about this very powerful yet simple perspective that will give you an instant happiness boost once applied. This is going to be powerful and if not careful with this power can be interpreted falsely in the wrong hands. There will be space for you to write in the exercise I will show in the coming paragraphs but all I ask is that you come in with an open mind. Just like all the topics I share which require a dismantling of the ego. Ok, this was my disclaimer for this topic, I hope you're prepared for what's about to come! Let's get it!
What's the instant happiness boost? I like to call It "The Rental Mindset"
This is for those who have a hard time letting go of things. This will help you re-contextualize EVERYTHING and give you peace of mind that no matter what happens, everything is going to be fine. The problem I notice with a lot of people is their sense of attachment. It's human nature after all bro, don't get me wrong. However, the things we own if not careful can end up owning us. The very excitement we once had when we had the desire to own X, all of a sudden disappears after a certain amount of time with it. But what if we could rekindle that fire we once had again for the things we already have right now? Do you realize the benefits that would come about if we could do so? We would get increased happiness which then leads to positive outcomes without having to try.
"Okay Elvis, I hear you but how can we do this? How can I re-spark that fire I once had for the things I already own? I'm glad you asked my friend, let's begin with an exercise. I've provided some lines below for you to write down. Ok, are you ready to begin? Start listing out the things you THINK you own below & don't scroll further until you've written down at least 5 things. This may seem simple enough to be easily skipped but please take this seriously. The growth you will get will be determined by the amount of effort you put in. Don't continue reading until you have your list. Ok, go! βοΈ
Do you have your list? Ok. Most people will list down things like their car, their house, their girl, their equipment, their job, their original ideas, etc. Awesome! That's a reasonable list! Now I want to take this time to go over each Item most people say they own & direct it even deeper. We will be going over both perspectives into account here & see what happens if we believe each.
The first perspective will be the side that believes you own it. The second perspective will be the side that believes you don't own it & instead show us what happens if we treat it as a rental.
Do you really own your car?
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU OWN IT - If you were to die today & you chose not to give away the keys, it will be left in the dust, develop rust, & degrease over time. A car in the parking lot is safe but that's not what cars are built for. This means you rob someone else's opportunity to use it & give someone a new vehicle.
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU'RE RENTING IT - If you were to lose it today, you wouldn't be bothered by it. You can let go with gratitude because it was never really yours. It helped you get from point A to point B. It helped you when you really needed to go somewhere important in time. You become grateful you got the opportunity to even drive it in the first place while others only dreamt of being able to drive a car like yours. Now wherever it is, it's in a better place! If it was destroyed, then its pieces will be reused to create something new & you get insurance payments. If it was stolen, then it's going to help someone who was in desperate need improve their life & allows you to upgrade cars. If you were to die, then it will fulfill its purpose with a new driver. Either way, both you & "your" car win in the end because It was never yours, it was just your turn.
Do you really own your home?
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU OWN IT - If you were to die today & you chose not to put your house on the market, it will develop dust, weeds, & cracks. This means you rob someone else's opportunity to help your home thrive & put a roof over someone's head in the neighborhood.
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU'RE RENTING IT - If you were to lose it today, you wouldn't be bothered by it. You can let go with gratitude because it was never really yours. It helped give you a roof overhead, housed your friends, & improved your overall quality of life. You become grateful you even got the opportunity to live in such a place while others only dreamt of being able to live in such a place. Now whatever it is, it's in a better place because of you! When you die, it will house new residents & let the flow of life continue. Either way, both you & "your" house win in the end because It was never yours, it was just your turn.
Do you really have a girlfriend?
IF YOU BELIEVE SHES YOURS - If you were to die today & you didn't want anyone else to have your girlfriend, she would get lonely & possibly be in a worse position than before. Think about it bro, if she doesn't find someone else, she will probably be worse off because she thinks she can never break your bond.
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU'RE RENTING - If you were to lose her today, you wouldn't be bothered by it. You can let go with gratitude because she was never really yours. She supported you when you were down, gave you amazing sex, performed random acts of kindness, & helped you in so many other ways. You become grateful you even got the opportunity to have her as a girlfriend while others only dreamt of being able to date a girl like yours. Now wherever she is, she's in a better place because of you. If she broke up with you, then you know it was never really working out in the first place. You find someone better & she finds someone better as well. Either way, both of you win in the end because she was never yours bro, it was just your turn.
Do you really own your equipment?
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU OWN IT - If you were to die today & you chose to hide it away, your equipment would lose its purpose & value. The people with problems which your equipment solves can't be solved or takes longer to solve.
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU'RE RENTING IT - If you were to lose it today, you wouldn't be bothered by it. You can let go with gratitude because it was never really yours. It helped you complete task X, helped speed up your work, & increased your overall productivity. You become grateful you even got the opportunity to even use your equipment while others only dreamt of being able to afford or use equipment like yours. It was never yours, it was just your turn.
Do you really have the job?
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU OWN IT - If you were to die today & you didn't want anyone else to fill in your spot, the company will lose money. That person who's been working hard can't get promoted because there are no other perfect positions for him/her. The problem you solved daily can't get solved anymore which creates more problems. All because you said no one can replace you & the company chose to honor your request.
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU'RE RENTING IT - If you were to lose it today, you wouldn't be bothered by it. You can let go with gratitude because it was never really yours. It helped you pay your bills, gave you a sense of life purpose, & gave you so many other benefits! You become grateful you even got the opportunity to even work at this job while others only dreamt of being able to land a job like yours. Now your position is filled again or closed to open up new job opportunities. Either way, both you & the company win in the end because it was never really yours, it was just your turn.
Do you really have those original ideas?
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU OWN IT - You demand to always be credited whenever someone else uses or talks about your ideas. Thus lowering the chance of getting your original ideas to spread out more & gives you a snarky reputation.
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU'RE RENTING IT - If you were to lose it today, you wouldn't be bothered by it. You can let go with gratitude because it was never really yours. Those ideas helped give you extraordinary insights, increased your status, & connected the dots in your brain. You become grateful you were even allowed to think of such ideas while others only dreamt of having your knowledge & time to brainstorm. Now wherever your ideas go (& inevitably get plagiarized), they will have helped others connect the dots in their brain. No feelings of attachment because they were never really yours, it was just your turn.
Do you really own your body parts?
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU OWN IT - If you were to die today & you chose not to donate your body parts, they will lose out on possibly a chance to serve a higher purpose for someone in need. And instead, all the worms in your coffin will have a hell of a feast haha.
IF YOU BELIEVE YOU'RE RENTING IT - If you were to lose one today, you wouldn't be bothered by it. You can let go with gratitude because it was never really yours. Example: You lose your hand - It helped you accomplish so many things, sped up tasks, & overall increased your productivity. You become grateful you were even given the opportunity to use it while others only dreamt of being born with one. Now, wherever your hand is, it's serving a purpose. Either way, both you & "your" hand win in the end because it was never really yours, it was just your turn. (note: I do not permit the taking of anyone's limbs without their permission. That is immoral & unjust by God. This is only for those who end up in accidents & were given no other option but to remove their hand).
For whatever you wrote down, ask yourself these questions: "Do you really own it?" "Can I swap my perspective to start thinking in terms of renting it out instead of feeling like I own it?" Then go from there. People's dark side emerges when they think they own something. It's why I'm not a big fan of letting my ego run the show. When I first did this exercise, I wrote down those things I listed about & laid out both perspectives for each thing I listed down. The result? I feel like I released a heavy anchor from my mind. I remember when me and my family were getting evicted from our old apartments a couple of years ago, I felt like fighting back for my apartment because our old landlords kicked us out for no reason. As much as I loved it to death since this is where I spent the majority of my childhood, I knew if I were to actually take them to court, the upside wouldn't be worth it. If we would have actually won that case against the landlords, there would've been heated tensions like never before. Imagine living in an apartment complex where you're landlords hate you & continue to sabotage your lifestyle because you won a battle against them. Yeah, not my style either. Which is why I left instead lol. But ever since leaving we found a higher quality neighborhood with better apartments & more on-site features than last time. And you know what? I stopped caring about those old apartments ever since. I'm better off & my old landlords are better with a new set of residents. We both won in the end. All it cost me was a little short-term discomfort in the beginning & the rest unfolded itself.
One thing we know for certain is that nature is always changing. Your plans change. Your interests change. Everything changes in order to keep the flow of life going. It's much easier to change when we aren't holding onto anything. When we view everything as a rental, we get excited for the next chapter in our lives. It's when we resist change, we begin to create hell on earth & embody traits of the devil: envy, sloth, wrath, greed, you name it.
You might be thinking "BUT I LOVE MY GIRL & SHE PROMISED TO BE LOYAL UNTIL DEATH DO US APART!" My response to this is a little controversial... but fuck it. I think this whole marriage system we have in the west is outdated. It seems like it was made for a Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue/Orange era. As society starts to ascend to the next stage after Orange (Orange β Green), there will be a new system in place that is up to date. Listen, if your girl wants to NOT find a man after you're dead, great! she won't! If she does want to find another man after your death, she will without your permission. You can't influence her anymore once you're dead bro.
As souls, we often forget that we aren't the human we see ourselves in the mirror every morning. We are the infinite being that powers this meat-filled vehicle. It's hard to remember all the time that this is our true nature & this new perspective acts as a great anchor. By chance, you can predict your human experience will last on average +85 years and then you merge back with the infinite universe. But don't worry! Everyone (myself included) goes through this so there's no need to have a mental breakdown. Nothing bad happens at the time of our death. It's funny to think that humans, whose biggest fear is the fear of death, labels it as the worst thing to possibly happen when in reality it doesn't know that to be true. Since there is no way to prove that death is the worst thing to happen, it just assumes this right off the bat. But this is a topic for another day ;).
The reason I shared all of this with you is because this new perspective makes you think in terms of purpose. Everything you see around (living or non-living) has a purpose to fulfill & value to give. Still crazy for me to believe since I only thought living things could only have a life purpose. But nope. The chair you're sitting on has a life purpose. The clothes you're wearing have a life purpose. Heck, even the smallest atoms in the universe have a purpose. And everyone & everything was built with a purpose in mind. The purpose was given by the creator. The creator of the chair I'm sitting on built it with the purpose in mind of it being used for someone to sit on it. The clothes you're wearing are living up to its purpose & you're making the designer of your shirt proud for doing so. What's the purpose for humans? it's a little fuzzy. I don't think anyone has a concrete answer for this yet. Personally, I think the meaning of life is to give life meaning. This means YOU give you're own purpose. Doing so makes you the creator of yourself! And TBH, once you understand this fully, you unlock a feeling of enlightenment. You get to use this human life for whatever you want. And I think that's beautiful as fuck.
Let's make this practical: For today (after you're done reading this letter), let go of owning things, remind yourself often that we truly don't own ANYTHING. Since we own nothing, that means we aren't affected when it gets destroyed, stolen, or lost. So will you give this perspective a try? Let me know how it goes if you do! Ok, enough flowing, let's wrap this Posimistic letter up with a value list!
πHIGH-VALUE VS. LOW VALUE: +16 Scenarios To Increase Attraction In Sales, Relationships, & More
I'm starting to see a trend in each letter of the last topic being a large list of knowledge. And I have no problem with continuing this trend if you like it too! Let's make 004's list topic about high value. I'll be sharing with you below a comparison list of ways we can either come off as High Value or Low Value. Are you ready? Let's GO!
Low-Value: Cold Advertising
High-Value: Word of mouth & referrals
Reason Why: We often trust our closest friends' opinions over someone new trying to get our attention for something. With cold advertising, you have to spend so much time lowering down their guards. With word of mouth, their guards are already lowered without you having to do anything extra. Ask for referrals for new work & to invite your friends' friends to your next event.
Low-Value: Slumped, hands in pocket, avoids eye contact, no smiles to be shown
High-Value: Tall, arms open, shoulders back + lowered, warm smile, confident eye contact
Reason Why: Your body language lets other's know if they can trust you or not. If your body language is open, you let everyone in the room know you're open for conversations & this alone could lead to some surprising opportunities.
Low-Value: Acts Cheap & Asks For Discounts
High-Value: Buys Premium Option & Still Leaves A Tip
Reason Why: Giving an extra tip shows the type of person you are without saying anything. It gives the seller an extra bit of cash & they treat you better next time you visit. Bonus if someone gives you something for free and you pay them anyway = ππππ
Low-Value: Come Empty-Handed
High-Value: Bring Gifts With You
Reason Why: Never come empty-handed to an event. Bring something that adds to the vibe. It can be a gift, some drinks, group games, etc.
Low-Value: Looks like you're in a rush & like you don't want them here
High-Value: Looks out for their needs, expanding on what they say, & offering without expectations
Reason Why: Human-centric approach wins! Making them feel at home rewards you with so many things down the line. Ex: If they look sweaty, offer them a drink. If you notice they're experiencing something & you have the solution, offer it.
Low-Value: Look uninterested & only talk about yourself.
High-Value: Ask them questions that make them talk about themselves & crack some jokes
Reason Why: Inserting humor in any situation almost always lightens the mood & makes everyone more receptive to what you have to say. Associating you with good vibes. The energy you give off will stick inside their minds for next time.
Low-Value: No standards
High-Value: High standards yet flexible
Reason Why: If you're client/woman arrives late, they will most often then not make it a habit & which costs you time in the end. set some standards & make them fun! If your client arrives 2min late to a call, they have to buy you a coffee. If your girl arrives late, tell her she will have to make it up to you in another way ;)
Low-Value: High Pitched Voice
High-Value: Low Pitched Deep Voice
Reason Why: The deeper your voice, the more powerful you come off sub-consciously. Women will want you. Clients will respect you.
Low-Value: Asks them out
High-Value: Invites them out
Reason Why: Inviting shows you have a social life & puts the ball in their court. It makes it super easy for them to say YES.
Low-Value: Back & forth communication
High-Value: Use a scheduling link. Either you send yours or ask if they have one.
Reason Why: This shows you 1) respect your clients' time 2) saves you time from back & fourth communication
Low-Value: Working for free
High-Value: Working with a fee
Reason Why: Most time clients will rather pay you to get something done well rather than having it done for free. High-value clients value time over money.
Low-Value: "Me" Focused
High-Value: "Them" Focused
Reason Why: Assume people are busy & selfish when asking something from them. Tailor your "Ask" with something that benefits them if they say 'Yes' & makes them feel dumb for saying 'No.'
Low-Value: Lifeless Professionalism
High-Value: Charismatic Seduction
Reason Why: Women are human. Clients are Humans. People remember more how you made them feel over what you had to say. Emotion > Work.
Low-Value: Creating To Work
High-Value: Working To Create
Reason Why: Having to create creates low-quality work. When you aren't required to work, you create your best work. Free Flow Spontaneity > Neediness Force.
Low-Value: Approaching when it's easy
High-Value: Approaching when it's hard
Reason Why: If you have to wait for the perfect time to make the approach, she will go away & you'll be left with regret. If you approach when it's difficult meaning she's surrounded with her friends for example, and you just make an approach without neediness or expectations, you've surpassed the high barrier of entry & more likely to come off as confident for doing so.
Low-Value: Hide the process of your business
High-Value: Be transparent.
Reason Why: When clients get to see some behinds the scenes action, they feel more attracted to your brand. Clients attracted to us = longer-lasting clients.
πMINI-NUGGETS: Lessons Learned in August
Big Ideas In Bite-Sized Pieces. These are lessons learned last month. These mini topics could become main topics in the future with more content added if you like. Just DM me, let me know, & if enough people want more I'll deliver! NOTE: Whenever I give credit to someone, it does not mean I endorse their worldviews 100% now or later. I just agreed with what they had to say at this moment in time. I think you'll find value in it as I did. Ok, that's all! Let's get it into it!
πHow To Be Un-Cancelable
Be Unapologetic to cancel culture. As long as you're high conscious & not bad intentioned. If for example, you want to kill babies you should probably be canceled bro π All jokes aside, here is the link to the original video of Mila Kunis on Cancel Culture: https://youtu.be/xB9gZW7RZcw
Favorite Top Comments β¬
"The first defense against cancel culture is to be unapologetic. There's a reason you never hear Bill Burr or Dave Chappelle apologizing for habitually crossing PC lines. It's because they know the moment you apologize, you've lost to the woke goons. Stand up to them, throw it back in their face and keep doing you. Eventually, they'll run out of breath and support and the world will right itself, but you can't give in to the bullies, and that's exactly who these people are." -Top Comment
"We are supposed to be loving and accepting of other people, but as soon as those people challenge your opinions or beliefs.. they cancel you." -Top Comment
"The problem with cancel culture: 1. They think they are perfect. 2. They think they are always right. 3. They think that every bad person should starve to death because of unemployment. 4. They want celebrities to be as humble as a regular human being, and as perfect as god. 5. And they think that bullying is the answer to everything." -Top Comment
"I think cancel culture comes from general public being angry and sad about something in their own life but takes it out on celebrities whenever there's an excuse to do so." -Top Comment
A possible solution to all this? π
"let's start FORGIVENESS culture." -Top Comment
ππππππππI SECOND THIS!ππππππππ
πHow To Enjoy Experiences Intrinsically
My man Leo has been pumping out bangers lately! His recent video gave me some food for thought. Link to the original video: https://youtu.be/JZqEMok_NXw
Love isn't something you do, it's something you are. Goodness isn't something you do, it's something you are.
Do a good deed and tell no one about it. So you can develop your rewards centers from intrinsic validation instead of extrinsic validation. To bring out more qualities of god. Think "I love being pure & good just because! That's my true nature!"
If all the humans, animals, beings, etc. don't exist and you can't enjoy life anymore, that means you have some areas to improve on. It shows you've built up all these extrinsic mechanisms. If you can go your whole life without beings, you're complete.
"To live the most selfless life, you have to live very selfishly" -Leo Gura on the root solution to people-pleasing
π΅The Power Of Clickbait & How To Use It Ethically
"There's no such thing as clickbaity headlines, only clickbaity content" -Dickie Bush.
My interpretation from him is If you actually have something valuable to share, it's okay to use clickbait headlines to get more readers to read. It would be immoral to keep your knowledge hidden. It's your responsibility to get it out to as many people as possible.
πThe Chad Food Pyramid
NOTES: 1) This is more or so Keto but the structure has some use. 2) It's not perfect & I want to make my own food pyramid in the future which includes vegan, dairy-free, soy-free options but for now, this image has value!
πMental Health Development Model: August Updates
- No big breakthroughs this month. I'm planning on making a version where stage green will be in the middle instead of on the far right side of the page. That way it shows that we need a balance of both energies. Who knows what happens! These are just candid thoughts at the moment!
Conclusion - See You Next Month! π
That's a wrap! I hope you got your values worth in this issue. As always, send me your feedback through email or Twitter! Let me know what topics you liked! What you want to see more of! How I can improve & make your experience reading each letter more enjoyable! Don't be shy and think I won't reply. I do (except for the people pitching me right off the bat lol).
Reminder: If we don't get more than 1,000 monthly subscribers by June 1st, 2022, I will stop creating these letters. Please don't let this happen!
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- Word of mouth - tell your open-minded friends about this! Email them the digital PDF of any letter of their choice. Fuck it, send them your favorite letter for free. They will get hooked & choose to either subscribe then or not. Either way, they win.
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That's everything! Thank you for reading & I'll see you soon!
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